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Not just Madhya Pradesh: Denying eggs to malnourished children is common in BJP-run states

More Rubbish and ignorance.

It was the Kings and queens of Kerala who took up the burden of education and ensured Kerala was the most educated part of India even before Independence.

This was very much in line with the importance of education in kerala and Hindu culture. Schools were established in EVERY village.

Parvathy Bhai of Travancore in 1817 passed a royal order that "The state should defray the entire cost of the education of its people in order that there might be no backwardness in the spread of enlightenment."

That's right, FREE EDUCATION in kerala by their Hindu Kings and Queens.

The most important among them was the educational policy followed by the Travancore Government under one of its ablest Diwan- T.Rama Rao. The main achievement was the creation of the Vernacular Education Department. The next milestone was the year 1871 when it was decided that every ‘pokuthy’or ‘village’ should have its own school. In 1879 grant in aid rules were made applicable to all private schools, provided they were imparting vernacular education up to a certain standard. In 1904 Travancore government took up the responsibility of imparting free primary education to all children in the state and fees were abolished in all schools and salary grants were made to private schools kept for backward classes. An education code was introduced in 1909-10 effecting comprehensive reforms in the classification, management, accommodation and equipment of schools. Restrictions in lower castes in government schools were removed in 1911-1912. In 1917 rural schools were also started for the benefit of the pupils who were unable to going for education due to poverty or other cause. In view of the people’s demand and the collegiate level institutions in the state, on Ist November 1937, the University of Travancore was established and incorporated under the Travancore University Act 1937-38

To figure out how christians in kerala got control of education, read up on John Munro and how he emasculated the temples and Hindu organizations in Kerala. But NO, you would not do that. You would rather wallow in ignorance and blame the Hindus. :sick:

While temple money was stolen, church was funded and land grants made to them. Temples were made poor so that they could not compete against the Church. The result ?

Number of Schools under Christian Management in 1908

Denomination/Diocese No. of Schools
Protestant LMS 393
Salvation Army 74
CMS 296
Church of England 16
Total 779

Latin Catholics Archdiocese of Verapoly 130
Diocese of Quilon 147
Diocese of Cochin 92
Total 369

St. Thomas Christians Vicariate Apostolic of Cnanganacherry 424
Vicariate Apostolic of Ernakulam 178
Vicariate Apostolic of Trichur v 186
Total 788

Non Catholic Syrians 272
Mar Thomites 97
Syrian Archdiocese of Malankara (Jacobite) 175

Grand Total 2208

The Mappila Rebellion was quelled by the Gorkhas. Not by Brit soldiers.

The land distribution was done by the communist govt, not the British govt. LOL.

:lol: ..... do you really believe such rubbish ?

Ya ......... its all the Hindus fault. You are pathetic.

Why does the "secular" congress govt and mulayam singh provide free burning of dead bodies for Hindus who die by the ganga ?

Are they not aware of the hindu customs and beliefs ?

LOL. Only a PIG will search for pearls that come from the @ss. Enjoy eating my "pearls".
More Rubbish and ignorance.

It was the Kings and queens of Kerala who took up the burden of education and ensured Kerala was the most educated part of India even before Independence.

This was very much in line with the importance of education in kerala and Hindu culture. Schools were established in EVERY village.

Parvathy Bhai of Travancore in 1817 passed a royal order that "The state should defray the entire cost of the education of its people in order that there might be no backwardness in the spread of enlightenment."

That's right, FREE EDUCATION in kerala by their Hindu Kings and Queens.

The most important among them was the educational policy followed by the Travancore Government under one of its ablest Diwan- T.Rama Rao. The main achievement was the creation of the Vernacular Education Department. The next milestone was the year 1871 when it was decided that every ‘pokuthy’or ‘village’ should have its own school. In 1879 grant in aid rules were made applicable to all private schools, provided they were imparting vernacular education up to a certain standard. In 1904 Travancore government took up the responsibility of imparting free primary education to all children in the state and fees were abolished in all schools and salary grants were made to private schools kept for backward classes. An education code was introduced in 1909-10 effecting comprehensive reforms in the classification, management, accommodation and equipment of schools. Restrictions in lower castes in government schools were removed in 1911-1912. In 1917 rural schools were also started for the benefit of the pupils who were unable to going for education due to poverty or other cause. In view of the people’s demand and the collegiate level institutions in the state, on Ist November 1937, the University of Travancore was established and incorporated under the Travancore University Act 1937-38

To figure out how christians in kerala got control of education, read up on John Munro and how he emasculated the temples and Hindu organizations in Kerala. But NO, you would not do that. You would rather wallow in ignorance and blame the Hindus. :sick:

While temple money was stolen, church was funded and land grants made to them. Temples were made poor so that they could not compete against the Church. The result ?

Number of Schools under Christian Management in 1908

Denomination/Diocese No. of Schools
Protestant LMS 393
Salvation Army 74
CMS 296
Church of England 16
Total 779

Latin Catholics Archdiocese of Verapoly 130
Diocese of Quilon 147
Diocese of Cochin 92
Total 369

St. Thomas Christians Vicariate Apostolic of Cnanganacherry 424
Vicariate Apostolic of Ernakulam 178
Vicariate Apostolic of Trichur v 186
Total 788

Non Catholic Syrians 272
Mar Thomites 97
Syrian Archdiocese of Malankara (Jacobite) 175

Grand Total 2208

The Mappila Rebellion was quelled by the Gorkhas. Not by Brit soldiers.

The land distribution was done by the communist govt, not the British govt. LOL.

:lol: ..... do you really believe such rubbish ?

Ya ......... its all the Hindus fault. You are pathetic.

Why does the "secular" congress govt and mulayam singh provide free burning of dead bodies for Hindus who die by the ganga ?

Are they not aware of the hindu customs and beliefs ?

LOL. Only a PIG will search for pearls that come from the @ss. Enjoy eating my "pearls".
bhai gussa kyun ho raha hai. tere pearls tu hi kha. main eggs khata hoon.
What is amazing bro is that they come up with all kinds of reasons to sell their daughters.... IDK how?

You don't deserve my anger, only my contempt. :tdown:

What is amazing bro is that they come up with all kinds of reasons to sell their daughters.... IDK how?

People will do anything to survive. To survive in "secular" kerala today Hindus have to offer their equivalent of Jodha bhai to modern day Akbars.

They will say and do everything to maintain the illusion of dignity. Even lie to themselves.
This is a needless controversy.
I as a vegetarian know that a glass of milk has sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals (almost as much as an egg), giving milk and daal to the children in anganwadi should suffice.
Egg has many disadvantages
1)Egg has a low shelf life.
2) It needs greater care during transportation.
3) Some ppl are allergic to eggs.
A balanced vegetarian diet is possible and I have no idea why would one consider egg as the most important factor of a balanced diet, vegetarianism should not be equated to malnourishment.

When did I said that you are responsible for it? I just wanted your opinion viz a viz to this egg and Ramzan controversy.
1) That was an year old report and I guess there's already a thread on the same topic in pdf.
2) I've already posted my opinion on the "egg" controversy.
3) As far as the ramadan controversy is concerned then let me tell you it effected only a few schools in Malabar region of kerala, its the only region in kerala where muslims are in majority. IMO, every school should follow rules and there should be no special rules for any community.
Anything else???
I hope both of them stop preaching about how great Kerla is and how awesome their govt. is and how everyone is a fool to not vote "secular"
You've a problem with my state???
Now let me correct you that our government is not awesome, it has many issues. But as a state we are very secular, or should I say the hindus of the state are secular. My assumption is that the high literacy rate in the state helps...we dont get fooled easily.
And if you're wondering why dont we have a BJP govt in kerala??? Its because there's no charismatic BJP leader in Kerala, nobody with gravitas.

Had that been the case they would have been based in Kerala not somewhere else.
So my living outside my state/country is an issue?? Is that a topic you want me to debate on???
Oh please ... stop with this victim mentality.
I gave a secular example from an Indian state but you all are trying to skirt around the issue by crying Mallus are being unduly targeted.
why are you so insecure?? I guess there isnt much happening in Haryana these days.
That doesn't stop them and their holier than thou attitude.
And you should stop forcing your opinion down my throat.

@AugenBlick and @jaatram you guys clearly assumed that I would support an egg campaign.
when will you stop jumping into conclusions??? and if you guys dont like reading my opinion then you can put me on your ignore list.
Btw @jaatram you should stop worrying about your "skin", we dont need it.

And @wolfschanzze were you the one who called @hinduguy a British stooge???
That comes from a guy who not so long ago studied in UK. Stop making personal attacks wolffy.

fcuk them up .... these sickular peeps are a dying breed. let them squirm as much as they want. Heck if modi stayed PM for next term these libtards would start an movement to collect foreskin to maintain the secular fabric of India.
Thank you!
I will remember that.

Slave mentality at its finest.... thats why in MP we ignore these people....they can cry a whole arabian sea. lulz
so you belong to MP??? Lolzzz
I've spent 3 years of my life in Jabalpur and I know how that state is run. Hehehehe
so you belong to MP??? Lolzzz
I've spent 3 years of my life in Jabalpur and I know how that state is run. Hehehehe
Really......lol what were you doing there ... :lol: there is nothing to do in J'pur.
This is a needless controversy.
I as a vegetarian know that a glass of milk has sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals (almost as much as an egg), giving milk and daal to the children in anganwadi should suffice.
Egg has many disadvantages
1)Egg has a low shelf life.
2) It needs greater care during transportation.
3) Some ppl are allergic to eggs.
1. Eggs have more shelf life than green vegetables. Definitely much more than milk. 2 weeks typical.
2. Eggs can be locally sourced, just like veg. Leave the logistics to others. Capitalism rocks.
3. Some people are allergic to brinjal too. It wont be force fed.
@levina , @hinduguy
the chaos started not bcoz the BJP ruled states plan to ban eggs due to its lack of nutritional value but bcoz its consumption can somehow "alter the sensitivity" in children
1. Eggs have more shelf life than green vegetables. Definitely much more than milk. 2 weeks typical.
2. Eggs can be locally sourced, just like veg. Leave the logistics to others. Capitalism rocks.
3. Some people are allergic to brinjal too. It wont be force fed.
Do you think I've an issue eggs???
I merely said egg is not the ONLY important factor in a balanced diet and I already know the pros and cons of a vegetarian diet.
I had visited an anganwadi some years back, and the lady inchagre of that anganwadi had told me that they mostly give pulses to kids; vegetables,milk and egg are not given regularly (if I'm not wrong).

You little :crazy_pilot:
complete your sentence....
This is a needless controversy.
I as a vegetarian know that a glass of milk has sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals (almost as much as an egg), giving milk and daal to the children in anganwadi should suffice.
Egg has many disadvantages
1)Egg has a low shelf life.
2) It needs greater care during transportation.
3) Some ppl are allergic to eggs.
A balanced vegetarian diet is possible and I have no idea why would one consider egg as the most important factor of a balanced diet, vegetarianism should not be equated to malnourishment.

Hinduguy has already replied to your points, I just want to point out that the entire budget of one mid-day meal would be less than the cost of a glass of milk. At least you don't advice them to eat cake if they can't afford bread! :)

1. Eggs have more shelf life than green vegetables. Definitely much more than milk. 2 weeks typical.
2. Eggs can be locally sourced, just like veg. Leave the logistics to others. Capitalism rocks.
3. Some people are allergic to brinjal too. It wont be force fed.
This is a needless controversy.
I as a vegetarian know that a glass of milk has sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals (almost as much as an egg), giving milk and daal to the children in anganwadi should suffice.
Egg has many disadvantages
1)Egg has a low shelf life.
2) It needs greater care during transportation.
3) Some ppl are allergic to eggs.
A balanced vegetarian diet is possible and I have no idea why would one consider egg as the most important factor of a balanced diet, vegetarianism should not be equated to malnourishment.

1) That was an year old report and I guess there's already a thread on the same topic in pdf.
2) I've already posted my opinion on the "egg" controversy.
3) As far as the ramadan controversy is concerned then let me tell you it effected only a few schools in Malabar region of kerala, its the only region in kerala where muslims are in majority. IMO, every school should follow rules and there should be no special rules for any community.
Anything else???

You've a problem with my state???
Now let me correct you that our government is not awesome, it has many issues. But as a state we are very secular, or should I say the hindus of the state are secular. My assumption is that the high literacy rate in the state helps...we dont get fooled easily.
And if you're wondering why dont we have a BJP govt in kerala??? Its because there's no charismatic BJP leader in Kerala, nobody with gravitas.

So my living outside my state/country is an issue?? Is that a topic you want me to debate on???

why are you so insecure?? I guess there isnt much happening in Haryana these days.

And you should stop forcing your opinion down my throat.

@AugenBlick and @jaatram you guys clearly assumed that I would support an egg campaign.
when will you stop jumping into conclusions??? and if you guys dont like reading my opinion then you can put me on your ignore list.
Btw @jaatram you should stop worrying about your "skin", we dont need it.

And @wolfschanzze were you the one who called @hinduguy a British stooge???
That comes from a guy who not so long ago studied in UK. Stop making personal attacks wolffy.

Thank you!
I will remember that.

so you belong to MP??? Lolzzz
I've spent 3 years of my life in Jabalpur and I know how that state is run. Hehehehe

@levina , @hinduguy
the chaos started not bcoz the BJP ruled states plan to ban eggs due to its lack of nutritional value but bcoz its consumption can somehow "alter the sensitivity" in children
this debate is quite old, its more vegetarian vs nonvegetarian debate than bjp vs nonbjp debate. Veggies not only want their kids to remain vegetarian, they want rest to follow their principle. It has become a proselytizing religion. Veggies act like catholics of middle ages, its their duty to wean people away from bad stuff, and save their souls.

The deep entrenched position comes from that, not mere political affiliation.
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