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Muslim couples tie knot in Hindu temple

Again useless generalizations about charities!

Islamic charities are not doing too great for sure. After every calamity in a Muslim country, it is the West that is contributing the most, not the ****** rich Arab countries.

Those with billions in unearned money just sit tightly and wait for others to contribute. They are ****** stingy rich idiots. They may lose millions of dollars a night in a casino in Monte Carlo but never donate for the poor in Bangladesh or Afghanistan leave alone non-Muslim countries. At best they will fund mosques and Wahabi Madressas.

Even the funds for PLO come from the West and not the Arabs. Funny thing is people knowing this and still trying to make absurd claims.

One thing u have to point out that we talked here about the rules of doing charities in Islam not on the topic of which Muslim countries doing contribution on charities more. And its better to show statistics rather making statement without documnt. Why dont u talking about the exploitation that West has made to Arab rich countries????
The more important exploitation for me is what the Arab countries are doing to the South Asian and other Asian people in their countries who have built their contries, paying them peanuts compared to the Westerners for the same job, exploiting them, no legal rights, no property rights, racialism, treating them as second class people or worse.

We need to worry about our people than the supposed exploitation of the Arabs by the West (what is that anyway?). They will come back to riding the camels the day the world finds an alternative to oil!
This thread should read "couples tie knot in Hindu temple", No muslim what so ever.

The poster wanted to score some sluggish points let him does so.

He failed to mention typical mentality of the facilitators of their marriage who demanded solemnizing the marriage in Hindu temple.

All in all centuries old hate and biasness was at the core of this charity deed.
Abdul Sheikh (48), who works at Junagadh Civil Hospital approached Satyam Seva Mandal, a local NGO, seeking financial help for the weddings of his son Asif and daughter, Najma. "We were ready to help. But we told the family that the wedding ceremony has to take place in our building which houses a Ram mandir.

Mr Vinod, before you spout more vitriol against muslims, this is no bloody charity, it is plain and simple black mail........exploiting vulnerablities and compulsions of poor people to fulfill your agenda is no charity.......... this ***** is worse than no charity at all...... And for your kind information, there is no compulsion on anyone for charity. So dont make extraneous arguments to advance your surreptitious agenda of berating rich muslims on this thread.
I see that you are very fond of talking on behalf of west..... come out of that psycophantic, obsequious and adulatory mindset. you have been independent country for quite a while now, atleast putatively so......... unless ofcourse you consider India, a part of west???????
Again useless generalizations about charities!

Islamic charities are not doing too great for sure. After every calamity in a Muslim country, it is the West that is contributing the most, not the ****** rich Arab countries.

Those with billions in unearned money just sit tightly and wait for others to contribute. They are ****** stingy rich idiots. They may lose millions of dollars a night in a casino in Monte Carlo but never donate for the poor in Bangladesh or Afghanistan leave alone non-Muslim countries. At best they will fund mosques and Wahabi Madressas.

Even the funds for PLO come from the West and not the Arabs. Funny thing is people knowing this and still trying to make absurd claims.
I just said thats the concept. I don't quite agree with you, but I'm not comparing the performance of charities here, just that a person was made to marry in the temple in exchange for charity.

This wasn't a charity it was a transaction. There is really no thumbs up. If the couple would've chosen to honor the people out of freewill then it would've been different. In their desperation for a free wedding, they agreed to an obviously questionable act.
^^^^^^ Why do it pinches you all so much even if some muslims did marry in a temple????

Ego hurt, or, hatred for Hindus??
Why does it help your ego so you are assuming calling out a flaw in someone's grandiosity would mean the opposite?
^^^^^^ Why do it pinches you all so much even if some muslims did marry in a temple????

Ego hurt, or, hatred for Hindus??

It will hurt your ego much more than us when you will think how Verses from Quran were recited in presence of your deities. It is also very amusing to note that just to boost their Ego, Hindus violated own rules and allowed non-Muslims to enter the temple which otherwise is not allowed usually.

It also shows how Indian Muslims are being blackmailed to solemnize the marriage in temple just to boost Ego of few Hindus.

The posting itself shows poster's intention, Boosting Ego
It will hurt your ego much more than us when you will think how Verses from Quran were recited in presence of your deities. It is also very amusing to note that just to boost their Ego, Hindus violated own rules and allowed non-Muslims to enter the temple which otherwise is not allowed usually.

It also shows how Indian Muslims are being blackmailed to solemnize the marriage in temple just to boost Ego of few Hindus.

The posting itself shows poster's intention, Boosting Ego

:disagree: Hinduism doesn't work like that.
No to me it dont..... It doesnt matter whether you read Quran or Hindu verses, only thing that matter is that couple can live happily after marriage, howsoever anyone got married................. Coz ours is a secular one, not Hindu Republic.
I think it matters to the Muslim couple. Thats why they are MUSLIM.

I think the marriage would be technically valid, though. Thus there's no issue in accepting the harsh terms of the stupid Hindu Templars. They just wanted to act big and show that it is Hindu money marrying off Muslims.

The marriage is valid, and the Hindu temple had to pay the bill.
cultural diffusion is not always necessarily a good thing if it interferes with ur beliefs and goes against them and thats what just happened in that marriage
cultural diffusion is not always necessarily a good thing if it interferes with ur beliefs and goes against them and thats what just happened in that marriage

Its their choice. They are not breaking any laws.

What gives you the authority to judge?
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