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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

If it was up to me then I will happily allow it in case we get upgraded Block 60 or 72 F-16 squadrons paid via CSF or on generous.
Just wonderful, china gives paf advanced weaponry on the cheap, so Pakistan can sell them out. All these years that china helped Pakistan with making jf17 the aircraft that it is, what kind of access do you think china got on f16s?
Lol read your 1st couple of lines and I thought it's gonna be a nice poem to follow 😜😂😂

I have answered that earlier in detail. Delta fighters aren't that much good at rate fighting FBW doesn't have to do with aerodynamic configurations
Thanks. I agree.
I have read somewhere that f15 fighters were better at dog fighting because they were doing it 100% of the time to air superiority role. While f16 pilots divided it up e.g. 40 % to strike and 60% for air to air. I think it was a French fighter pilot of rafale who said this in interview.
Now if we convert that to Pakistani scenario. F16 or jf17 pilots would be dividing up their flight time in similar ratios. J10c pilots , on the other hand , would be concentrating on air superiority role nearly 100%. That would translate into a more skilled pilot in dogfighting.
I agree about the delta wing limitations, but , in my opinion , dogfight is 3 dimensional. No mirage pilot, worth his salt would engage in a dogfight , while, ignoring altitude totally. That would considerable increase the first 30 seconds of the dogfight to nearly a minute.
These factors would favour j10c pilot. Just my thoughts.
( of course , excluding the capabilities of pl10 and hmd from the equation. )
On Paper even Rafale, Su30, mirage 2000
Look formidable but it all comes down to superior training and tactics of PAF

Su-30 is a flop as the Ukrainian war is demonstrating... Falling out of the skies like flies.
I’m fairly sure Chinese have asked for guarantees for this exact scenario to not take place. They’ve shared their front line tech with Pak, in this instance.
It's in pakistans interest not to share anything with the US.
US is not a friendbof Pakistan and will share data with Israel and India
We are not the state of Israel. They have carte nlanche immunity to do whatever they please with noncompromising support from the US and EU. Comparing Pakistan with Israel is a great fallacy. Secondly, ( and this remains my firm belief) the fact that we had 8-9 of their ACs in our sights andchose to take only 2 out helped our narrative greatly. This was as much a military campaign as it was a narrative build up not only of us responding to an-aggression in a responsible manner but also within the ROEs. Going ape on the IAF may have gotten us more planes as trophies but the narrative game would have been lost and we would have been labelled as aggressors. 8t would have put IA, Modi, and IAF as sufferers of an,aggressive move with loss of lives and equipment. You did not see the aggression in Christine Fiarr's voice. That is a true reflection of the Western/US perception of us. The fact that we acted responsibly and stood within the ROEs gave us justification to respond go aggression on our soil.
The Indians can only cry over their loss as they have lost so badly on the narrative game that any further aggression from them would not have been possible.
The other aspect of it was making sure we gave them no grounds to escalate while being fully prepared to do so should they try anything silly. This stopped them dead in their tracks as any further aggression would have made tuem look like hullies along with giving them a bloody nose. They then chose to put their own brand of spin on it to cover their ignominous defeat, something only Indians can do.
So in all Pakistan earned a lot more out of this episode than a moral victory. They won the war of optics and narrative on a level where the other side could only lick their wounds and not do anything more.
It does not mean tuere will not be a 2nd episode of the same from them. However they are aware that the cost may not be worth the effort.
To all Fanboys and keyboard warriors

Those fanboys don't realize that if we had gone on full potential that day, the story could have been totally different. They are commiting the same mistake that Indians tend to do all the time and see where it has gotten them. The famous blunder of underestimating the capabilities and resolve of the opposing force. A nuclear armed force, multiple times bigger than us in every possible metrics, and you were gonna corner them that day aimlessly? What were your main objectives? Those people seem to be so confused and out of focus.

We downed their 2 jets, achieved our goals of precision strike and they shot down their own helicopter. That's enough of an insult for the military force far bigger than us with 7 times the defense budget and having top of the line fighters in their fleet. If for example PAF would have shot down max 8 more jets, so what would have been achieved then??? The matters could have swiftly spiralled out of control, they could have launched some sort of attacks on us and woooow you just started another war without any intention or clear objectives. If you don't know then i would like to tell you that shooting down of a military plane deep inside its own territory is equivalent to declaration of war.

AS we rightfully reserved our right to retaliate at our choice of time and place when they attacked the balakot then our misadventure would have given them the legitimacy to retaliate as and where they please. And you would be lunatic to think of that they aren't capable of waging a war. As our PM didn't wanna to start a skirmish but IK and DG ISPR repeatedly said that we don't wanna start a war but we would be compelled to respond and keep the escalation ladder in our favor because it was India who committed a misadventure first. Same goes for the opposing side. Give them some face saving space to maneuver or they would have to surely retaliate. When it comes to the national security and survival, all diplomacy and Geo-economics takes a back seat.

so tell me fanboys are you lunatic and dumb enough like those mentally unstable Indian trolls! If so then you deserve the same beating and humiliation as they did.
If it was up to me then I will happily allow it in case we get upgraded Block 60 or 72 F-16 squadrons paid via CSF or on generous.

if it were up to you,
this is how you will guarantee that pakistan will never again be able to acquire any top of the line chinese-domestic use versions of its combat systems ever again, at best receive watered down export-only monkey models and probably not of the lastest design either. and you can also forget about any tot or development assistance for 5th gens, you can go ask the us for that.

and before you think, oh but china needs Pakistan against india.
remember india is a small fry compared to the us, china would absolutely let india take supremacy in the sub continent if the only alternative was a stronger pakistan but the US gets to touch the latest chinese domestic tech.
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I’m fairly sure Chinese have asked for guarantees for this exact scenario to not take place. They’ve shared their front line tech with Pak, in this instance.

It's only fair considering US even have bunch of guys stationed in Pak just to safeguard their jets. China on the other hand will trust PAF to not let anything slip.
If it was up to me then I will happily allow it in case we get upgraded Block 60 or 72 F-16 squadrons paid via CSF or on generous.
Lol F-16 is like an open book to the world. Giving away J-10C's secrets that cheap would have hurt Pakistan more than anyone else. It's role in PLAAF is to just beef up the numbers of 4,4++ gen fighters. Their main Frontline fighters are J-20 followed by a plethora of Chinese flanker variants.

What Pakistan would loose through that hypothetical mental ma$tu®b@tion ! 👇

It's most reliable enigmatic Frontline fighter jet, the silver bullet (which no one knows about in depth), tip of the spear. And what we would get in return? F-16 practically the oldest vvho®e of the 4th gen fighters with relatively new bells and whistles from a country we can't attribute as a dependable, trusted friend. US would gladly donate the platforms in our use to our adversary to play with if the need arises.

Don't forget how you got upgrades and BVR capability for the falcons, because you were going to induct PL-12/SD-10s anyways that too on a local JV platform. Simultaneous induction of JF-17 Block 3 and J-10CP could further pave the way for our F-16s to get to the V standard. Be focused, realistic and honest to your cause.

That was useless proposition of you indeed:hitwall:

Don't screw over a friend for a user.

Always remember - bros before h0es!
Exactly. What a sh!+load of mental.....
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Maybe this time he will say "agar Pakistan ke pass J10 na hota .....":-)
Or maybe Modi would say " Agar Amrika ne Pakistani F Sola ki delivery na roki Hoti to . . . . ."

Then just imagine what could have been happening at PAC Kamra now 😜

Don't even think of Project Azm in the wildest of your imaginations :disagree::astagh:
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Interestingly the J-10s were escorted by Two F-16s.

Due to the high altitude of the formation, @Areesh confused the F-16 with Mirages. :D
Someone should post the video from F-16 cockpit of the J-10C formation.

boss nothing is formidable in modern days warfare
And yet English language has a word "formidable " in the dictionary.
I will shave my head when Pakistani nation comes out of inferiority complex. However Indian style superiority complex is no good either. Then you send Mig 21 to fend off F 16 and tea becomes fantastic.
To all Fanboys and keyboard warriors

Those fanboys don't realize that if we had gone on full potential that day, the story could have been totally different. They are commiting the same mistake that Indians tend to do all the time and see where it has gotten them. The famous blunder of underestimating the capabilities and resolve of the opposing force. A nuclear armed force, multiple times bigger than us in every possible metrics, and you were gonna corner them that day aimlessly? What were your main objectives? Those people seem to be so confused and out of focus.

We downed their 2 jets, achieved our goals of precision strike and they shot down their own helicopter. That's enough of an insult for the military force far bigger than us with 7 times the defense budget and having top of the line fighters in their fleet. If for example PAF would have shot down max 8 more jets, so what would have been achieved then??? The matters could have swiftly spiralled out of control, they could have launched some sort of attacks on us and woooow you just started another war without any intention or clear objectives. If you don't know then i would like to tell you that shooting down of a military plane deep inside its own territory is equivalent to declaration of war.

AS we rightfully reserved our right to retaliate at our choice of time and place when they attacked the balakot then our misadventure would have given them the legitimacy to retaliate as and where they please. And you would be lunatic to think of that they aren't capable of waging a war. As our PM didn't wanna to start a skirmish but IK and DG ISPR repeatedly said that we don't wanna start a war but we would be compelled to respond and keep the escalation ladder in our favor because it was India who committed a misadventure first. Same goes for the opposing side. Give them some face saving space to maneuver or they would have to surely retaliate. When it comes to the national security and survival, all diplomacy and Geo-economics takes a back seat.

so tell me fanboys are you lunatic and dumb enough like those mentally unstable Indian trolls! If so then you deserve the same beating and humiliation as they did.
Thank you. To add to your post posters should also consider Pakistan's financial situation at the time which was dire. A war at that time would jave been crippling.
So where are the J-10C in Pakistan?

I saw a few photos with J-10Cs with Pakistani flag printed on the tail.

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