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Jewish settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque, perform rituals

That's exactely what happen when you didn't learn history-----These jews are european jews not "semetic jews"----it's like millions of chinese muslims claim tomorrow they are arabs.

Exactly. You saw that the Zionists were nowhere to be seen in that other thread about Ashkenazi Jewish genetics.

Unlike the Mizrahi Jews (Jews from Arab lands) and the Sephardic Jews. Or the NATIVE Samaritans who "strangely" look like us Arabs/Semitic populations native to the Middle East.

Wonder why?:lol:

Native Semitic Samaritans:





The Samaritans, Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews are our REAL cousins if anything. Not the Eastern European Khazar offspring BY LARGE.

Netanyahoo and the other Khazar imports can go back to ghettos of Lithuania, Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Russia and where they came from. They should also stop claiming false and ancient Semitic Israelite lineages when only a very small minority among them can do that.

I am talking about the Askhenazi Jews. Your average Central/Eastern European Jew who have barely any familiarity with the old Jews native to the Middle East.

It is a farce.

Yeah, I know that some genetic studies show that the Ashkenazi Jews share ancestry with other Semitic groups and that there are some ancient genuine lineages among them. I am mostly talking about all the converts who were not Jewish by ancestry but just Jews by conversion. Most of the Ashkenazi Jews are that.
The Most holiest site in the world with religious claims from three biggest Abrahamic faiths.

The end of the story is it belongs to ABRAHAMIC religion and Bharati Hindus should keep licking their wounds.

shooooo you are irrelevent here dont waste your energies
@al-Hasani thanks a lot for this very knowledgeable post Akhi
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@al-Hasani thanks a lot for this very knowledgeable post Akhi

You are very welcome 7abibi. Just use that information next time you encounter a Zionist Ashkenazi Jew with roots to the ghettos of Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Belarus, Lithuania, Russia or Romania claiming ownership of "Israel" based on ancestry. Or a "God given right".
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I once watched a video of Rabbi saying that as per scripture Jews should not establish a state or political entity and wait for promised Messiah who will come and establish Jewish state.

Is that the best you could come up with?
You people say that Islam accepts Torah as divinely inspired. So, what does it say about the promised land?
My God you have something against Muslims don't you? lol Islam is not about blood line thats why anyone can become a Muslim neither does the Quran say that a convert can't enter Makkah so there is a huge difference don't compare the incomparable secondly as i told you if you do a little research you would find a lot of literature telling you where they went so don't ask me what i already told you you just don't like to accept facts and keep harping the same thing over and over again. Yes promised to the Original Jews not the self proclaimed ones and the Jewish God promises that those who have their lineage to back their claims would get the land and nobody else.

Even Judaism doesn't say that any convert or their descendants cannot have all the rights of full blooded Jew.
I told you before too that I don't waste time on conspiracy theories. Its a common trait among muslims to fall for conspiracy theories, even when facts and stark reality is staring down on them, whenever it suits them. There is lots of literature out there regarding the character of Mohammed, or origins of Koran or nature of Islam which doesn't conform to accepted beliefs, but we all accept what majority believe.
Its obvious that you don't have answers to the many questions I raised and instead go tangentially on some vague conspiracy theories..
The Jews have been persecuted over millenniums by all kinds of people all over the world. Why would anyone be willing to fake a claim to be a Jew and attract persecution? Only the strong belief in their faith and in their destiny have made the Jews survive & persevere..
... Temple Mount (place that was holy to Jews 1500 years before Islam) ..

Correction. It wasn't holy "to jews".
It was holy to "children of israel".

Jews make up only a small fraction of "Children of Israel".

Many of COI converted and became Muslim. Yet they are the COI.

Pushtoon are COI.

Kashmiris are COI. for example.
You believe in bedtime stories.. Fairy tales and ancient Drama.. He was killed by Local rulers for blasphemy and nothing more.. I hope you know what is blasphemy laws..

No one return from deathbed.. He will never return, he is long gone..

Watch this, and tell me where was Allah, Jesus or Bhagwan???

P.S. : I am religious but not Donkey.. Religion is code of conducts made for man to keep the order in house. If Jesus/Allah/Bhagwan is god of Human then who was God of Dianasoures? Diana-Allah? Diana-Jesus or Diana-Bhagwan.. ?? Think logical dude..

That's like telling a 5 year old that Santa is not real. These people will dismiss your post as propaganda against their religion. These same people had been taken for a ride by some old timers during mideveal era. People back in the days were notorious for hoping on any happy horse wagon which justified any of there Ill will.
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Is that the best you could come up with?
You people say that Islam accepts Torah as divinely inspired. So, what does it say about the promised land?

Here comes Desi Jew --- I am talking about Jews why you get buthurt? I said what i saw, if that offended you more than Jews than ask that Rabbi who said that - see post 61 to enlighten yourself.
Here comes Desi Jew --- I am talking about Jews why you get buthurt? I said what i saw, if that offended you more than Jews than ask that Rabbi who said that - see post 61 to enlighten yourself.

Read history mate.. Jews lived peacefully in India for over 2000years.
Why does 1 Rabbi's opinion matter to you more than 1000's of other rabbi's views, just because it suits you?
Read history mate.. Jews lived peacefully in India for over 2000years.
Why does 1 Rabbi's opinion matter to you more than 1000's of other rabbi's views, just because it suits you?

WTF India has to do with this????

And Mr. Historian i refereed you to post 61 and posting again Neturei Karta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - this is Jewish sect not my invention? You have problem than go and screw this sect why you are riding on my arse?
Even Judaism doesn't say that any convert or their descendants cannot have all the rights of full blooded Jew.
I told you before too that I don't waste time on conspiracy theories. Its a common trait among muslims to fall for conspiracy theories, even when facts and stark reality is staring down on them, whenever it suits them. There is lots of literature out there regarding the character of Mohammed, or origins of Koran or nature of Islam which doesn't conform to accepted beliefs, but we all accept what majority believe.
Its obvious that you don't have answers to the many questions I raised and instead go tangentially on some vague conspiracy theories..
The Jews have been persecuted over millenniums by all kinds of people all over the world. Why would anyone be willing to fake a claim to be a Jew and attract persecution? Only the strong belief in their faith and in their destiny have made the Jews survive & persevere..

See all it comes down to is "how you Muslims do this and that" I did not even once give my opinion on the issue as a Muslim or anything i told you what Jewish scripture says, is Jewish scripture not worthy of being followed? Again your thinking not mine. Secondly i never said literature which is not backed by evidence there is a difference so clear you're head and just because you can't accept facts and have a habit to blame others who present it as well doesn't mean you categorise everybody as a conspiracy theorist You don't know a thing about the issue and yet you claim that you do (which nobody except somebody as biased as you would do) and look up for reasons to demonise Muslims which is rather amusing seeing how you're opinions are tainted with bias when you don't have any replies to the logic and facts i gave you turn them around and say something about Islam which i wasn't even discussing i certainly wasn't even telling you what Muslims think about it rather what those Jews who actually happen to "know" their scripture say outloud. But even trying to understand with any logic or evidence is too much to ask from you because you just can't get over you're Islamophobia.
The Most holiest site in the world with religious claims from three biggest Abrahamic faiths.

The end of the story is it belongs to ABRAHAMIC religion and Bharati Hindus should keep licking their wounds.

shooooo you are irrelevent here dont waste your energies
Bhartiya Hindus have already
1. Removed Babri mosque and and stopped Muslims there.
2. Rebuilt Somnath temple.

and lastly, efforts are on to remove other mosques which were built on temples. Inshallah, there would be success.
We have already done what the jews are unable to do properly.

WTF India has to do with this????
Because Indians support Israel in their fight against Islamic expansionism.

Indians have faced this before, when Islamic hordes and rulers destroyed the holy temples and erected mosques just to rub it in the local populations face.

And so we support.

Muslims on the other hand, never agree to give back what is rightfully not theirs to begin with.
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