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Muslim couples tie knot in Hindu temple

You can call her Muslimah all day long but the rules of the religion do not change for earthly desires... she is now left with a muslim name and not the religion...

If it true than she has become Kafir...period
A charity with strings atatched is not a charity. This organization perhaps has modeled itself along the lines of IMF/WB.
All you religious and secular people, voiciferously argue about the validity of the marriage and all assorted Rot. meanwhile, the couple which comprises of a male(endowed with testicles and associated balls n spanner) and the lady(equally endowed with her associated sexual organs) have started their lives together and must be well on their way to the first kid. Religion which was created to support man kind has become a talking point to peek and discuss upon a third person's live's and values.. :what: great going :)
That is the difference I am talking about. According to you, if you step out of your religious line to do some other religion's act, then it is equal to laying down yourself.... Isn't it according to you????

But you know all people dont think like that... If he and she didnt want to marry like that, then there are courts to get married. It was some sought of gesture, or whatever, but not laying down.

I wont feel insulted to go to a mosque, to marry a muslim girl according to Islamic version if i have to. But for you to do some Hindu ritual is like laying down yourself and as ilovef16 pointed that she will leave the groom but not do that.

Thats what I am talking about. The difference in education of our two countries you know.
No it's not according to me. Why are you so worried about what it is according to me, talk on the facts.

I'm pointing out the farce in the person exploiting the Muslim couples poverty to enforce the Ram Dhun.
Just attended one a few days back.

The Indian groom is a Hindu and the marraige in India was performed accordiing to his customs and traditions

The bride is from Oman [a Muslimah] [had come to India for her studies] - they left for Oman yesterday and the marraige will now be solemenised according to her customs and traditions

She will not be adopting Hinduism after marraige, though she will be moving in to India
Again her not adopting Hinduism point is moot, because Islam says you cannot marry out of Islam. If she's not adopting Hinduism then for it to be Islamically binding, the groom should have adopted Islam. Otherwise Islamically its not binding. Oh and Oman and its Islamic laws would not accept the marriage, until the groom gives in writing that he is a Muslim.

So I pretty much think you made up that story.
If it true than she has become Kafir...period
It's not true yaar, in his stupid story he made the mistake of mentioning that she will be going to OMAN to conduct a second marriage. On the Nikah-nama, you can't write HINDU and still get married :P He made the entire story up.
You can call her Muslimah all day long but the rules of the religion do not change for earthly desires... she is now left with a muslim name and not the religion...

If it true than she has become Kafir...period

So I pretty much think you made up that story.

He made the entire story up.

I have absolutely no problem with you holding such beliefs. Two well-educated individuals have begun a new journey of Happiness and contentment - the couple is Happy as are their families. You or for that matter me play absolutely no part in their affairs.

I have stated my experiance - it is your wish how you interpret it.

@Asim Aqil
Aren't you the one who emphatically stated that the Qu'ran prohibits calling the girl as daughter

You were proved wrong by a fellow Pakistani, who quoted the relevent lines to prove otherwise. As I repeat again - your beliefs [and at present also mine] hold absolutely no influence in matters of India....thankfully
You were proved wrong by a fellow Pakistani, who quoted the relevent lines to prove otherwise. As I repeat again - your beliefs [and at present also mine] hold absolutely no influence in matters of India....thankfully

And your understanding of Islam hold no influence in Islam. Islam does not change whether a couple lives happily ever after or does whatever, a muslim woman can not marry a non-mulsim (especially a Hindu) and still stay a Muslim. I would like to see anyone, muslim or otherwise, to argue this with reference.
It's not true yaar, in his stupid story he made the mistake of mentioning that she will be going to OMAN to conduct a second marriage. On the Nikah-nama, you can't write HINDU and still get married :P He made the entire story up.

the best thing to do is a civil marrage in that way no nikkah ka problem besides chief if the couple has no problem with it why are we so worked up i mean its none of our busyness
This is not any gesture at all.................And a Muslim is always a Muslim.......there is no orthodox or unorthodox muslim in Islam..........There are always certain rules for muslim to abide by...........the event that took place in temple is unprincipled, unethical, immoral................

This is the difference friend, we are Indians first and then Hindu, Muslims and Sikhs......... I am pretty sure most of the Indian will agree to this.

Nothing can be greater than mother land and every thing else is ancillary.. Yes, even religion.(for us atleast) :tup:
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Nothing in the article suggests so, other than the fact that the charity giver put forth his conditions...

Islamic concept of charity is to give without making a show of things. There is a lot of "show-baazi" in this charity.

I agree sir, RIYA' could make you do good deeds not in the name of Allah, hence a small shirk that's the rationale behind the Islamic concept of charity. This whole episode shows that whoever did the "charity" has mischievous intent.

I think we all must remember that ignorance and stupidity is close to poverty and poverty is close to apostasy. Na'auzubillah.
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