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PAF Chief flies the Typhoon

PAF should induct atleast two squadrons of these aircrafts to counter indian rafale cause right now PAF has nothing to counter these indian ACs and even for current pakistani f-16s, indian SU30s will be much difficult to handle even in one on one scenario and india has a lot of SU30s.
Never claimed he did not fly, even civilians get to fly them occasionally if they are lucky. It is about how much of the flying he did. Common sense vs Chest thumping.
Well chest thumping is our favourite pass time, same as screwing Pakistan openly or behind the back is India's favourite pass time.

PAF should induct atleast two squadrons of these aircrafts to counter indian rafale cause right now PAF has nothing to counter these indian ACs and even for current pakistani f-16s, indian SU30s will be much difficult to handle even in one on one scenario and india has a lot of SU30s.
By not buying Rafales Pakistan missed the boat. Gripens with upgrades are improved, however probably India will buy them too. India has been and will try to block every which way it can. It does want to hurt Pakistan so Pakistan has to be very diligent. Eurofighter is a very expensive plane.
Well chest thumping is our favourite pass time, same as screwing Pakistan openly or behind the back is India's favourite pass time.

By not buying Rafales Pakistan missed the boat. Gripens with upgrades are improved, however probably India will buy them too. India has been and will try to block every which way it can. It does want to hurt Pakistan so Pakistan has to be very diligent. Eurofighter is a very expensive plane.

I think jf block3 can compete the gripen to some extent and with jf-17 block2 and 3 we may have a chance with the rest of the indial AF but in presence of Su-30s only few block52+ f-16s would not be enough for them. Eurofighter is expensive but what other choice does pakistan have instead of j-10B.
What A Beauty The Typhoon........Dude Will Pakistan Go for IT......IF yes Then It will Be Awsome NEWS......!!!!!!I will Distribute Sweets ....!!!!!
But I doubt either Browne or Raha flew the Raphael. Both are/were more in favor of getting US eqpt - ie, the dreadful F-35. Browne was totally pro US- Israel.

Nothing to do with topic..
Congratulations, your air chief had to fly a solitary sortie just to convince people that MiG-21 is air worthy, that too some 15 years earlier but do the IAF Commanders lead the flypast on republic days and actively participate in exercises and combat missions.
Sir I have reports that Pakistan is evaluating EF as well as Rafale and may go for one of them within a year
Sir I have reports that Pakistan is evaluating EF as well as Rafale and may go for one of them within a year
:o::woot::what:o_O EF can be taken into consideration Air Chief is seen testing it. Rafale is now off the table, Surely!!

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