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BJP committed to construction of Ram temple

I will be there to lay my share of bricks when the mandir starts coming up.

Imagine the historically momentous occasion for our civilization.

Rebuilding something from ruin thousands of years later.

By the unbroken thread of a proud civilization that persisted and prevailed over all odds.




Jai Sri Ram!
Ishwar Allah tera naam.... who cares whether there is a temple or a mosque on the site. The temple or the mosque is within your heart. People demanding that a temple be built on the site are not seeking to appease God or their religion. They are seeking to appease their egos. And again, the politicians will lead their sheep to the slaughter. These politciians should rather stick to promising job creation, poverty alleviation, effective social grants and social upliftment instead of blabbering on about a mandhir which was allegedly demolished to builld a mosque. Sounds somewhat like the Pakistani politicians around election time. They get an erection about Kashmir then and our politicians seem to get an erection about the mandhir versus mosque issue. But then again, these erections are all about elections and we can only hope that the fools who vote these people in see beyond their great dramatics.

I am sorry but a lot of us DO CARE deeply about the Ram Mandir at Ayodhya.

..and may not be about appeasing God but is certainly about regaining our cultural rights and correcting historical wrongdoings. AND In this particular case its the people who are driving the politicians and not the other way around.

As KS said, its about priority....today its development , but that does not mean Ram Mandir should not be built. That should also be built and is and should be independent of Development plan.
I will be there to lay my share of bricks when the mandir starts coming up.

Imagine the historically momentous occasion for our civilization.

Rebuilding something from ruin thousands of years later.

By the unbroken thread of a proud civilization that persisted and prevailed over all odds.




Jai Sri Ram!

when mandir will starts coming up, that day will be one of my best day.

Jai Sri Ram!
I am sorry but a lot of us DO CARE deeply about the Ram Mandir at Ayodhya.

..and may not be about appeasing God but is certainly about regaining our cultural rights and correcting historical wrongdoings. AND In this particular case its the people who are driving the politicians and not the other way around.

As KS said, its about priority....today its development , but that does not mean Ram Mandir should not be built. That should also be built and is and should be independent of Development plan.

I am a devout Hindu and Lord Raam is my guide, my mentor and the reason for my daily existence. My comment however is simply directed towards the need to reconstruct a temple in honour of my God whilst antagonising the minds of millions of our countrymen. The fact is that the masjid was in place and that the mandhir was demolished previously. Who are we to condemn the faith of millions of fellow countrymen as being that of Ravana ? If we accept Islam as a bona fide religion of India, then the mosque was a place of worship to Lord Raam as well. Hence my earlier statement...Ishwar, Allah tera naam. Having said that ..Jai Sri Raam
Mostly they dont care about in urban India..but in rural areas they still strike some kind of emotional chord. Look at the audience. VHP Sant Sammelan.

But the point to note is what BJP likes or dislikes will not matter as long as it is in NDA. Its the NDA charter that matters and I dont think the Ram mandir has a priority place in that.

I am as urban as it gets ...and its an emotional issue for me. Its independent of Development politics.

...however as long as BJP cannot form an govt. by itself, Ram Mandir will never get built.
I am a devout Hindu and Lord Raam is my guide, my mentor and the reason for my daily existence. My comment however is simply directed towards the need to reconstruct a temple in honour of my God whilst antagonising the minds of millions of our countrymen. The fact is that the masjid was in place and that the mandhir was demolished previously. Who are we to condemn the faith of millions of fellow countrymen as being that of Ravana ? If we accept Islam as a bona fide religion of India, then the mosque was a place of worship to Lord Raam as well. Hence my earlier statement...Ishwar, Allah tera naam. Having said that ..Jai Sri Raam

Not building the temple is also going to antogonise the minds of millions of our countrymen.

Its an religious, cultural and historical wound that needs to heal and building the temple is part of that healing process. Its foolish to let that wound fester for too long.

No one doubts that Islam is a bona fide religion of India, which is why undisputed Mosques are sacred and new mosques come up every day (literally).

Mosque cannot be a place of worship to Lord Ram as per Agama Shastra which governs the building, operations of temples. Prana Pratishta of the deity is necessary along with daily pooja for the temple to be operational.
Ishwar Allah tera naam.... who cares whether there is a temple or a mosque on the site. The temple or the mosque is within your heart. People demanding that a temple be built on the site are not seeking to appease God or their religion. They are seeking to appease their egos. And again, the politicians will lead their sheep to the slaughter. These politciians should rather stick to promising job creation, poverty alleviation, effective social grants and social upliftment instead of blabbering on about a mandhir which was allegedly demolished to builld a mosque. Sounds somewhat like the Pakistani politicians around election time. They get an erection about Kashmir then and our politicians seem to get an erection about the mandhir versus mosque issue. But then again, these erections are all about elections and we can only hope that the fools who vote these people in see beyond their great dramatics.

Ram Mandir issue is beyond politics. Atleast for me.

Saying Ram Mandir issue is a political issue is utterly wrong. It is not that the issue suddenly started in the 80s.

The Hindus never reconciled to the fact that one of their holiest places was being desecrated by an invader and throughout the centuries lakhs of lives were lost to regain it. It is just that the movement reached a crescendo in the 80s and the historical wrong was corrected in 1992.

The Mandir issue is about who we are as a nation. What is our heritage and who we should be proud of.

I'm not proud of Babur and I make no bones about it. He was a savage from Ferghana and he had nothing to do with India.

Infact even the Muslims in India should have supported the removal of the babri structure which was a grotesque reminder, a strucutre which commemorated the defeat of our nation at the hands of a foreign invader.

My comment however is simply directed towards the need to reconstruct a temple in honour of my God whilst antagonising the minds of millions of our countrymen.

There was a masjid in place of the Somnath Mandir too in Junagadh when it was taken away (to a different place) and the mandir rebuilt there by Sardar Patel. How many Muslims even know that today ? The reason this issue became such a big problem was because it was constantly pushed under the carpet hoping it would somehow magically vanish. It did not. Instead after being dormant for some time it burst out again like a volcano. Same thing will happen if this issue is again tried to be swept under the carpet. People are not going to forget it. Instead we should face up to the problem once for all and sort it out so that our future generation would not be saddled with this problem.
We are No.1 in the world at being politically correct apologists.

I love Hindus man. But its time they developed a more piquant sense of collective outrage.

Too chilled out for their own good.

Must be all the jai bam bhole of 5000 years. :drag:

Jai Hind.

Jai Maharashtra.

Jai Sri Ram.
Jews have it = Jerusalam
Christians have it = Vatican
Muslims have it = Mecca
Sikhs have it = Golden Temple
Why not Hindus?
Jews have it = Jerusalam
Christians have it = Vatican
Muslims have it = Mecca
Sikhs have it = Golden Temple
Why not Hindus?
don't worry mate,Ayodhya is the birthplace of MaryadaPurushottam Raja Ramchandra Ji and by HIS grace we'll rebuild the Ram Mandir there very soon.
Raja Ramchandra Ji ki Jay

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