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Muslim girls pretend to be Jewish boys!

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I can see the venom you have for Jews. Post reported.


Apparently you have no idea about the holy books, and what they say. Muslims, Christians and Jews understand what i am referring too.

You are just an ignorant member of the troll brigade who just got banned again for God knows what time...take the hint already....
well , they're doing it already , members like 500 , ptext , archdemon , vlad.convert , and so on they're trolling , if you're concerned you must ban them right away ; see what they did to iran****.net ; jews were jealous to that forum too

I am not sure about Jewish members here, I have only seen a few, solomon2 among one of them. Usually i come across the Indian troll members in the Pakistan section, like biplab bijay in this thread, who just got banned again, and this seems quite a problem. they keep coming back. So far, Jews may have opposing opinions than us, but they seem cultured. They don't poop at the same place as they eat. You can not say the same about the chronic troll brigade this site suffers from. E.g there was a thread about Burma genocide of Muslims, and some Indian members were openly supporting, Buddhist genocide of Muslims. This is the caliber of garbage we deal with. I am not sure if Jewish members can be compared to that.
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