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Not just Madhya Pradesh: Denying eggs to malnourished children is common in BJP-run states

Still relying on the same old religious shit to prove that all of us are from a third world country .Right?
Muslim community in our area is light years better than the muslims in your part of India.Malabar has some problem.

What representative ?

Of course the muslims in kerala is much better off than muslims in rest of India.

They have hindus slaves working for them in Kerala and in "Gelf". :coffee: .......... even eating beef to become more appealing to muslims.

The same Beef that is banned in muslim majority Kashmir.
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man... whats the point of arguing.. if you eat nonveg, you are sickular/muslim, you vote congress.. or you are lefty.
Untrue. Its about having a common minimum acceptable food for everyone involved.
If you are able to provide the required nutrition without having to drive out the hindu vegetarians, then why not try it.

But there is no point trying to please everyone.
Right now eggs are being supplied in non-BJP states and the right wing hindu vegetarians are putting up with that.
In the BJP state, let the sickular/muslim, congress voting lefty's put up with that.
Of course the muslims in kerala is much better off than muslims in rest of India.

They have hindus slaves working for them in Kerala and in "Gelf". :coffee: .......... even eating beef to become more appealing to muslims.

O really ?
AfAIK Muslim family in my neighbourhood is earning their bread by working as a farm labour in that arid desert of 52°C the so called Gulf.

He ended up like this because one of his fellow muslim cheated him in UAE and their police arrested him and put up in their jail.
Have you heard about Arabs jail ?
That man is still working as a labour in an Arabs farm.
But another neighbour ,a Hindu is earning lakh of salary in Gulf.
So I cant believe you.

Eating beef or not ?that is none of your business.Even I had been eat these beef several years ago.
Hindus in Kerala eat beef .But we didnt polluted our temples and surroundings like your folks doing in North Indian places like Varanasi.
O really ?
AfAIK Muslim family in my neighbourhood is earning their bread by working as a farm labour in that arid desert of 52°C the so called Gulf.

He ended up like this because one of his fellow muslim cheated him in UAE and their police arrested him and put up in their jail.
Have you heard about Arabs jail ?
That man is still working as a labour in an Arabs farm.
But another neighbour ,a Hindu is earning lakh of salary in Gulf.
So I cant believe you.

LOL.......so your vague anecdotal story is suppose to wash away reality ? :cheesy:

The Average muslim owns twice the land as an average lower caste Hindu in Kerala. :lol:

The average muslim in kerala owns 50% more land than the average Hindue to in kerala.

How deluded you must be to be blind of the reality around you. Its classic mallu "secular" perversion.

25% of muslims in kerala own 30% of Industry, 23% of Agriculture and 40 % of commerce. :P

55% of Hindus in kerala own 28% of Industry, 24% of Agriculture and 28 % of commerce :lol:

ANd here you are a Hindu from kerala singing how perfect Kerala is :lol: ........... go kill yourself you shameless, worthless enuch. To see you call yourself a Nair makes me want to puke.

Eating beef or not ?that is none of your business.Even I had been eat these beef several years ago.
Hindus in Kerala eat beef .But we didnt polluted our temples and surroundings like your folks doing in North Indian places like Varanasi.

It is my business. I am a Hindu from kerala and I do not eat beef. People in kerala go to temples drunk and you are saying they do not pollute temples. LOL.

Even in "gelf" all jobs are first given to Indian Muslim (56%) followed by Christians (26%) and LAST to Hindus (16%).

Now go get drunk and eat some more beef to rejoice the secularism in you.
Your post have been reported.

On topic : If they give other nutrient food instead of eggs it wouldnt be a great problem.
but sir , wud they ??
today eggs are anti religious. tomorrow, milk will be too costly for the exchequer , day after tomorrow, pulses will have another story.
how long this fiddling with the stomachs of children will continue ???
ohhh i forgot , they dont need their own children to avail these programmes. then why give a shoot ? just find some ridiculous pretext to please fanatic morons sitting on top.
its food for godsake. feed the children , they are hungry.
but sir , wud they ??
today eggs are anti religious. tomorrow, milk will be too costly for the exchequer , day after tomorrow, pulses will have another story.
how long this fiddling with the stomachs of children will continue ???
ohhh i forgot , they dont need their own children to avail these programmes. then why give a shoot ? just find some ridiculous pretext to please fanatic morons sitting on top.
its food for godsake. feed the children , they are hungry.

Good idea.

Why don't we just process the dead bodies of humans to extract the nutrition and feed the children ?

After all we do not wan to please fanatic morons sitting on top. Let us for godsake fee the children, they are hungry. :coffee:
LOL.......so your vague anecdotal story is suppose to wash away reality ? :cheesy:

The Average muslim owns twice the land as an average lower caste Hindu in Kerala. :lol:

The average muslim in kerala owns 50% more land than the average Hindue to in kerala.

How deluded you must be to be blind of the reality around you. Its classic mallu "secular" perversion.

25% of muslims in kerala own 30% of Industry, 23% of Agriculture and 40 % of commerce. :P

55% of Hindus in kerala own 28% of Industry, 24% of Agriculture and 28 % of commerce :lol:

ANd here you are a Hindu from kerala singing how perfect Kerala is :lol: ........... go kill yourself you shameless, worthless enuch. To see you call yourself a Nair makes me want to puke.

It is my business. I am a Hindu from kerala and I do not eat beef. People in kerala go to temples drunk and you are saying they do not pollute temples. LOL.

Even in "gelf" all jobs are first given to Indian Muslim (56%) followed by Christians (26%) and LAST to Hindus (16%).

Now go get drunk and eat some more beef to rejoice the secularism in you.

And what can they do with these high rich properties ?
All those rich are from Malabar .Yes there is some problem in there .
But our area ,Southern Kerala come on.
I dont have to explain to you or dont need a certificate of you.
Those are my personal experience.
Years ago Swami Vivekanandan visited Keeala and told this is a mental house.Yes this was a mental house because of Hindus .I would dare to say Brahmins and Nairs exploited lower castes.
And Muslims and Christians exploited that opportunity very well.

A lot of Muslim families in Malabar is rich .Do you know why ?
It has some connection 1921 Malabar rebellion.British officers hundreds of them deployed in Malabar they molested hundreds of Muslim families in there.And when they returned Brits gave them a lot of lands.
Hindus were rare because Tipu already did a lots of damage.

That is why we have been banned bars.
Any way except festival season .Noone come inside of the temple as drunken.
But when I see those Ganga and other temple cities.How cant they remove all those filyh?
Good idea.

Why don't we just process the dead bodies of humans to extract the nutrition and feed the children ?

After all we do not wan to please fanatic morons sitting on top. Let us for godsake fee the children, they are hungry. :coffee:
well, when u grow up, ask ur masters what is the difference between a DEAD person and an egg.
And what can they do with these high rich properties ?
All those rich are from Malabar .Yes there is some problem in there .
But our area ,Southern Kerala come on.
I dont have to explain to you or dont need a certificate of you.
Those are my personal experience.
Years ago Swami Vivekanandan visited Keeala and told this is a mental house.Yes this was a mental house because of Hindus .I would dare to say Brahmins and Nairs exploited lower castes.
And Muslims and Christians exploited that opportunity very well.

No, you indulge in self certification. Much more appealing to your perverted sense of reality.

So somehow its all the Hindus faulty :lol: ............... WOW...... just WOW.

You are truly a perfect specimen of self loathing and self hate. Enjoy being you.

A lot of Muslim families in Malabar is rich .Do you know why ?
It has some connection 1921 Malabar rebellion.British officers hundreds of them deployed in Malabar they molested hundreds of Muslim families in there.And when they returned Brits gave them a lot of lands.
Hindus were rare because Tipu already did a lots of damage.

Total Rubbish. The main reason for the Mappila Rebellion was that the Hindus were land owners and the muslims were tenents :lol:

What kind of "secular" history have you been taught ?

The rebellion started when an muslim employee Muhammad of Nilambur Kovilakam (Hindu landlords) was dismissed and his salary was not paid for the reason that he had joined the Mappila movement. As he protested it, he was falsely charged and arrested. The leaders, who questioned the false charge-sheet, were arrested on 16 August 1921 as per infamous ‘Mappila Act’, intended to detain Mappilas without stating the reason.

Muslims in kerala has always fought the british, not partnered them like the christians of kerala.

The transfer of ownership AWAY from the Hindus is the gift of "secular" independent kerala. Nothing to do with the british.


That is why we have been banned bars.
Any way except festival season .Noone come inside of the temple as drunken.
But when I see those Ganga and other temple cities.How cant they remove all those filyh?

Bars is not banned in kerala. In any case the limited ban is due to Christian pressure. Nothing to do with Hindus.

Ganga is visited by ALL of India and it welcomes ALL with an open heart. The 'secular' govt. allowed it do die.

Drunk employee disrupts rituals in Kerala temple

well, when u grow up, ask ur masters what is the difference between a DEAD person and an egg.

LOL. What happened ?

Don't you want to feed the "hungry children" ? :lol: ............ or are you looking up the quran to see what it says ? who is your "master" ?
LOL. What happened ?

Don't you want to feed the "hungry children" ? :lol: ............ or are you looking up the quran to see what it says ? who is your "master" ?
i do feed them , as much as my limits.
and i dont push religion down there throats.
i dunno where quran came from, but i see how ur beautiful mind works.
and lastly, i dont have a master. i have a normal job with a normal boss.
no religious nuts involved. period.
i do feed them , as much as my limits.
and i dont push religion down there throats.
i dunno where quran came from, but i see how ur beautiful mind works.
and lastly, i dont have a master. i have a normal job with a normal boss.
no religious nuts involved. period.

I get it, you don't have masters, only other have "masters" :cheesy: ............... clearly a superior being.

If you don't want to push religion down their throat, you need to process dead human beings and feed the nutrition from them to your children :lol:

Why the double standards ? :P
How can some one impose Veg food on others??? Veg food is everyones diet..

Egg can be good source of protein, But not only source.. If govt don't want egg , what a big fuss?? they will provoide other source of protein...

The Prestitite shall talk sense..
Idiots preaching here don't know 50% will dropout if they see eggs on the menu ... this is MP not Al-Bengal .... @wolfschanzze @jaatram

If there is a will, there is a way, eggs are very simple to cook, it can be cooked in a seperate place and given to non-vegetarian children. The will is missing here!

Usko bolne de Daily Protein Requirement kitni hoti hai, Phir main bolonga. Ek toh iddhar ki ***** koh nahin patah kitne Calorie requirement hai,People here don't even know how to make ORS SOLUTION!
I seen them already!

The fact that malnutrition among children is an acute problem in India proves that the children are not getting enough of proteins. Besides, protein is just one part of a balanced diet, and egg itself is a balanced diet. Those who are preaching vegetarianism here can afford decent veg food. But most of the mid-day meal beneficieries are from economically weaker background, why deprive them if they don't have any issues with non-veg food?

Untrue. Its about having a common minimum acceptable food for everyone involved.
If you are able to provide the required nutrition without having to drive out the hindu vegetarians, then why not try it.

But there is no point trying to please everyone.
Right now eggs are being supplied in non-BJP states and the right wing hindu vegetarians are putting up with that.
In the BJP state, let the sickular/muslim, congress voting lefty's put up with that.

The problem is that you are not able to provide the required nutrition, and that's why the malnutrition. Regarding the sensivities of vegetarians, an egg can be boiled seperately and given to non-vegetarian kids after the meal or after the school, why they have to deprive themselves for the sensivities of vegetarians? Many of these kids are from poor background and can't afford eggs on their own, mid-day meals are there only option for a good meal.

And don't make it a BJP/Non-BJP Hindutva/sicular, muslim, congress voting lefty's issue, kids are not political pawns, and a vegetarian can remain vegetarian in a sickular, muslim, congress voting lefty's state, a non-vegetarian should be allowed to remain non-vegetarian in a BJP/ Hindutva state also.
Good idea.

Why don't we just process the dead bodies of humans to extract the nutrition and feed the children ?

After all we do not wan to please fanatic morons sitting on top. Let us for godsake fee the children, they are hungry. :coffee:

You are stretching that a bit too far, no one has suggested that eggs be mandatory but those children who eat it may be allowed to do so. There is no ban on eggs in India, it is eaten across a large majority of household. Why then, should it not be available as one of the choices?
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