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Curfew imposed after Hindu-Muslim clashes in Indian city

A Muslim ganglord had to take revenge from a Hindu MLA's relative who had organised a Durga Procession on the eve of Durga Puja. He ordered his henchmen to make local muslim chintu bintus to stone durga procession as it went by , In the process those hired chintu bintus also molested several women that were part of such procession, dragged them into their lanes trying to rape. The accompanying men were beaten and women were groped by entire colony of Muslims on Dev Kali Road of Faziabad.MLA's relative called his men and burnt their homes. 4 people including a hindu woman who was gang raped died in the event. This is the real story as it is published in Dainik Jagran of UP.

the pics so far




Why Muslims are doing this??? It will give fire to non Muslims. The revenge will be lethal. How long Mulla-yam and Sonia will accompany them in such crimes???

Yeterday I was watching News channel..

Kejriwal went to Farrukhabad to protest Salman khursid. There was a minor scuffle. The clip was on air. A group of Slaman supporting Muslims, push a constable in drain, then one Muslim kid pick a big wooden log to kill that constable. Other Muslim (40+ year old) snatch log from his hand. Another young Muslim was carrying a big piece of stone in his hand. The constable frnd snatch that stone....

I can see the future, Muslims are making every one there enemy (Police, Hindus, administration), they are on killing spree. Last time Muslims killed Policemen (DSP) I was there (Bhagalpur). Police were pro Muslim, after they saw there DSP burning along with his Gypsy, They gone mad.... A Big storm is waiting in UP... It will kill more Muslims than Gujrat.

Bhagalpur DSP murder: Muslims tied DSP to his Gypsy, They beat him , they spit on him. Later they pour petrol and burnt him alive. I was just 2 km away from this incident.
Why Muslims are doing this??? It will give fire to non Muslims. The revenge will be lethal. How long Mulla-yam and Sonia will accompany them in such crimes???

Yeterday I was watching News channel..

Kejriwal went to Farrukhabad to protest Salman khursid. There was a minor scuffle. The clip was on air. A group of Slaman supporting Muslims, push a constable in drain, then one Muslim kid pick a big wooden log to kill that constable. Other Muslim (40+ year old) snatch log from his hand. Another young Muslim was carrying a big piece of stone in his hand. The constable frnd snatch that stone....

I can see the future, Muslims are making every one there enemy (Police, Hindus, administration), they are on killing spree. Last time Muslims killed Policemen (DSP) I was there (Bhagalpur). Police were pro Muslim, after they saw there DSP burning along with his Gypsy, They gone mad.... A Big storm is waiting in UP... It will kill more Muslims than Gujrat.

Bhagalpur DSP murder: Muslims tied DSP to his Gypsy, They beat him , they spit on him. Later they pour petrol and burnt him alive. I was just 2 km away from this incident.

Please round up all of your Muslims and start a massacre.
treat them (and untouchables) like normal human beings

Dear Malala,

Muslims of UP and bihar are treated equally. Infact Muslim rule these two land. Thats why they start atrocities. UP is ruled ny Muslim ruler (Mulla-yam) and Bihar is ruled by Half Muslim (Nitish). 15 year Muslim ruler (Lallo) ruled Bihar.

The problem is when Bihar or UP come under Muslim rule, Muslim (Not all but some) start creating problem. Just see faizabad incident where Muslims (a entire colony/Muhalla) attacked and raped few Hindu girls.

There is limit of tollerance, every one has breaking point.

Please round up all of your Muslims and start a massacre.

or get killed and raped by Pure race... Did you read my posts?? I said Muslism are doing wrong, they arfe creating meance in UP (10 Riots in 8 months.). What do you expect from us.. Leave our daughters to be raoed by these animals??

Don't u see any fault of these miscreants???

Poor leadership of the community.

Us vs Them attitude.


No education.

No real future.

Breed more they can feed.

Victim mentality.

Confused loyalties.

Our neighbor next door.

Political exploitation.


Indian Muslims.
Poor leadership of the community.

Us vs Them attitude.


No education.

No real future.

Breed more they can feed.

Victim mentality.

Confused loyalties.

Our neighbor next door.

Political exploitation.


Indian Muslims.

You guys should just start killing them.
Dear Malala,

Muslims of UP and bihar are treated equally. Infact Muslim rule these two land. Thats why they start atrocities. UP is ruled ny Muslim ruler (Mulla-yam) and Bihar is ruled by Half Muslim (Nitish). 15 year Muslim ruler (Lallo) ruled Bihar.

The problem is when Bihar or UP come under Muslim rule, Muslim (Not all but some) start creating problem. Just see faizabad incident where Muslims (a entire colony/Muhalla) attacked and raped few Hindu girls.

There is limit of tollerance, every one has breaking point.

or get killed and raped by Pure race... Did you read my posts?? I said Muslism are doing wrong, they arfe creating meance in UP (10 Riots in 8 months.). What do you expect from us.. Leave our daughters to be raoed by these animals??

Don't u see any fault of these miscreants???

so because a few degenerates committed some crimes, you want to blame all of the 160+ million Muslims in India?
Yeah totally sounds legit.

There is a show on America called "To catch a predator"
They set up a fake account and pretend to be young girls and try and trick guys into coming over so they can put them on TV and call the police. One time they caught an Indian on that show, now by your logic all Indians in US are pedophiles. :rolleyes:
so because a few degenerates committed some crimes, you want to blame all of the 160+ million Muslims in India?
Yeah totally sounds legit.

There is a show on America called "To catch a predator"
They set up a fake account and pretend to be young girls and try and trick guys into coming over so they can put them on TV and call the police. One time they caught an Indian on that show, now by your logic all Indians in US are pedophiles. :rolleyes:

No, he was must have been an Indian Muslim. :rofl:

This is their thought process.

Btw I've seen two Indians getting caught out by Chris Hansen.
Weak. And you being middle aged are at your peak, no?

Name some communal riots in Pakistan.


BBC News - Pakistani Hindus say will not return from India visit

Over 900 Pakistani Hindus eligible for Indian citizenship: report | DAWN.COM


Mass exodus of religious groups are JUST as worse. Find any sources regarding Indian Muslims going to pakistan even after a riot.

Plus there are news sources almost every other week that involve kidnapping/murdering/converting/imprisoning Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Ahmedias and other "fellow Muslims"killing other brotherly Muslims. pakistanis should be the last people to comment on communal riots.
BBC News - Pakistani Hindus say will not return from India visit

Over 900 Pakistani Hindus eligible for Indian citizenship: report | DAWN.COM


Mass exodus of religious groups are JUST as worse. Find any sources regarding Indian Muslims going to pakistan even after a riot.

Plus there are news sources almost every other week that involve kidnapping/murdering/raping/imprisoning Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Ahmedias and other "fellow Muslims"

Apples to Oranges.

I asked for someone to highlight a communal riot.
Btw I've seen two Indians getting caught out by Chris Hansen.

You should read British newspapers more often.

Apples to Oranges.

I asked for someone to highlight a communal riot.

For riots to happen both communities must be in somewhat equal strength. Anyway try Gojra riots.
Weak. And you being middle aged are at your peak, no?

Name some communal riots in Pakistan.


Gojra. But in reality in your country minority are slowly killed by checking id cards. Either Hazaras, Turi all are facing slow violence and they are fleeing Pakistan. Hindus also face widespread discrimination, kidnapping of their girls but their condition is better than Ahmedis.
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