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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

PAF is turning into a formidable force.
Jf17 block 3 ...plus upgrades of block1 and 2 to 3 standard.
F16 block 52
And j10CP

If we can get numbers India won't dare
boss nothing is formidable in modern days warfare
On Paper even Rafale, Su30, mirage 2000
Look formidable but it all comes down to superior training and tactics of PAF

PAF is turning into a formidable force.
Jf17 block 3 ...plus upgrades of block1 and 2 to 3 standard.
F16 block 52
And j10CP

If we can get numbers India won't dare
Hi @The Eagle
can you please let me know why my post been deleted from this thread as being said off topic and no value
though so many off topic been still there with no value towards J10 discussion
I hope being a moderator you will look into this with more in-depth what’s the other posters are posting on this particular thread without any relation with J10 and that no value still going on without been deleted just a sake of coz those posters are like having more posts under their belt
I hope you will look into this and resolve my post deletion
thank you
now PAF can fly this jet together with F-16s without any limitation from USA.
I anticipate USAF asking PAF to pretty please bring J-10 to the next exercise with them. Will be interesting to see if we take this jet to Anatolian Eagle or not with the NATO presence as well
We are not the state of Israel. They have carte nlanche immunity to do whatever they please with noncompromising support from the US and EU. Comparing Pakistan with Israel is a great fallacy. Secondly, ( and this remains my firm belief) the fact that we had 8-9 of their ACs in our sights andchose to take only 2 out helped our narrative greatly. This was as much a military campaign as it was a narrative build up not only of us responding to an-aggression in a responsible manner but also within the ROEs. Going ape on the IAF may have gotten us more planes as trophies but the narrative game would have been lost and we would have been labelled as aggressors. 8t would have put IA, Modi, and IAF as sufferers of an,aggressive move with loss of lives and equipment. You did not see the aggression in Christine Fiarr's voice. That is a true reflection of the Western/US perception of us. The fact that we acted responsibly and stood within the ROEs gave us justification to respond go aggression on our soil.
The Indians can only cry over their loss as they have lost so badly on the narrative game that any further aggression from them would not have been possible.
The other aspect of it was making sure we gave them no grounds to escalate while being fully prepared to do so should they try anything silly. This stopped them dead in their tracks as any further aggression would have made tuem look like hullies along with giving them a bloody nose. They then chose to put their own brand of spin on it to cover their ignominous defeat, something only Indians can do.
So in all Pakistan earned a lot more out of this episode than a moral victory. They won the war of optics and narrative on a level where the other side could only lick their wounds and not do anything more.
It does not mean tuere will not be a 2nd episode of the same from them. However they are aware that the cost may not be worth the effort.

Araz I don't want to derail this thread but i think you should open up another thread. So you can let us all know what we have gained and this mantra of yours, we have gained what not and so called possibly not escalating got us where?
Araz I don't want to derail this thread but i think you should open up another thread. So you can let us all know what we have gained and this mantra of yours, we have gained what not and so called possibly not escalating got us where?
Iam caught up to my eyeballs in work and another stressful situation. I have explained my view on the situation. You can agree or disagree with it. No disrespect to you and sincerest appreciation for your contribution but I genuinely do not have the time to be indulging in debates. I catch up and contribute during break from my work so it is really difficult at the moment.
I anticipate USAF asking PAF to pretty please bring J-10 to the next exercise with them. Will be interesting to see if we take this jet to Anatolian Eagle or not with the NATO presence as well
If it was up to me then I will happily allow it in case we get upgraded Block 60 or 72 F-16 squadrons paid via CSF or on generous.
On that day there was war.
When the enemy came into Pakistan they didn't bring roses.
When you fight you fight hard and you punch through the bastard so he knows not to engage you again.
Pakistan missed an opportunity. Had all 9 aircraft been taken out even bollywood would have made movies of PAF legends.
India pilots would forever have feared the PAF.
Lol read your 1st couple of lines and I thought it's gonna be a nice poem to follow 😜😂😂

Agreed to a large extant. But I would doubt the statement about sustained turn rate being inferior. The delta canard layout , coupled with fly by wire addresses that.
If I remember correctly Lavi fighter of Israel had the same profile and it was out performing f16As in sustained turn rates.
About the no. Of bvrs. I think 6 is a big number. Four on dual racks and two on twin chin mounts.
Roll performance would be better than Rafale. The fins below the engine exhaust are there to prevent sliding of the fuselage in maneuvers. F16 had the same problem, so these fins were introduced in f16 .
I have answered that earlier in detail. Delta fighters aren't that much good at rate fighting FBW doesn't have to do with aerodynamic configurations
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