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FHD Chinese documentary on J10C in English dubbing.

If this is true (probably is) then it puts all the talk about J-10 to be an copy of the LAVI project to an end. Maybe there was some inspiration or knowledge input from the LAVI project but to go from there to say its a copy its a huge step.

Could it be jealousy... ie China cannot build a sophisticated without the help from the west.....
One thing I know about J10c is that it can fly at lower altitude to make it harder for a radar to detect him. Other more hardpoints than Jf17 and Most important It Outperformed J16&SU35.

2nd it is not the first thing we can use to counter Rafael. No PAF is not that sleepy. He knows what Raphael is and and may have started digging it earlier than IAF.

I am big 0 but i think SAM will not be very helpful while backing Rafales and Domestic MK1/2s. Mac can't work with Windows. Here IAF will struggle and when you struggle you can't ....!

On the other hand J10C/JF17C will make it hell for the innocent Independents

Prophet SAW said he only knows what He is being told by Allah.
So dont compare urself to Prophets, u dont even know what ur talking about and pretend to be expert.
Bro while talking about our Final Prophet please don't use such language/claims. I don't know the context but these words are not appropriate and will lead towards a clash.
I can prove you wrong in a fraction of Minute: Surah Al Namal Ayat 65!
Plz don't take it personal but you should not make claims about Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and don't compare Makhlooq with the Khaliq!
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FHD Chinese documentary on J10C in English dubbing.

with this effort of decades they have not just made a fighter plane but stand whole aviation industry in China to a new level.

this effort and the courage they got from this achievement bring them a confidence which dawn on them this marvel J-20
If this is true (probably is) then it puts all the talk about J-10 to be an copy of the LAVI project to an end. Maybe there was some inspiration or knowledge input from the LAVI project but to go from there to say its a copy its a huge step.

Could it be jealousy... ie China cannot build a sophisticated without the help from the west.....
611 Institute Researched&Designed J-10 and CAS manufactured it with many technologies that was introduced from the Europe,they(Europeans) helped a lot.
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