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J-10C defeats JAS39C/D with a high score in Sino-Thai joint exercise: report
Posted on September 18, 2019 by buffalo

J-10C and JAS39 flying in formation

It’s been a mystery how J-10C fighters performed in last month’s military exercise with Thailand’s JAS39C/D Gripen fighters as there’s no official information about the results, but some Chinese media channels have been reporting unconfirmed news about J-10C’s “complete victory”.

One Chinese news account reported yesterday that according to some Russian media, J-10C and JAS39C/D fighters appeared at the same time to celebrate the successful conclusion of the joint exercise, and J-10C has achieved brilliant results in this exercise. In the combat exercise, J-10C fighters defeated JAS39C/D fighters with a big score gap. And this is not surprising because the performance of J-10C is superior in terms of maneuverability and handling. However, the Western countries did not understand this, so they were very surprised when they learned of such a result.

In the simulation exercise, the super high maneuverability supported by J-10C’s canard wing layout makes JAS39C/D fighters at a loss. At the same time, J-10C’s radar and avionics systems are more advanced than JAS39C/D fighters. In middle-and long-distance battles, JAS39C/D fighters often did not find J-10C before they were locked and shot down by missiles. In the close combats, J-10C’s ultra-high manoeuvrability has an unparalleled advantage. The canard wing layout makes the fighter’s power very abundant, while JAS39C/D fighter has no power to fight back.

It’s quoted that a US F-16 retired pilot said on social media that he is very aware of the performance of the Gripens, so he’d take off his hat and pay tribute to J-10C for its advantages in the simulated air combats. The pilot also said that JAS39C/D fighters also have a pair of canards. Before the US military gained experience in combating canard wing fighters, they had conducted confrontation exercises with JAS39C/D.

The pilot said he faced great pressure when driving the F-16 against JAS39C/D fighters. JAS39C/D fighters are light fighters, and the radar and avionics systems were very advanced. Even if F-16’s air-to-air missiles could lock JAS39C/D fighters, the latter could get rid of them in time with super high mobility. Therefore, as J-10C achieved such a record in the actual combat against JAS39C/D fighter, this proves the superiority of J-10C performance.

According to the report, a spokesman for the White House said that the joint exercise between Thailand and China is unacceptable. This will only enhance the actual combat capability of the Chinese Air Force. The US has just signed an order for armored vehicles with Thailand, and the West should be Thailand’s choice. But from the current behavior of Thailand, it is obvious that the country has its own ideas. It is reported that in addition to the joint exercise with the Chinese Air Force, Thailand’s navy also participated in a joint military exercise between the United States and the ASEAN.
I’m fairly sure Chinese have asked for guarantees for this exact scenario to not take place. They’ve shared their front line tech with Pak, in this instance.
its a hypothetical scenario. Russians let the Indians exercise with Americans using their SU 30 MKIs' J-10 is not the sole front line fighter with some out of the world technology that Americans want to find out. Chinese Flankers and J 20s are the real front line fighters that are far more sensitive and likely face the American or Taiwanese Jets first before or together with J-10.
again just an assumption. point is, there is a cost and benefit analysis., if benefit outweighs the cost then a country does what suits it.
Lol F-16 is like an open book to the world. Giving away J-10C's secrets that cheap would have hurt Pakistan more than anyone else. It's role in PLAAF is to just beef up the numbers of 4,4++ gen fighters. Their main Frontline fighters are J-20 followed by a plethora of Chinese flanker variants.

What Pakistan would loose through that hypothetical mental ma$tu®b@tion ! 👇

It's most reliable enigmatic Frontline fighter jet, the silver bullet (which no one knows about in depth), tip of the spear. And what we would get in return? F-16 practically the oldest vvho®e of the 4th gen fighters with relatively new bells and whistles from a country we can't attribute as a dependable, trusted friend. US would gladly donate the platforms in our use to our adversary to play with if the need arises.

Don't forget how you got upgrades and BVR capability for the falcons, because you were going to induct PL-12/SD-10s anyways that too on a local JV platform. Simultaneous induction of JF-17 Block 3 and J-10CP could further pave the way for our F-16s to get to the V standard. Be focused, realistic and honest to your cause.

That was useless proposition of you indeed:hitwall:

Exactly. What a sh!+load of mental m@$tu®bation
I don't understand the wholesale butthurt over a hypothetical scenario.
why have all the bleeding hearts decided that China has placed some sort of a ban on PAF to fly these jets with Western airforces?
its a two way stream remember, PAF (and in tern China) will also be gathering information about how these Jets fare against the other Western platforms. its not jsut Americans stealing the universal secrets of J-10s.

moving on, Chinese "fictional" reservations aside, it will be PAF's call whether to deploy these jets in such exercises or not because again .. such information (of a silver bullet) can trickle down to other "allies" of Americans that don't have very "cordial" terms with Pakistan.

NOW.. F-16 being a whore?
this Whore has kept the soviets at bay during first Afghan War and kept Indians sleepless since they were acquired and their fears were realized when these same F 16s who call whores shot down two IAF jets and the Modi's pride to the ground.

Just wonderful, china gives paf advanced weaponry on the cheap, so Pakistan can sell them out. All these years that china helped Pakistan with making jf17 the aircraft that it is, what kind of access do you think china got on f16s?
sell them out? we are talking J-10 NOT J-20.
what is so ground breaking and ahead of its time in this modest medium size single engine jet that Americans will be so keen to find out if they haven't done already though their conventional and electronic espionage ? does it carry some plasma shielding and directed energy weapons technology? does it use some phasing technology?
and before you think, oh but china needs Pakistan against india.
remember india is a small fry compared to the us, china would absolutely let india take supremacy in the sub continent if the only alternative was a stronger pakistan but the US gets to touch the latest chinese domestic tech.
then pray tell, why the anguish my hypothetical scenario ?
so according to you China will share its secrets with India as a revenge against Pakistan? and in the end do more damage to it self than what Pakistan does by simply participating in American exercise with J-10s?

THAT same India that is part of Quad specially set up against it?

wow .. you need clapping for this logic.
I don't understand the wholesale butthurt over a hypothetical scenario.
why have all the bleeding hearts decided that China has placed some sort of a ban on PAF to fly these jets with Western airforces?
its a two way stream remember, PAF (and in tern China) will also be gathering information about how these Jets fare against the other Western platforms. its not jsut Americans stealing the universal secrets of J-10s.

moving on, Chinese "fictional" reservations aside, it will be PAF's call whether to deploy these jets in such exercises or not because again .. such information (of a silver bullet) can trickle down to other "allies" of Americans that don't have very "cordial" terms with Pakistan.

NOW.. F-16 being a whore?
this Whore has kept the soviets at bay during first Afghan War and kept Indians sleepless since they were acquired and their fears were realized when these same F 16s who call whores shot down two IAF jets and the Modi's pride to the ground.

sell them out? we are talking J-10 NOT J-20.
what is so ground breaking and ahead of its time in this modest medium size single engine jet that Americans will be so keen to find out if they haven't done already though their conventional and electronic espionage ? does it carry some plasma shielding and directed energy weapons technology? does it use some phasing technology?
Oddly enough, the Chinese owe a lot to Pakistan for “betraying” US technology and procedures secrets but due to the hyper nationalist variety that represent them here they not only wont accept it but consider Pakistanis “lesser beings”.

The JF-17 literally was transformed slowly with inputs from the F-16 with the CPD pushing it in bit by bit…that same input was also provided throughout that lifecycle of the FC-20 to J-10CP saga but the Netizens wont acknowledge what CAC engineers do.
then pray tell, why the anguish my hypothetical scenario ?
so according to you China will share its secrets with India as a revenge against Pakistan? and in the end do more damage to it self than what Pakistan does by simply participating in American exercise with J-10s?

THAT same India that is part of Quad specially set up against it?

wow .. you need clapping for this logic.

no, china isnt going to provide india with military anything (unless they want to buy off taobao). don't put words in my mouth, i suggested nothing of the sort.

china will simply no longer provide pakistan with the best it could come up with, never mind the near-zero profit PLA prices that pakistan has been getting its goods for.

think about the past and current situation in pakistan without china, no emergency J-7, no jf-17, no j-10, no 5th gen(yes i know the TFX is a thing, but time frame, how successful and whether the us/eu parts will be allowed for Pakistan is still unknown) . americans still blocking more f-16 never mind the "defense only" requirement for the f-16. pakistan would be left with a much weaker air force and navy, and conversely india would be far more powerful in comparison and end up with supremacy in the sub continent by default.


for everyone else. i don't believe that the pakistani leadership is this stupid and china clearly has demonstrated trust in pakistan as a whole.
its a hypothetical scenario. Russians let the Indians exercise with Americans using their SU 30 MKIs' J-10 is not the sole front line fighter with some out of the world technology that Americans want to find out. Chinese Flankers and J 20s are the real front line fighters that are far more sensitive and likely face the American or Taiwanese Jets first before or together with J-10.
again just an assumption. point is, there is a cost and benefit analysis., if benefit outweighs the cost then a country does what suits it.
Now PAF can do combat excercise by flying J10cp against F16?
its a hypothetical scenario. Russians let the Indians exercise with Americans using their SU 30 MKIs' J-10 is not the sole front line fighter with some out of the world technology that Americans want to find out. Chinese Flankers and J 20s are the real front line fighters that are far more sensitive and likely face the American or Taiwanese Jets first before or together with J-10.
again just an assumption. point is, there is a cost and benefit analysis., if benefit outweighs the cost then a country does what suits it.

Hypothetical scenario?
So what will you think if your friend tells you that if you two meet some bad guys in the street, he'd push you to them to get himself some better chance to escape?
It's just hypothetical so you won't mind at all, right?
Effectively fusing the project Azm and TAI TFX in one JV.

The most contested incorrect statement in internet that resulted in a counter statement by mist credible Turkish Defence website. That was humiliating for over-excited point scoring wannabe internet defence experts.

Secondly, this is not the place to talk about. We have a dedicated thread.

I think there must be a security protocol signed or mutual understanding regarding J10cp. I don’t even think USA will allow PAF F16 fighters doing excercise with J10cp although they are both your inventory now.
To all Fanboys and keyboard warriors

Those fanboys don't realize that if we had gone on full potential that day, the story could have been totally different. They are commiting the same mistake that Indians tend to do all the time and see where it has gotten them. The famous blunder of underestimating the capabilities and resolve of the opposing force. A nuclear armed force, multiple times bigger than us in every possible metrics, and you were gonna corner them that day aimlessly? What were your main objectives? Those people seem to be so confused and out of focus.

We downed their 2 jets, achieved our goals of precision strike and they shot down their own helicopter. That's enough of an insult for the military force far bigger than us with 7 times the defense budget and having top of the line fighters in their fleet. If for example PAF would have shot down max 8 more jets, so what would have been achieved then??? The matters could have swiftly spiralled out of control, they could have launched some sort of attacks on us and woooow you just started another war without any intention or clear objectives. If you don't know then i would like to tell you that shooting down of a military plane deep inside its own territory is equivalent to declaration of war.

AS we rightfully reserved our right to retaliate at our choice of time and place when they attacked the balakot then our misadventure would have given them the legitimacy to retaliate as and where they please. And you would be lunatic to think of that they aren't capable of waging a war. As our PM didn't wanna to start a skirmish but IK and DG ISPR repeatedly said that we don't wanna start a war but we would be compelled to respond and keep the escalation ladder in our favor because it was India who committed a misadventure first. Same goes for the opposing side. Give them some face saving space to maneuver or they would have to surely retaliate. When it comes to the national security and survival, all diplomacy and Geo-economics takes a back seat.

so tell me fanboys are you lunatic and dumb enough like those mentally unstable Indian trolls! If so then you deserve the same beating and humiliation as they did.


Nice emotional low performance capability acceptance comments.

Tactically---it would have been better not to have retaliated at all till the Paf had the capability to smash them to kingdom come in one go.

Now with this ill-conceived performance---Paf has given all its electronic warfare tactical advantage away just for a little rarararara---and chest thumping---and Paf will never be able to regain that strength again---.

All the tactical advantage that the Paf had is gone---.
Hypothetical scenario?
So what will you think if your friend tells you that if you two meet some bad guys in the street, he'd push you to them to get himself some better chance to escape?
It's just hypothetical so you won't mind at all, right?
That’s why J20 is not coming, before the F16 mentality addiction is treated.
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