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"Muslims with more than 2 children will be sent to jail" - Hindu Leader Pravin Togadia

And shit loads of Hundus call us extremist - their MPs openly call for rape and necrophilia of Muslim graves and now this
Common mate it's just not hindus , you know it.

He is the kattar of the kattar hindu ,he is just talk and no walk. There is long way to go for these guys before they will blow up things.

Why are all these dot heads so ugly looking? It's like hate seeps through their soul. What an ugly culture.
Cross breeding gives cute babies as per science.
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He is the kattar of the kattar hindu ,he is just talk and no walk. There is long way to go for these guys before they will blow up things.

Pravin Togadia "who is all talk and no walk", as this vile H likes to claim was making these remarks before the Gujarat Hindu-led massacre:


What followed this threat was mass murder and gangrape carried out by Hs.


Speaking of bomb blasts, Pravin Togadia was also in contact with the main accused of the 2006 Malegaon bombings:


There is long way to go for these guys before they will blow up things.
no, Hundus are pussy to be able to somethingh like that - but they love to rape, lynch and mob kill poor innocent muslims and alike
this guys sounds crass and ignorant.

curious: anyone know if muslims of India, bangaldesh and pakistan multiply at remarkably faster rate than hindus or christians?
You don't know about him? He was former President of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, until he fought bitterly with the RSS in Gujarat and was ostracised.

He is a fanatic of the highest degree of Islamophobia.

Although, birth rates among all religious groups are dwindling
This is the point very conveniently glossed over by the right wing.

This Hindu has been in leadership positions for national Hindu organisations but pajeets will try to convince you he's just a "motormouth" and to ignore him. Why don't you tell your Hindu brothers who follow him to ignore him instead of us?
They don't have to be told.

They have started ignoring him increasingly. He is much worse than even an Indian right-winger can deal with.

People like you should stop commenting as long as you have such blurred pictures based on internet knowledge.

More dangerous than him is Owaisi.
Why is Owaisi being dragged in all of a sudden, out of nowhere?

More dangerous than him is Owaisi.
Why is Owaisi being dragged in all of a sudden, out of nowhere?
He's in the right place to benefit from his crassness and ignorance.

Not our fault that we're endowed with prowess of that kind.
I had always suggested to PDF administration to impose an IQ test on aspiring members. Your post vindicates my stand.
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More dangerous than him is Owaisi.
Why is Owaisi being dragged in all of a sudden, out of nowhere?
He's in the right place to benefit from his crassness and ignorance.

Not our fault that we're endowed with prowess of that kind.
I had always suggested to PDF administration to impose an IQ test on aspiring members. Your post vindicates my stand.
How do one know that a guy having two children registered on his name doesn't have more children living in others' houses as their children?
This is a piece of rubbish, uttered by a piece of rubbish, and given time and attention by the jobless.

And shit loads of Hundus call us extremist - their MPs openly call for rape and necrophilia of Muslim graves and now this
Two wrongs don't make a right.

you sound crass and ignorant too if you thinks reproduction is a 'prowess'.
Obviously sanctioned polygamy will result in faster multiplication. Ironically with 3 to four women, if you guys are producing anythng less than 4 times the non-muslim rate, the said prowess will be inadequate' ain't it?...point being, why do you stoop down t the level of that idiot
Guess who will seek out idiots and identify with them?
They have started ignoring him increasingly. He is much worse than even an Indian right-winger can deal with.
Hindus used to say the exact same lies about Yogi. Then he became Chief Minister of your biggest state, and all the Hindus completely dropped the "he is a fringe figure" line and began building a cult of personality around him.

Also, the reality is he doesn't need a massive following to be able to cause damage. How much of a following did Baba Bajrangi have? He only needed a few hundred armed kattar Hindus to be able to massacre an entire Muslim neighbourhood.
no, Hundus are pussy to be able to somethingh like that - but they love to rape, lynch and mob kill poor innocent muslims and alike
We are not Hundus.

Watch your mouth.

Hindus used to say the exact same lies about Yogi. Then he became Chief Minister of your biggest state, and all the Hindus completely dropped the "he is a fringe figure" line and began building a cult of personality around him.
Hindus did not.

Liberals and opponents of the regime thought somebody as bizarre as Adityanath would peter out. They/we did not take into account the toxification of society in the BIMARU states.

The people who began building a cult around him are lumpenproletariat who follow the Sangh Parivar.
Liberals and opponents of the regime thought somebody as bizarre as Adityanath would peter out. They/we did not take into account the toxification of society in the BIMARU states.
So you were wrong last time, but definitely correct about Pravin Togadia? I agree by his resume, he sounds like a "has-been" at this point, but it's not because of what he's saying.

The people who began building a cult around him are lumpenproletariat who follow the Sangh Parivar.
To me it sounds like the subaltern majority of India finally being allowed to speak?
So you were wrong last time, but definitely correct about Pravin Togadia? I agree by his resume, he sounds like a "has-been" at this point, but it's not because of what he's saying.
Since he has been abandoned by his own power-base, he has no chance of revival.

So you were wrong last time, but definitely correct about Pravin Togadia? I agree by his resume, he sounds like a "has-been" at this point, but it's not because of what he's saying.

To me it sounds like the subaltern majority of India finally being allowed to speak?
They were always allowed to speak. They still don't speak, they react to the pulls and pushes of the puppeteers manipulating them. That is not speaking, that is dancing to someone else's tune.
Since he has been abandoned by his own power-base, he has no chance of revival.
I'm in agreement here, whatever loss of influence he has experienced is a product of power games, nothing to do with his views being particularly distasteful. If we want to push it, we could say his crime was "saying the quiet part out loud", which doesn't really mean anything when BJP is actively campaigning on Muslim hate.

They still don't speak, they react to the pulls and pushes of the puppeteers manipulating them. That is not speaking, that is dancing to someone else's tune.
Stop trying to deny them any agency. You could just as well say that about any party's support base. At the end of the day they are all consuming media and content from some entity above them and reacting accordingly.
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So you were wrong last time, but definitely correct about Pravin Togadia? I agree by his resume, he sounds like a "has-been" at this point, but it's not because of what he's saying.

To me it sounds like the subaltern majority of India finally being allowed to speak?
They were always allowed to speak. They still don't speak, they react to the pulls and pushes of the puppeteers manipulating them. That is not speaking, that is dancing to someone else's tune.
I'm in agreement here, whatever loss of influence he has experienced is a product of power games, nothing to do with his views being particularly distasteful. If we want to push it, we could say his crime was "saying the quiet part out loud", which doesn't really mean anything when BJP is actively campaigning on Muslim hate.
His views being hateful are repulsive to one section of the nation, and that does not distinguish on religious lines.

His losing his powerbase is a different thing. That is linked to the internal politics of the Sangh Parivar, but they do take into account the electable potential of a prominent leader. Outside Gujarat, or outside pockets of influence in the Bimaru region or in parts of Maharashtra, he cannot get elected. If he fights with the Sangh Parivar apparatus in Gujarat, that need not have been the end of the road for him, except for his hateful speech, that makes it difficult to fit him in somewhere where he will not disturb the local power structure. A loyal apparatchik not so hateful could have been fitted in.

Stop trying to deny them any agency. You could just as well say that about any party's support base. At the end of the day they are all consuming media and content from some entity above them and reacting accordingly.
If that can be said about any party's support base, that undermines that grandiloquent notion of an entire subaltern movement towards recognition and discovery. Every party's support base consisting of the same kind of social profile, one party or the other coming to power means nothing in terms of its support base being distinctive.
They want to create another paksitan
Sponsored by Gao muttar 😂😂
This policy needed in pak very very badly
no, Hundus are pussy to be able to somethingh like that - but they love to rape, lynch and mob kill poor innocent muslims and alike
Of course the king rat bindu gave you a negative rating. Why is this fool and others like him roaming here.
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