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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

Pakistan's Air Force squadron is also 12 aircraft?
I've read an article before saying that the number of aircraft in Pakistan's squadron is 50% more than that in China. Let me look for this article.

actually there is no fixed number

it ranges between 12-16 units per squadron
they will never engage China in armed battle, in fact even if China increase the pressure in Ladakh India will try to release it towards Pakistan & AJK
Best chance to get back IOK from them is now when china is sitting in ladakh , i am prying for the new COAS of PA , we need an aggressive chief who can act according to the current situation
Are the jets coming with Chinese ejection seats? Don't think Martin-Baker would have been in the loop for this deal.
All branches of Pak armed forces are getting new equipment at a rapid pace even with current state of economy. The higher ups must be predicting war before 2030.
sooner than that. Understand the Hinduvata timeline that Modi is following patterned after the NAZI playbook. I think we are already in the window, where there is a high risk of a limited war.
Yes, but if they take a simultaneous "panga" with China and Pakistan, then Bharat Mata can have the pleasure of "double penetration". :p:

That is what I also believe, but sometimes, out of nowhere, 1962 happens.

India will never attack, just will keep farting with variable frequencies unless they are 200 % sure they can win the war. Imagine if they attack Pakistan or China what will be left of the India so all these dramas and Bollywood serials will continue for the foreseeable future. We needed J 10 to stop them in their tracks in case Rafael daru goes to their heads.
Brothers are forgetting one thing they are the nation of bunias and they want to sell their stock and importance at the higher price to the outside world. Joining the QUAD is the highlight of the fascist Modi regime to give boost to their little non functioning willies.
Best chance to get back IOK from them is now when china is sitting in ladakh , i am prying for the new COAS of PA , we need an aggressive chief who can act according to the current situation

Who knows that the next one will be more aggressive?
India will never attack, just will keep farting with variable frequencies unless they are 200 % sure they can win the war. Imagine if they attack Pakistan or China what will be left of the India so all these dramas and Bollywood serials will continue for the foreseeable future. We needed J 10 to stop them in their tracks in case Rafael daru goes to their heads.
Brothers are forgetting one thing they are the nation of bunias and they want to sell their stock and importance at the higher price to the outside world. Joining the QUAD is the highlight of the fascist Modi regime to give boost to their little non functioning willies.

You are right. Apparently, there is no chance of India challenging China. Indian political and military leadership is well aware of the strength of China and utter weakness of India. They will merely keep on chest thumping and barking.
Would be some sight when this bird will be carrying three RA'AD ALCMs, one under each wing and the central hardpoint. Basically carrying load of three Mirages.
In my opinion, the overall capability of J10c is about equal to F16b50/52. The best single engine 4G fighter is still F16E/F.
My opinion differs slightly, out of all F-16 variants the most advanced is latest F-16V making it a good topic of interests.

F-16V on a 14.5 tons F110-GE-132 surely wins hand down vs Rafale on all fronts (other than carrier-based ability or low-speed maneuverability), the latter is powered by a pair of weak medium-thrust (7.5 tons M88) and France is never a lead nation on electronics/semiconductor industry, its much hyped active cancellation tech to achieve low RCS is also nothing new (China has been well versed on this subject for years even openly share scientific papers). F-16V also wins EFT in multi-purpose missions, only pales in AD interception (designed to intercept hi-speed hi-altitude USSR air force).

We know F-16V is first adopted by Taiwan air force and obviously becomes top study subject for PLAAF, while J-10C is always study subject for them. PLAAF study though not available, but here is a 3rd party opinion piece on J-10C vs F-16V that I personally find convincing (the second link is the piece as quoted by Taiwan source):
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How many? I would like to know before having that nihari :)
Won’t be able to confirm the numbers, but expect multiple batches - that’s for sure. What’s expected in Feb is the first batch.

And @Bilal Khan (Quwa) is right, PAF will keep a lid on how often they’d share info on the bird since they’d take on air superiority role once inducted. Do remember that PAF chief did say it out clearly that they’ll retain first shoot capability.

@Deino - I hope the timeline was proven to be true. :P
India will never attack, just will keep farting with variable frequencies unless they are 200 % sure they can win the war. Imagine if they attack Pakistan or China what will be left of the India so all these dramas and Bollywood serials will continue for the foreseeable future. We needed J 10 to stop them in their tracks in case Rafael daru goes to their heads.
Brothers are forgetting one thing they are the nation of bunias and they want to sell their stock and importance at the higher price to the outside world. Joining the QUAD is the highlight of the fascist Modi regime to give boost to their little non functioning willies.

India will avoid miscalculation on both borders for the foreseeable future in the next couple of decades unless something in the near future like economical crashes happens but they will be in defensive mode and not the aggressors
J10C is ideal plane to replace handful of Mirage platforms, Since we have quite a few old Mirages and F7 platforms , good to bring in J10C to replace these older platform

  • 36-40 - J10C replaces , 35-40 older platform

Current Inventory
  • 100-150 , Mirages / F7P

Makes sense this small modernization effort is taking place


J10 -C is not really not coming to compete against Rafael , J10-C fits well in the general upgrade of Pakistan Airforce to move away from the 70's Mirages
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I do think the next stage of procurement would be something like the J16D to compliment the J10s/JF17s for offensive strikes into India by having a higly survivable jamming platform they take with them on their missions - just like the Growler platform that the Americans use. It is the last remaining piece of the puzzle to complete the offensive punch capability that PAF is re-orienting itself around from its previous defensive mindset.

There is a question mark of how survivable the Blinders would be offensive missions in an airspace contested by high altitude SAM environment that has a S400 series in it.
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