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Pakistan to gift old submarines to Bangladesh Navy

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What is wrong with young pakistani kids---why is it that if things don't go the way you want to---you start insulting and start attacking the persona of the poster.

What do you think people----PAF checked out the Grippen for a couple of years and then dumped it for another fighter----should swedes be on our case---after getting all the technology of Augusta---we dump it for the german subs---french should have every reason to be pissed off at us---they gave us the design of one of their top machines ---they had 17 plus of their engineers killed---who suuffered more than the french----but still they deal with us with a smile on their faces---.

And here we are dealing with our real half brothers---and instead of showing love and understanding, we are taking every oppurtunity to insult them----where is the decency---where is the common sense---.

Some of these young men on this board will grow up to be the men in important position someday in their respective countries----is this the image we want them to have of the pakistanis when we are sitting across the table---when you speak at an international forum---we may not see it---but others do see the color of our flag on top of our heads---and they notice it very well.

If the reader does not like a certain post and feels their blood boiling---and heat starts to be creeping upto the top which is at the stage to blow up----please take a deep breath---slow down---read the post again---many a times you will realize that it is not neccessary to answer that post if you were not a part of starting the conversation----just let it go.

You know---with this invisible screen that we have amongst us---we never know who is on the other side. So---please help us not to make a fool of ourselves.:cheers:
I tried to check on the net and in this thread but couldn't find the answer to my question.

Are these subs with the Bangladesh Navy now?

I am hoping to see 'yes'
I tried to check on the net and in this thread but couldn't find the answer to my question.

Are these subs with the Bangladesh Navy now?

I am hoping to see 'yes'

I'm afraid to say "no"...
But anyway after this tragic mutiny, Pakistan should provide Bangladesh armed forces extreme support and help them to re-organization much as possible.
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Thanks a lot, I appreciate it.
BN is also acquiring 4x guided missile frigates and 3x guided missile frigates (later another 3x in the second batch). BD and Pakistan need to develop excellent defence relations; BN and PN wil be using the same FACM developed in a joint venture and both will be procuring the Milgem Class guided missile corvette. By 2020 BN plans to induct 16x Milgems, so cooperation and friendship will be increasing manifold. The Milgem will be locally produced at KSY of BN.

That's a lot of new ships. How/where will they be sourced and how are they funded. Last I recall, BN isn't a rich country. How can they afford 7-10 frigates plus 16 corvettes? Considering BN currently has only 5 major surface units, of which only 1 can be considered modern (and this South Korean built ship was payed for by Saudi Arabia).
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Hi Penguin,

I believe that actually bangladesh is in a decent shape financially---as compared to pakistan. They had a very good run fo their economy in the last 10 years---and they haven't spent all that money to buy new weapons systems over the years----so some of those funds would have been accumulating in the reserve.

I believe that BD feels an urgent need to upgrade its navy and air force---navy to safe guard its oil resource in the seas---I believe that india is claiming some area---secondly Bd wants to go for some air dominance fighters---that would bring in the J 10's or mig 29 upgrades !!!

I think that just like PAF---BD forces have been caught napping in their future procurement of a potent weapons and strike systems like naval aegis type ship / or a potent frigate---just like PAF---they have been sleeping---thinking that either the threat won't happen or the threat would go away. The recent incursion of indian navy into bangladeshi waters must have been an eye opener---.

Now---just like us---they are onto the 'CATCH UP GAME' with india---.

You know what---I would like to see the Bangladesh flag in the icon section---.
You know what---I would like to see the Bangladesh flag in the icon section---.

Thanks a lot for bringing this up. Appreciate your thought. If this happen than it will be well appreciated by Bangladeshi members. I hope admin would consider our wishes.

Thank you brother....:cheers:
Already a locally designed OPV is under construction at KSY. An OPV in BN is a vessel of 50~60m length’ there are currently 10-12 OPVs in BN service.

AFAIK, BN has only 6 OPVs, the ex-UK Island class patrol vessels (about 60m, 1300 tons), of which 1 is used as training ship (since 1993) while the others are used for patrol duties (since 2003).

The two guided missile frigates BNS Khalid bin Walid and BNS Osman are very capable and advanced warships.
These are the only SSM equipped frigates of BN. Neither is equipped with SAMs, nor are the other 3 ex-UK frigates. They cannot be classified as guided missile frigates. BNS Osman is a modified chinese Jianghu class (Type 53H1) commisioned in 1989. It's been modernized in recent years but is certainly not an advanced ship. BNS Khalid Bin Walid (commissioned 2001, decommed 2002-2006, recommissioned 2007) is a far more modern and capable unit but still a relatively simple vessel.

Besides Saudi Arabia has not paid for the vessel, that was false news and it seem to have gained immense popularity.The BNS KBW was paid for by the Government, not Saudi Arabia. The vessel had a list price of US$150 million, but as we maintain excellent defence relations with South Korea, the country of the manufacturer they gave it to us at a discounted price of US$100 million. Then a further US$50 million were spent to upgrade the vessel, install SAM and addition of a naval helicopter.
Perhaps they (SA) merely financed the deal, rather than actually paid it? Given the trouble the KBW experienced, it is not more than fitting that the South Koreans offered a discount!

3x guided missile frigates will be procured within 2009-2010 as deals for it are almost complete. Another 3x guided missile frigates will be procured over the next few years. Already another deal is almost close to completion to procure AshMs for the frigates. 3 older frigates will be retired as soon as newer ones enter service. SAMs will also be procured for the frigates within the period 2009-2010.

What designs, what yards are in the running? Or are they used ships? Moreover, what sources does this come from??

With an upgraded KSY and a booming shipping industry BD is building vessels for many countries, so we definitely have the expertise, once we get the ToT from other nations we will be building our own surface combatants. BN now operates locally designed and built classes of tankers and tugs, now we no longer have to import them.
No doubt as to abilities/capabilities. Just stunned by finance and personnel issues involved.

As for the 16x guided missile corvettes the vessels will be built at KSY with ToT. The vessel of choice is the same one chosen by PN, the Turkish Milgem Class. It was inspected by BN personnel and they were satisfied with it. A plan was announced in 2005 to first procure 4x corvettes and later another 12x vessels.

If the frigates are second hand, then some of the 16 Milgems would serva as replacements, rather than additions?
6x Island Class

1x Hainan Class (converted to an OPV)

2x Kraljevica Class

1x Sea Dragon Class

1x Type-010G Class (MCV but equipped and used as an OPV)

2x Leopard Class Patrol Frigate

1x Salisbury Class Patrol Frigate

These 3x frigates are used for patrol and training purposes. According to Wikipedia BN has only 6x OPVs, i.e. the Island Class but there are other classes of OPVs which they have just classified as ‘patrol craft.’

At the moment these 2 are the only guided missile frigates.

BNS KBW is equipped with the Chinese built FM-90N SAM:

BNS KBW is armed with 4x Otomat Mk.II Block IV AshMs, these are highly advanced and capable missiles. It is equipped with sophisticated and proven systems from Western manufacturers.

What do you exactly mean that it is a relatively simple vessel? It is one of the most advanced warships of South Asian operators. There is nothing ‘incomplete about it.’

BNS Osman is certainly now an advanced and capable warship. It has recently gone through extensive upgrades. It is armed with 8x C-802A SSMs and SAMs will be installed on it shortly.
Upgrade process is still not complete.

The Saudis had nothing to do with the procurement process at all. Though we maintain excellent defence relations with KSA. Trouble? Trouble started after commissioning into BN, not before it was delivered!

BN’s First Frigate Squadron was already complete with 4x frigates when the Ulsan (mod.) Class was procured, so the BNS KBW is the first vessel in the Second Frigate Squadron, after KBW was ordered 3x more frigates were required to complete the squadron. With that and as I have mentioned before BD and RoK share excellent defence relations, they gave us the discount. Not anything else.

Limited information available at moment. All I now is it is an OPV that is being locally developed at BN’s Khulna Shipyard (KSY), it is a new vessel under construction. I will do more research and post any details I find.

Personnel are not a major concern. BD personnel are one of the best trained, they have taken part in various regional and international exercises and training courses. New personnel are being trained all the time. Funds is also not a major obstacle, many ships will be locally built and manufacturers have offered us incentives in some cases including the Type-209 sub deal.

No. The first 3x frigates will be replacements for 3x older frigates. The second batch of 3x frigates will be additions. All the 12-16 Milgem Class corvettes will be new additions.


PS: PDF has some sort of coding that prevents some URLs from being seen. To visit the pages quote my post and replace the ***********s with ***************

khaled bhai, somethings wrong with the bdmilitary website... it does not show up on the screen... Webmaster said that the owner apparently gets pissed off that way...
Hi every one ,
I really want 2 say that why should we give them those 2 Daphane class U-Boats out of tree whic are decomissioned with just retrofits. Why not to give them the most Hi-tech if cost is included Agosta-90B with MESMA AIP which the DCNS have given us the licence to market and produce even for export to other countries if u want a link:
Naval Technology
then go to the submarine section and click on the Agosta-90B and read it carefully and also read about something about U-214 also.
In my opinion the remaining subs 3 of them Daphane class should be recyceled and 1 of them should be used for teaching purpose for the new students.
Hi every one ,
I really want 2 say that why should we give them those 2 Daphane class U-Boats out of tree whic are decomissioned with just retrofits. Why not to give them the most Hi-tech if cost is included Agosta-90B with MESMA AIP which the DCNS have given us the licence to market and produce even for export to other countries if u want a link:
Naval Technology
then go to the submarine section and click on the Agosta-90B and read it carefully and also read about something about U-214 also.
In my opinion the remaining subs 3 of them Daphane class should be recyceled and 1 of them should be used for teaching purpose for the new students.

First of all the news turns out to be fake however for your question, let me try to answer it. The old subs that we were giving to the BD were free of cost, even the retrofits were going to be done free of cost. However if BDis interested in Agosta 90b and has the money to pay for it then why not. At the end of the day its their call, moreover BD seems to be interested in a german sub.
ICE COLD go and have a look on the site so u will believe it and in this time when we are askink for loans to I.M.F well over $10 billion where is all that money for retrofit would come to the PN who as already cut down its induction of MRTP-33 may be from 15-20 to just 6-7.It is really good to hear that BD's are looking for german subs U-214 like PN.
My Opinion:
I wanted to say that if germans refuse to give them the subs or if BD's found it to be expensive then it would be good or them to get Agosta-90B being built in PAKISTAN may be 2-3 of those mean macines wit even Mesma AIP.
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