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Fanatic Islamist torched Bagawat Gita and destroyed Hindu Temple in BD

you dont see hindus going gaga and mad over this incident or protesting...if somone thinks he can satisfy himself by burning a book then let him burn!

I am a complete atheist,but from what i see hinduism is the most peaceful religion
Yes they was.
Regardless, not cool if it happened.Just cuz u got the right to do sumthin doesnt mean you should.

What exactly are you conveying.

It is 'yes, they were' to start with.

And Regardless, not cool if it happened.Just cuz u got the right to do sumthin doesnt mean you should is too cipher like for comprehension for the ordinary mortal.

What does it convey in simple English?
you dont see hindus going gaga and mad over this incident or protesting...if somone thinks he can satisfy himself by burning a book then let him burn!

I am a complete atheist,but from what i see hinduism is the most peaceful religion

One has to understand the difference between 'organised' religion and Hinduism.

In Hindusim, one can follow or do what they want.

In organised religions, there is a set norm that has to be followed or should be followed and if not followed, it is frowned up in a very serious manner!

How many Hindus know their religion or their scriptures.

In organised religions, knowing the religion and the scriptures is a MUST.
What exactly are you conveying.

It is 'yes, they were' to start with.

And Regardless, not cool if it happened.Just cuz u got the right to do sumthin doesnt mean you should is too cipher like for comprehension for the ordinary mortal.

What does it convey in simple English?

sorry bud, us english sometimes does that to ya..................... dont sweat it. I think u got the idea tho, all in good intention! Now I gots to go........
sorry bud, us english sometimes does that to ya..................... dont sweat it. I think u got the idea tho, all in good intention! Now I gots to go........

Sorry, I don't think it is bad English.

I think it is no English.

And I haven't the foggiest as to what you wrote.

I have also not had the opportunity to visit the cotton growing South of the USA to understand the pidgin stuff!
Yes they was.
Regardless, not cool if it happened.Just cuz u got the right to do sumthin doesnt mean you should.

You know, I am a Hindu, and yet I support the 'freedom of speech' practiced by the one who burned the copy of Geeta.

The reason is simple - My idea of civilization stems from the concepts of beauty, creativity, and freedom. I want to live in a society where every single idea can be challenged, irrespective of the respect it commands. For such a society to develop the practice of freedom of speech is paramount. Hence my support for freedom of speech; Mind you, it is not a support for burning of Quran, as your friend mjnaushad very deliberately interpreted to serve his allegations.

So tareymareyikmarzi, at least I think that it is cool that he burned the copy of Bhagawad Geeta. He undertook the action that he found fit and did not harm anyone. If people riot in reaction and die and kill on that, then it is their fault, not of the one who burned it.
Should not be surprising as this is the response that out weak government's weak policies right from the beginning is resulting in. Though hurtful, I don't think mainstream Hindus are as insecure as these Islamists who take daggers over burning of the physical form of their holy book. It only shows the treatment that Dhammic people are getting in Bangladesh.
I would just say that all Bangladeshis are not fanatics.

Let us not blame any country as a whole.

Even in this forum, there are those who claim to be Bangladeshi, but are fundamentalists of the most virulent streak and totally divorced from reality or humanity. I shall not mention the name since it would mean another PM.

And yet there are Bangladeshis with common sense.

It would be adequate to address the lunatic fringe and not embroil a whole nation.

I have interacted with many Bangladeshis of Muslim extract. They are proud to be Muslim but they do not carry Islam as a Flag to wreak havoc on Mankind and are quite rational.
I would just say that all Bangladeshis are not fanatics.

Let us not blame any country as a whole.

Even in this forum, there are those who claim to be Bangladeshi, but are fundamentalists of the most virulent streak and totally divorced from reality or humanity. I shall not mention the name since it would mean another PM.

And yet there are Bangladeshis with common sense.

It would be adequate to address the lunatic fringe and not embroil a whole nation.

I have interacted with many Bangladeshis of Muslim extract. They are proud to be Muslim but they do not carry Islam as a Flag to wreak havoc on Mankind and are quite rational.

Yes almost all of them...... even my best friend is Hindu... anyway i find this " Fanatic Islamist torched Bagawat Gita and destroyed Hindu Temple in BD " is related little to islamic fundamentalism.... his intention was to grab the land.... he used islam as a shield..... destroyed the temple and whatever he got in it including Gita... As he is a awamileague activist police will do nothing....
oh...citizen in BD have started to burn the books and temples of their real religion..followed by their own forefathers!!!!!
Good keep it up!!!!
Why Indians are too much concerned about the Temple? Aren't they secular country?
Why Indians are too much concerned about the Temple? Aren't they secular country?

Indian way of secularism is different that that of western secularism(eg. France or Turkey). While in west they shun all religions, India accepts all.
Why Indians are too much concerned about the Temple? Aren't they secular country?

Indians of all faith do nopt care too m uch whta you do with your heritage....it is only when you guys point to the fact that you arevery tolerant and the best lot practicing the best faith etc etc that we show you the mirror....

Bangladesh too is a secular country ...is it?
Indians of all faith do nopt care too m uch whta you do with your heritage....it is only when you guys point to the fact that you arevery tolerant and the best lot practicing the best faith etc etc that we show you the mirror....

Bangladesh too is a secular country ...is it?

No it is a moderate muslim country :meeting:
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