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Muslim girls pretend to be Jewish boys!

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Dec 12, 2008
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United States
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Muslim girls pretend to be Jewish boys in a summer play on Temple Mount
Arutz-7 yesterday reported that for the past month the Temple Mount was a type of "theme park" for Muslim kids to play games and otherwise treat the holy site callously.

The Al Aqsa Foundation site shows photos of some of the events which attracted hundreds of kids.

There were a number of talent show type acts:


Here we see an acrobatic exhibition:


According to the site, the kids also put on a play called "Muslim and Jew" that shows the "bitter reality" of the Al Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem.

Here is a photo of that play, where apparently they chose Muslim girls to portray religious Jewish boys:


But it isn't only the Islamists from the Al Aqsa Foundation who demonize ordinary religious Jews. Ma'an has an English headline today saying "Extremist Israelis enter Al-Aqsa Mosque compound." In even the liberal Arab press, any Jew who wants to visit the holiest Jewish site is by definition an extremist.

Dozens of extremist Israelis on Wednesday entered the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, escorted by Israeli police, a Palestinian official said.

Around 100 Israelis entered the compound through the Moroccan Gate, said Azzam al-Khatib, director-general of the PA Ministry of Endowment.

Al-Khatib said Israeli police had rejected a request to stop the visits during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which began Wednesday.

Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told Ma'an he was not aware of the request. Rosenfeld said Jewish and Christian visitors regularly enter the compound in coordinated visits.

Witnesses told Ma'an that the Israeli visitors tried to enter the Dome of the Rock, which is not an agreed part of their tour.

Muslim worshipers and Islamic students chanted Allahu Akbar to express their rejection to the visitors, witnesses said.

The group, accompanied by rabbis, left the compound through the Chain Gate chanting anti-Arab slogans, they added.​

It is highly unlikely that religious Jews would attempt to enter the Dome of the Rock, and equally unlikely that they would chant "anti-Arab slogans." Every move that they do is videoed and photographed by the Al Aqsa Foundation and if anything liek this happened, there would be proof.

However, there is abundant evidence that Palestinian Arab "eyewitnesses" routinely lie to the media.
Sooo..... ,is it blasphemy ??
Ohh let the kids remain kids and do what ever they want.. Do not make it a big news and get those kids in danger..
Shouldn't the word be - acted instead of pretended? They acted as Jewish rabbis.

Anyway its their freedom of expression - if you think they are not telling the truth, put up a counter play.
This is not the news neither bone of contention but the real news is that Israeli jews entered Al-Aqsa Mosque to irriatate Muslims on the start of Holy Month of Ramadan .

They also tried to enter Dome of the Rock
so basically at the end of the day, they were acting and used props and costumes...

am i missing something here or
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