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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

I think it's a beautiful name. And suits the Chinese Rafale very well because it's beautiful too.

Name calling only shows frustration my friend. I haven't rewind much further but I can see how the topic is building up lately. Let's cool it down now.

As far as J-10Cs are concerned, Here are the words of PAF F-16 Pilots who trained and did first ferry flight of J-10Cs.

“I’ll have to admit, it is one of the best fighter jets in the world. With all the work we had been doing in China over the months, improving our tactics in the way we operate the platform, I can safely say that the capability that we have brought back with us is truly phenomenal, far better than what we expected, sir,” Wg Cdr Imtiaz Rahim responded. It’s a significant investment, but in defense, nothing comes cheap. The J-10C is a cutting-edge platform, moving the PAF into a new ball game in terms of operational readiness, in terms of the nature of the platform the PAF was acquiring. When the “Second to None” team spoke with ground crews and the pilots, it was fair to say that the J-10C was a step in the right direction, something that the PAF had been working towards for a long time.

Calling Rafale / Eurofighter / F-16s as European J-10s or American J-10s -- Or calling J-10s as Chinese Rafale are just childish remarks and nothing else.

As far as Turks getting J-10Cs is concerned, In my opinion that would not happen, Turks have always used western equipment, there's no logistics for a totally different platform. So, ofcourse they would love to have the western jets. However, it faced some trouble getting those. It shows the so called allies of Turkey are not very sincere with it. Turkey first tried hard and lobbied for F-35s then it even lobbied for F-16 block 70s. Then some articles we all read that Turkey hints on other options (most likely russian) But that was i think only political statements to force US / europeans to consider Turkey's requirements. The Eurofighter aquisition makes much sense to me.

However, to the Turks friends: Don't take extreme positions, i think today Turkey is too important for NATO. But who knows 20 years later you are on other side and may partner with China on military tech and may even buy some of stuff.

Edit: @LegionnairE I see you calling Mastan and some other members as "dumb", "autistic". These are offensive remarks. You can never make fun on personality disorders. I am sure everyone here is intellectual enough but personality conditions like autism must NEVER be made fun of. They are very special and very beautiful people. They just have learning difficulties that they are borned with. You must never use it as a taunt.
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They steal a little bit of F16 and little bit of Rafale, they put it together and get this.

The Chinese Rafale.

You sure you want to talk about stealing?

You sure you want to talk about stealing?

Don't talk about J-20! Agricultural countries don't have the technology to copy J-20!

Go to Google "AVIC Dark Sword"

Name calling only shows frustration my friend. I haven't rewind much further but I can see how the topic is building up lately. Let's cool it down now.

As far as J-10Cs are concerned, Here are the words of PAF F-16 Pilots who trained and did first ferry flight of J-10Cs.

“I’ll have to admit, it is one of the best fighter jets in the world. With all the work we had been doing in China over the months, improving our tactics in the way we operate the platform, I can safely say that the capability that we have brought back with us is truly phenomenal, far better than what we expected, sir,” Wg Cdr Imtiaz Rahim responded. It’s a significant investment, but in defense, nothing comes cheap. The J-10C is a cutting-edge platform, moving the PAF into a new ball game in terms of operational readiness, in terms of the nature of the platform the PAF was acquiring. When the “Second to None” team spoke with ground crews and the pilots, it was fair to say that the J-10C was a step in the right direction, something that the PAF had been working towards for a long time.

Calling Rafale / Eurofighter / F-16s as European J-10s or American J-10s -- Or calling J-10s as Chinese Rafale are just childish remarks and nothing else.

As far as Turks getting J-10Cs is concerned, In my opinion that would not happen, Turks have always used western equipment, there's no logistics for a totally different platform. So, ofcourse they would love to have the western jets. However, it faced some trouble getting those. It shows the so called allies of Turkey are not very sincere with it. Turkey first tried hard and lobbied for F-35s then it even lobbied for F-16 block 70s. Then some articles we all read that Turkey hints on other options (most likely russian) But that was i think only political statements to force US / europeans to consider Turkey's requirements. The Eurofighter aquisition makes much sense to me.

However, to the Turks friends: Don't take extreme positions, i think today Turkey is too important for NATO. But who knows 20 years later you are on other side and may partner with China on military tech and may even buy some of stuff.

Edit: @LegionnairE I see you calling Mastan and some other members as "dumb", "autistic". These are offensive remarks. You can never make fun on personality disorders. I am sure everyone here is intellectual enough but personality conditions like autism must NEVER be made fun of. They are very special and very beautiful people. They just have learning difficulties that they are borned with. You must never use it as a taunt.
Turkey already has J-31 and AVIC Dark Sword. Why does Turkey buy J-10?


tell the truth. I don't mind him saying I'm autistic. This has no effect on me.
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Ok, then take these very clear words as a strict warning!
Only a few - IMO stupid Turkish fan-boys - claim, Turkey might be interested in the J-10C. None of your cheap youtube videos is anything near to credible, reliable or even thrustworthy. As such, give an official source, the TAF is interested and then I admit and apologise. Otherwise it is as an reliable fan-boy chatter like claiming there is intelligent live on planet Venus.

And for the negative ration, this was given due to their lame attempt of trolling by telling the Turkish TFX cannot fly. As you know, it is currently in the final stage of construction and therefore did not fly. To portray it as a failure and even more as an excuse to support your stupid claim it is rated as trolling.

Go and ask all Turkish members, who are respected and well-informed. @LegionnairE & @dBSPL
Hi Deino, Turkiye has nothing to do with the J-10. It is an jet that I personally like, but there is nothing here, neither official nor gossipy, except personal opinions like mine.

It would be a very difficult and complicated crisis for a NATO integrated air force to buy a Russian standard or its extension type fighter jets. Both technically, logistically and politically. Even if you exclude all the documentation and operational conversion of these systems; for example in the areas of air combat control and tactical communications, it can just be a spiral of problems. Is it cost-effective, absolutely not, and can it be tried if political imperatives dictate it, that is another debate. With its combatant and tactical capabilities, the Turkish air force has an effective and deterrent position in its region, and not weakening this will be the main criterion under all circumstances.

At the moment, two formulas stand out as stop-gap jets. The first is the under-license production of additional F-16 B-70s at TAI facilities. The second is the purchase of the Tayphoon FGR4, which is 'probably already on the production line for another country'. At the moment, the second possibility is gaining weight. There is a dizzying traffic of military bureaucracy and inter-ministerial talks between the UK and TR.

There is an urgent need to replace the F4E TM2020s in the Turkish Air Force, of which there were initially 54, but today there are far fewer (about 1 squadron) in active service. As you know, this replacement was to take place under the JSF program, but now it seems that this strategy has completely changed.

In the context of MMU (TFX), the project is really progressing very positively. As you know, the maiden flight date of 2025 has been revised to the end of the 10th month of 2023. The first aircraft is essentially a flyability test that proves the CDR process of the project and will be a 4.5+ generation jet as it will be produced with old generation engines on the basis of Block-0 productions.

If there is a quieter thread without so many trolls and idiotic posts, I will be happy to provide more detailed information on these issues.

Don't talk about J-20! Agricultural countries don't have the technology to copy J-20!

Go to Google "AVIC Dark Sword"

Turkey already has J-31 and AVIC Dark Sword. Why does Turkey buy J-10?

View attachment 913589

tell the truth. I don't mind him saying I'm autistic. This has no effect on me.

Really? Could you be confusing it with the F-35?

It is not enough to be an autistic to compare the MMU with an export project that almost identical with the F-35, you need advanced visual impairment.

Regarding the KE/J-20 analogy, eyes with some knowledge of aviation that can discern more than the silhouette will see that the J-20 has a different nose geometry, a different tail details, and a different air intake design. The wing forms of the two aircraft are similar, but the details differ. For example, the J-20's LERX. Or the KE's chin type along the fuselage that stretching quite straight.


One of the two aircraft is unmanned and single-engined, while the other is a twin-engined and manned jet, with a difference in volume and size of about twice the size between the two platforms. KE is a project that is progressing on its own course, and in the coming years we will have the opportunity to talk about the concept itself through more concrete data. The company's objectives and the concept it wants to prove are different from the traditional air combat approach. It will be a few years before we can see how well it meets this.

The J-20 is currently the main combat jet program for Chinese air force. The system approach is basically built on a decades-old solid accumulation as any ongoing fifth gen fighter program. We wish China all the best in its endeavors. But in terms of airframe design, Chinese aviation is not the inventor of the canard and delta wing combination. With this, they have managed to reflect this combination in their designs with really good engineering. However, the trolls who accuse all jets with similar combinations of being Chinese copies are just stupid. In fact, this is nothing more than an outward expression of lame which some people carried inself probably for years.
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The J-20 is currently the main combat jet program for Chinese air force. The system approach is basically built on a decades-old solid accumulation as any ongoing fifth gen fighter program. We wish China all the best in its endeavors. But in terms of airframe design, Chinese aviation is not the inventor of the canard and delta wing combination. With this, they have managed to reflect this combination in their designs with really good engineering. However, the trolls who accuse all jets with similar combinations of being Chinese copies are just stupid. In fact, this is nothing more than an outward expression of lame which some people carried inself probably for years.

Chinese talking about copying is like prosT1tue talking about virginity

Some one started this quarrel by insulting Chinese people.
Most of the PDF users will take the news of Turkiye buying J-10 fake。(Technically J-10 suits Turkiye, but not politically)
The news are just used to troll some barking dog.
But it seems that some German who has no sense of humor got baited too.
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You sure you want to talk about stealing?

I didn't know Chinese invented the fucking delta canard :rofl:

Name calling only shows frustration my friend. I haven't rewind much further but I can see how the topic is building up lately. Let's cool it down now.

As far as J-10Cs are concerned, Here are the words of PAF F-16 Pilots who trained and did first ferry flight of J-10Cs.

“I’ll have to admit, it is one of the best fighter jets in the world. With all the work we had been doing in China over the months, improving our tactics in the way we operate the platform, I can safely say that the capability that we have brought back with us is truly phenomenal, far better than what we expected, sir,” Wg Cdr Imtiaz Rahim responded. It’s a significant investment, but in defense, nothing comes cheap. The J-10C is a cutting-edge platform, moving the PAF into a new ball game in terms of operational readiness, in terms of the nature of the platform the PAF was acquiring. When the “Second to None” team spoke with ground crews and the pilots, it was fair to say that the J-10C was a step in the right direction, something that the PAF had been working towards for a long time.

Calling Rafale / Eurofighter / F-16s as European J-10s or American J-10s -- Or calling J-10s as Chinese Rafale are just childish remarks and nothing else.

As far as Turks getting J-10Cs is concerned, In my opinion that would not happen, Turks have always used western equipment, there's no logistics for a totally different platform. So, ofcourse they would love to have the western jets. However, it faced some trouble getting those. It shows the so called allies of Turkey are not very sincere with it. Turkey first tried hard and lobbied for F-35s then it even lobbied for F-16 block 70s. Then some articles we all read that Turkey hints on other options (most likely russian) But that was i think only political statements to force US / europeans to consider Turkey's requirements. The Eurofighter aquisition makes much sense to me.

However, to the Turks friends: Don't take extreme positions, i think today Turkey is too important for NATO. But who knows 20 years later you are on other side and may partner with China on military tech and may even buy some of stuff.

Edit: @LegionnairE I see you calling Mastan and some other members as "dumb", "autistic". These are offensive remarks. You can never make fun on personality disorders. I am sure everyone here is intellectual enough but personality conditions like autism must NEVER be made fun of. They are very special and very beautiful people. They just have learning difficulties that they are borned with. You must never use it as a taunt.
Too long, didn't read
Can you understand what I'm saying?

Turkey does not have the technical ability to copy J-20. Turkey is copying AVIC Dark Sword.

Turkey has always had a tradition of copying Chinese technology. It doesn't make sense for you to call me autistic here. accept the truth. Stop fantasizing and delusional... You Turkey are just beginners in aviation industry. You Turkey can't even manufacture mature and qualified fighter jets like Pakistan.

Got offended by some turks does not mean that you need to counter every turks...
Just say some facts. It may touch the nerves of some paranoid patients.
instead of focusing on distraction, please better keep to the topic.
your information on Turk industries is valuable.
I didn't know Chinese invented the fucking delta canard :rofl:
China didn't invent the delta canard, it invented that delta canard. Less developed countries like Turkey copy more advanced countries like China all the time, there's no shame in admitting that.
Too long, didn't read

That's rude. Ok, technical info & strategic implications maybe too difficult to grasp.

But here are for some basic manners:

I see you calling Mastan and some other members as "dumb", "autistic". These are offensive remarks. You can never make fun on personality disorders. I am sure everyone here is intellectual enough but personality conditions like autism must NEVER be made fun of. They are very special and very beautiful people. They just have learning difficulties that they are borned with. You must never use it as a taunt.
Remember educated people are always open to accept their mistakes and learn. I spent time with my honest effort to rectify your behavior towards other members. Hope you'll understand & improve

@LeGenD Let's pls make a redline on highly offensive remarks on other's personalities.
That's rude. Ok, technical info & strategic implications maybe too difficult to grasp.

But here are for some basic manners:

I see you calling Mastan and some other members as "dumb", "autistic". These are offensive remarks. You can never make fun on personality disorders. I am sure everyone here is intellectual enough but personality conditions like autism must NEVER be made fun of. They are very special and very beautiful people. They just have learning difficulties that they are borned with. You must never use it as a taunt.
Remember educated people are always open to accept their mistakes and learn. I spent time with my honest effort to rectify your behavior towards other members. Hope you'll understand & improve

@LeGenD Let's pls make a redline on highly offensive remarks on other's personalities.
bro. you should understand him. his country has just begun to assemble fighter jets. So he doesn't know much about the aviation industry. his performance is as immature as TFX.
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