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India ''protests'' to Beijing on Sino-Pak corridor

You try to punch above your weight and get knocked out in the process...and feel you should be appreciated for it..There is nothing to admire in stupidity.

Don't pick a fight that you can not win..that is basest of survival instincts..but who knows, maybe you are not just that evolved to understand it??!!
salute to your stubbornness ...enjoy your life philosopher !!!
And we could have conquered entire Pakistan in 71 and not just one half of it..but then could've, would''ve and should've..so lets not get into hypothetical...lest we go into predicting the future..for all we know, instead of gaining Kashmir, Pakistanis end up loosing Pakistan...but might I applaud you on 'never give up' spirit ..after loosing four times to a nation nine times larger,..maybe fifth times is the charm.

East and west pakistan was a big mistake that was shoved down our throats forcefully. Other then religion we had nothing in common with today's bangladesh and what happened in 1971 was inevitable and the fact India was in between east and west pakistan didn't help.Not to mention USSR help that was extended to India at that time. I seriously doubt you would have enjoyed the same had you tried to take rest of the country.

Having said that before you enjoy the bangladesh victory you might remember we took Kashmir without any help from super power and hold it even today without employing million military personals. so if you wanna remember 1971 dont forget that part.

I can assure you one thing we might be fighting each other but make no mistake about it any bad adventure from any body and the whole nation will stand behind the Pak army in a jiffy to defend at all cost.

As far as losing is concerned as you said you are nine times the size we are but God willing still standing stronger then yesterday and getting stronger militarily and economically.

you on the other hand have lost all wars to china including the resent skirmishes and couldn't do jack about it. whats the matter can't win from some one your own size.
if kicked properly,Pakistan would loose all its clout over Kashmir within 1949.we still holds the "Declare of Annexation by the King",you don't,neither is China.in fact,China doesn't have a border with India in the first place.plus,why you guys always dream about "Chinese Support"???what about your own Mard-e-Momin army??

King who? partition was based on Muslim majority areas was to become part of pakistan that were closer to pakistan including but not limited to Kashmir.

I love it when it comes to pakistan you call us on how we get support from china you forget 1947 British support to India you forget 1962 Americans military support to you 1971 Russian support to you and lets not forget Canadian support to you during the freedom of Kashmir.But against all odds we brought the freedom to parts of IOK and soon rest.
East and west pakistan was a big mistake that was shoved down our throats forcefully. Other then religion we had nothing in common with today's bangladesh and what happened in 1971 was inevitable and the fact India was in between east and west pakistan didn't help.Not to mention USSR help that was extended to India at that time. I seriously doubt you would have enjoyed the same had you tried to take rest of the country.

My conviction in Indian ability conquering west Pakistan is as much as your's, in your ability to conquer Kashmir in 62.

Having said that before you enjoy the bangladesh victory you might remember we took Kashmir without any help from super power and hold it even today without employing million military personals. so if you wanna remember 1971 dont forget that part.

The small part, you were able to take, you took from nearly non existent Dogra forces of Maharaja..When Indian troops first landed in Kashmir, you were on the outskirts of Kashmir airport..today your border stands 250 Kms aways.
So you only lost and did not win, any land from us.

I can assure you one thing we might be fighting each other but make no mistake about it any bad adventure from any body and the whole nation will stand behind the Pak army in a jiffy to defend at all cost.

As oppose to Indian nation(which itself is far larger) and Indian army(again more than twice as large)?

As far as losing is concerned as you said you are nine times the size we are but God willing still standing stronger then yesterday and getting stronger militarily and economically.

you on the other hand have lost all wars to china including the resent skirmishes and couldn't do jack about it. whats the matter can't win from some one your own size.

We Just had one war them which we lost, there were two skirmishes which took place, in which Indians got the better of them.

But the fact is just like we are 9 times bigger than you, China is four times bigger than us..hence we do not have the incessant urge to 'finger' them all the time...it is an evolutionary development called the 'survival instinct'..for eg in Aninmal kigdoms Dodo birds did not have much survival instincts and today they are extinct.
You have no document to claim Gilgit-Baltistan as the part of Pakistan. Till our borders aren't finalized, all such activities are illegal in Gilgit-Baltistan. You are forgetting how you are struggling for funds for some dams projects in GB. :laughcry:

No controversial water reservoir to be built, says govt - thenews.com.pk

The minister said Rs25 billion have been released for the construction of Diamer-Bhasha Dam adding the process of land acquisition was about to complete and the government wants to complete this project from its own resources. However, some donor agencies have also expressed their interest to finance this project. Abid Sher Ali said that the prime minister would perform groundbreaking of Diamer- Bhasha and Dasu Dams in November this year, adding that the construction of hydel projects would extend the life span of Tarbela andMangla dams.

Keep Calm and $hit bricks as there is always your favourite:

we didn't involve any country in Kashmir,did we??whether,you already sold part of Kashmir to China.

that epic mistake.Old Fool Nehru and his vision of "Justice".Gen Thimaiya could snatch entire Kashmir within a month,but Nehru went to UN.and there we go,until India/Pakistan disintegrate,there is no possibility of solving.
And if Pakistan Govt had not accepted ceasefire ,our mujahideen could have easily captured most of Kashmir!.
Yes. Next news China agrees to enhance the building of the corridor further.

India, why do you have to make a fool of yourself everywhere?
Monday, May 19, 2014 - New Delhi—India has voiced its concern to China over its plan to build a multi-billion-dollar economic corridor to Pakistan through Azad Kashmir, even as it assured Beijing of its commitment to consolidate strategic bilateral ties.

“We have raised this issue and raised our concerns not (only) this time, we have made them known earlier. They have noted our concerns,” foreign secretary Su-jatha Singh told reporters here after holding the sixth round of strategic dialogue with her Chinese counterpart vice-foreign minister Liu Zhenmin.

The talks were held as the long-running Lok Sabha elections, hailed as the world’s biggest democratic exercise, got underway in India that will form a new government at the Centre. Asked whether the issue figured in the talks, she said it was raised this time too, reported PTI. The corridor connecting China’s Xinjiang with Pakistan’s Gwadar Port with rail and road links raised concerns in India as it is being built through Azad Kashmir.

China argues that it would help redress the backwardness of the region. The two sides held most cordial discussions enhancing the scope of the relations which in recent years showed steadfast increase.

On the border dispute, Ms Singh said it figured but at the same elaborated that the issue is being discussed in detail by the special representatives who have held 17 rounds of talks.

Ms Singh, in her opening remarks, said, “My visit here today is to reiterate to the government of China that the government of India attaches the highest priority to India’s relations with China.”—KW

India protests to Beijing on Sino-Pak corridor
Man when India will grow up and stop crying like bunch of babies when ever we do something or buy weapons or make economic deals why India is always so scared

Yes. Next news China agrees to enhance the building of the corridor further.

India, why do you have to make a fool of yourself everywhere?
Because they are Sir
Crying should not be a hobby :cray::feminist:thread first opened and then should be closed > :closed::omghaha:
Continuous protests are just part of the stand which we had taken from the last 60 years.I'm happy that some in the foreign office is talking about it as it doesn't cost much but surely helps a lot to maintain continuity in your diplomatic working.
If Pakistan just occupied part of Kashmir... How come? I thought the indians were stronger blabla
India can shove their protest right up their A**. They can't see Pakistan going forward at all, jabronis.
King who? partition was based on Muslim majority areas was to become part of pakistan that were closer to pakistan including but not limited to Kashmir.

I love it when it comes to pakistan you call us on how we get support from china you forget 1947 British support to India you forget 1962 Americans military support to you 1971 Russian support to you and lets not forget Canadian support to you during the freedom of Kashmir.But against all odds we brought the freedom to parts of IOK and soon rest.

thats what happens when you read "False History".the choice was given to the various princely state to either join India/Pakistan or remain as independent.Kashmir was independent stae when Pakistan attacked.it has nothing to do with partition.

Blue Part-----

British Support(like what??)??American Supportin 1962(never happened.study more on this topic).and canadian support??please elaborate.and Pakistan didn't officially said it was their troops who invaded Kashmir in 1947.they were merely supporting an indigenous rebellion in Azad Kashmir and Northern Territories against repression.don't know how they became part of "Pakistan" in the first place.

And then you wonder why we say " You are Delusional "..... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

we're as delusional as Pakistanis in this matter. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

And if Pakistan Govt had not accepted ceasefire ,our mujahideen could have easily captured most of Kashmir!.

actually,your forces were in retreating when ceasefire came. :rofl:

see the vivid maps here..

Indo-Pakistani War of 1947 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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