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Muslim women praise ‘Imam-e-Hind’ Shri Ram

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Don't fool yourself. What unity are u taking about ? Just think what happened before British invasion and After . The atrocities committed by Muslims are not measurable. For 700 years how many rapes , murders plunders ... For what ? All in the name of Islam. What unity are u talking about . After British overwhelmed these Islamic rulers all Muslims started to re convert to Christianity and many started to be nice to Hindus so they are not left out alone .

And when everything was settled with 98% effort of Hindus to liberate Hindustan all of a sudden they wanted separate nation. And you talk about unity which is actually nothing but intelligent way to use other people for their own survival. Same thing happened when few Muslims in South India were protected by Hindus in the name of friendship and respect for human life. But what is happening now ? You need to visit Muslim majority areas where Hindus are not allowed to sell their their to other Hindus.

Get real my friend. One thing I will assure you the more they go against India The more they are getting closers for Hindutuva State. Hindus are left with no option but to protect themselves.

This secularism today is : Saying Jai Sri Ram is communal but hailing Insha Alla or Merry Christmas is secular.

Not gonna happen. Building temple in Hindustan is our rights . Like you have right to sleep , or ur rights inside ur house.

Who are the Afghans who invaded North India ? Raja Shahi Hindus etc. Kandhar is part of Ancient India and if those Gandhari putrs adopted religion and led invasions against other Indian tribes and we should not forget that those kings were always invited by other indian kings in the name of alliance .
So what was about 1857 ?
Mixed, like even today. Everything was mixed. There were fanatical Muslims who hated the loss of power, Hindus who wanted a Hindu value system, Sikhs who wanted to remove the Mughal fake throne entirely, mixed folks who wished to stay together, landowners who wanted to hold on to their lands, kings who wished to keep their treasures and kingdoms, men who wanted British rule, folks who wanted the old status quo to continue etc etc.

Yes not "entirely" but you don't come under that "entire", that's was sure...
:coffee: Yawn. Guten nacht. :P

i am saying masjid was converted into mandir .
Not sure, any case, thanks... will have to check. I am skeptical though. :)

Your avatar. God, I love those knives.
You are free to keep one, I know you are a closet Bajrangi fan...
You seriously think Sarthak and me are Bajrang Dal fan?:rofl:. Or you just removing your daily frustration on us. Its fine bro.
Mixed, like even today. Everything was mixed. There were fanatical Muslims who hated the loss of power, Hindus who wanted a Hindu value system, Sikhs who wanted to remove the Mughal fake throne entirely, mixed folks who wished to stay together, landowners who wanted to hold on to their lands, kings who wished to keep their treasures and kingdoms, men who wanted British rule, folks who wanted the old status quo to continue etc etc.

During that time Hindu religious system was placed and even Muslim religious system and both were fighting together to keep that religious system and the religious system started to changed after 1857 war .
Hind does not consist of just India , Hind means Pakistan , India , Bangladesh and closing countries ...
and yes there are many Messengers Allah has sent , but we know of only 25, mentioned in Quran ..

and considering Ram as a Messenger , it depends on his teaching , Cause all messengers just ask their people to worship One god , and avoid Idol worshiping .. If Ram , has encourage idol worship , than he is not a Messenger ..

Bhagvad Gita does preach ONENESS OF GOD, Imageless God to be precise as per the definition of Bhagvad Gita. People should read Gita for the benefit of knowledge. I have a feeling that Ram was Messenger like many others adorned in India.

We have to remember that just people pray to them instead of God, that doesn't mean they weren't Prophets. Remember Prophet Isa (PBUH)? He preached ONENESS OF GOD, Monotheism practice to be precise, but his followers, after years of years later, resorted to Polytheism practice defying the originality of the religion. Similarity, they must have preached the Monotheism practices in ancient Hind, but as true knowledge decayed, ignorant prevailed which led to birth buddhism/idol worship.

Holy Quran did mention about Prophet Adam (PBUH) and his third son, Prophet Seth (PBUH), not first two sons. There is ancient shrine of Prophet Seth or Shish (PBUH) trace back to India. I am not sure this is one or not.

India: Prophet Shish shrine damaged, youth murdered at mosque in Ayodhya
During that time Hindu religious system was placed and even Muslim religious system and both were fighting together to keep that religious system and the religious system started to changed after 1857 war .
Partly true. I don't deny this. But history is more complex than a simplistic explanation. :)
Who are the Afghans who invaded North India ? Raja Shahi Hindus etc. Kandhar is part of Ancient India and if those Gandhari putrs adopted religion and led invasions against other Indian tribes and we should not forget that those kings were always invited by other indian kings in the name of alliance .
Their "history" is completely different. In their history, Kings followed "Dharma", never looted or pillaged enemy kingdoms, never killed the innocents etc. It was a big happy family and all the ills that ever existed then and now are gifted by invaders...

:coffee: Yawn. Guten nacht. :P
You badly need more cups of those....
Who are the Afghans who invaded North India ? Raja Shahi Hindus etc. Kandhar is part of Ancient India and if those Gandhari putrs adopted religion and led invasions against other Indian tribes and we should not forget that those kings were always invited by other indian kings in the name of alliance .
The Raja Shahi never invaded India. What sorcery is this! @Joe Shearer

I always try to learn and try to talk straight and never have any intention to hurt anyone.
You are a decent guy. Even though I won't agree with many views you have, but you converse well. :)
Their "history" is completely different. In their history, Kings followed "Dharma", never looted or pillaged enemy kingdoms, never killed the innocents etc. It was a big happy family and all the ills that ever existed then and now are gifted by invaders...

You badly need more cups....
Yes Shiva followers destroyed Krishna temples to build Shiva temples on the ruins.
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