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Pakistan protests India glacier tourism plan

Sumbady gon' gyt shat.

Anyone know how much of the Siachin glacier is under the control of India and how much in control of Pakistan? What exactly are the tourists gonna do there? Aren't there enough mountains elsewhere for these tourists?
We screwed up in siachin in Zia era leaving it un inhabitated, indians took over, so whats the point crying over spilt milk. Either you take it from them which i dont seem to see it happening if not let them do what they want too.
Tourism does not mean the normal tourists. It is for mountaineers and trekkers.

No can build up the infrastructure that would be required for normal tourism since it would be astronomical in terms of cost and the environmental damage would be colossal.

I presume it will be like the 'tourism' on the lines of Mount Everest,
care to elaborate WHY it is not a good move?

bcoz as told by foreign ministry would effect the relations of both countries, & it also prove that India is not sincere with Pakistan, no matter what we do they will not listen to us they will just do what they want without thinking of what will effect will it leave on the Turtle speed Pak-india relations. i say "it is not a wise move" bcoz it can all out end the peace process going on.
Sorry to Indian members but it seems India don't care about peace process.

The only way to win with such a neighbour is by war. Yes, guys. The final solution. ;)
bcoz as told by foreign ministry would effect the relations of both countries, & it also prove that India is not sincere with Pakistan, no matter what we do they will not listen to us they will just do what they want without thinking of what will effect will it leave on the Turtle speed Pak-india relations. i say "it is not a wise move" bcoz it can all out end the peace process going on.
Sorry to Indian members but it seems India don't care about peace process.


Thumbs ups for wilco, if indians are permiited they will claim this area. its pakistan land and accroding to india they claim on whole pakistan
The only way to win with such a neighbour is by war. Yes, guys. The final solution.

& i hope that this final solution dosen't come till we have Atomic weapons, & our neighbors will have some sense to avoid incidents like this.

The only way to win with such a neighbour is by war. Yes, guys. The final solution.

History indicates China, apart from moral support, has done nothing substantial.

Pakistan is in the throes of a serious internal political tussle and turmoil.

Balochistan, Northern Areas or even FATA and NWFP are not too well disposed with the present dispensation.

NATO and the US are sitting pretty on the Afghanistan border and with serious problems in Iraq, it sure wishes to clear the Aegean stables.

A war with India will allow them to have a free hand and indeed, it would be a two front conflict for Pakistan, while at the same time, they (US and NATO) will claim it is no war that they are engaged in and instead are merely engaging the Taliban! The NWFP will rise against such an 'invasion' by infidels and the Fedral govt would find it has bitten more that what it can chew!

The US India defence cooperation is also a factor that should be taken into account. The US will not intervene directly, but there are ways of assistance as Pakistan is well aware of since they have been the protège of the US for long and under that umbrella fought India.

History has not indicated that Pakistan has been able to overwhelm India in wars.

Therefore, going to war, may not solve anything, excepting adding to Pakistan's problems.

Indeed, it would be a final solution.

But for who?

Siachen is hardly worth the destruction of nations.

I think there is one left, if the same bully attitude of Indian government remains for so long.

History has showed that Pakistan cannot be bullied.
History has showed that Pakistan cannot be bullied.

What exactly is Bush and Cheney doing? If that is not bullying, then what is it? Bush rapped Pakistan on the knuckles standing on Pakistan territory! What more do you want, to indicate who is being bullied? I maybe an Indian, but Bush's insensitivity was too much! One does not do it in a host's country where one is a guest!

And then came Cheney! As if Pakistan is the US' 51 State! One after the other. Name the US personage of import and they come in and out of Pakistan as if they are playing musical chairs. The way they strut about and hector is too much for comfort for anyone.

Is Siachen Pakistan's?

If a country exerts its right on territory that is hers, is that bullying?

If you are talking about atomic weapons, one launch by Pakistan and she is obliterated. India will be affected, but then some Indians will still survive. That will not be the case with Pakistan. Whoever launches a nuke first is dead meat as far as the world is concerned and the world itself will obliterate such an irresponsible state.

It is ridiculous to even think on a nuclear confrontation.

Fortunately, both the govts show better maturity than what is being advocated here.
What exactly is Bush and Cheney doing?


If a country exerts its right on territory that is hers, is that bullying?

Siachen is not India's. It is occupied by India.

I thought these questions were pretty self explanatory. Yet, i am surprised.

Secondly, I dont expect both of us to teach each other whose land it is. Rather, what can we do to solve it!

But, i am unsure of Indian intentions to solve anything!
Secondly, I dont expect both of us to teach each other whose land it is. Rather, what can we do to solve it!

...and we all know of Pakistan's pristine track record in "solving" the disputed issues.:woot:
After Kargil you guys really shouldn't try and take the moral high ground.
Siachen is hardly worth the destruction of nations.
Every Inch of your Land is worth more then our live. & Sichain not even a Inch, meter, but it is a whole valley that was captured by deceive & you say it does not worth anything.

-We have lost our best soldiers,
-We are fighting over it from last 22 year, j
-We have Risked the lives of our finest ones,
-We Risked our Pride over it.
-We knew that we are not prepared for it but still send our soldiers.
-We knew that we dont have proper eqipment still send our soldiers.
-We Knew that there is less probability of their return bcoz of the weather.
===All this just bcoz it got no worth ??

Every inch of our Land worth more then our Lives & we will fight for it till end, whether you solve it peacefully or by war, now that ball is i the court of india.

Wilco :pakistan:
Salim sahib, after the editting. It is much more mature.

Thank you! :)

...and we all know of Pakistan's pristine track record in "solving" the disputed issues.
After Kargil you guys really shouldn't try and take the moral high ground.

Oh pleeeeeezz...
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