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"My American Veggie Garden and Pakistani Dishes!" [Video]

When the dark Pakistan's have far different facial structures then Indians. Look at your bone structure

White Canadians are too dumb to understand that. They see every brown as indian or from that subcontinent. The very first question i get is "are you indian?"
I see baingans in the same light as mosquitoes.. must be eliminated from my sight.

Nice backyard, couple of visits to lowes or Home Depot could add more colors to it.
You're lucky then perhaps you are pakhtoon maybe youre kinda more fair
It is strange. No Pakistani would aware say he looks like a monkey from the swamps, yet you did. The fun but is, no Pakistani is. Genetically far different then them
Weird, I've been called many things but Indian.

Mate i get that too here, but its not always are you Indian, for me its usually where r u from and when i say have a guess then they say Indian. When i say i m pakistani then they say oh u dont look pakistani at all. There idea of a Pakistani is a dark skinny guy with long beard.
I see baingans in the same light as mosquitoes.. must be eliminated from my sight.

Nice backyard, couple of visits to lowes or Home Depot could add more colors to it.

Honestly she has learned to cook Baingan Bharta pretty ok; past several years of virtually unlimited supplies from her garden assured the mastery of cooking Baingan. You know, Practice Makes Perfect rule! There used to be so many yellow squashes as well--the only veggie I call 'weed' because would grow too much, too fast--that they would rot. Thank the Lord not many squashes this year. I hate squash like people in Pakistan seem to hate Tinda!
I have been trying not to open more threads about her. She has some more videos out there but, in this sensitive time, it's best to not indulge in such things. We both don't really need You Tube income. Though, for her, it would be a welcome side income or at least some hobby. But aholes keep attacking her. Deleting and banning doesn't do much with infinitely available user ids.

Today she told me that some people commented to 'I Khan speech and said they would drag women out of homes in Kashmir and rape them'. I told her that those are trolls. But she's very upset. She thinks those were real as she can tell as a woman. So she has started to poke her nose into Kashmir dispute. That was not the plan. It was to be Pro Pakistan without offending anyone. Support for Kashmir didn't mean hate India but that's how she is being attacked for.

I think the Mods may Close this thread until and unless something to say from our side??
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