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Muslim couples tie knot in Hindu temple


Nov 20, 2008
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Muslim couples tie knot in Hindu temple
RAJKOT: In perhaps the first-of-its-kind nikah solemnised before Lord Ram in the communally sensitive Gujarat, two Muslim couples tied the knot in a Junagadh temple with a maulvi reciting Koranic verses in the backdrop of Ram dhun. Members of both communities joined the ceremony and dined together.

Abdul Sheikh (48), who works at Junagadh Civil Hospital approached Satyam Seva Mandal, a local NGO, seeking financial help for the weddings of his son Asif and daughter, Najma. "We were ready to help. But we told the family that the wedding ceremony has to take place in our building which houses a Ram mandir. They happily agreed," said Mansukh Vaja, a local activist.

"We saw this as an opportunity to set an example. I discussed the issue with my relatives and our maulavi saheb readily approved the idea," said Sheikh.

What an example they have set and especially that MAulvi reciting the Holy Quran in the back drop of Ram dhun. Another conspiracy I believe.
That's a nice gesture. Though fundamentalists/orthodox parties will not be pleased.
What an example they have set and especially that MAulvi reciting the Holy Quran in the back drop of Ram dhun. Another conspiracy I believe.

How deluded can you be buddy? Here is a Indian couple getting married to begin a life of simple marital bliss, whose marraige is being solemenised by a man of God in a place of God's worship and all you can think of is conspiracy

This statement from you is a reflection of your narrow-minded feeling of vengence and hatred that has been welling up inside you ever since Bangladesh recognised Amar Shonar Bangla as their National Anthem.
That's a nice gesture. Though fundamentalists/orthodox parties will not be pleased.

This is not any gesture at all.................And a Muslim is always a Muslim.......there is no orthodox or unorthodox muslim in Islam..........There are always certain rules for muslim to abide by...........the event that took place in temple is unprincipled, unethical, immoral................
This is not any gesture at all.................And a Muslim is always a Muslim.......there is no orthodox or unorthodox muslim in Islam..........There are always certain rules for muslim to abide by...........the event that took place in temple is unprincipled, unethical, immoral................
They obviously did it to avoid paying for their wedding.

Poverty can make you do all sorts of things.
This is not any gesture at all.................And a Muslim is always a Muslim.......there is no orthodox or unorthodox muslim in Islam..........There are always certain rules for muslim to abide by...........the event that took place in temple is unprincipled, unethical, immoral................
They obviously did it to avoid paying for their wedding.

Poverty can make you do all sorts of things.
I think there is something fishy from Indian part.
Nothing in the article suggests so, other than the fact that the charity giver put forth his conditions...

Islamic concept of charity is to give without making a show of things. There is a lot of "show-baazi" in this charity.
Nothing in the article suggests so, other than the fact that the charity giver put forth his conditions...

Islamic concept of charity is to give without making a show of things. There is a lot of "show-baazi" in this charity.

Do u think Indian based article will reveal the fact behind that? They will potray as their wish.................And yes, you have rightly said that in Islam charity is to give without making a show of things.
Again useless generalizations about charities!

Islamic charities are not doing too great for sure. After every calamity in a Muslim country, it is the West that is contributing the most, not the ****** rich Arab countries.

Those with billions in unearned money just sit tightly and wait for others to contribute. They are ****** stingy rich idiots. They may lose millions of dollars a night in a casino in Monte Carlo but never donate for the poor in Bangladesh or Afghanistan leave alone non-Muslim countries. At best they will fund mosques and Wahabi Madressas.

Even the funds for PLO come from the West and not the Arabs. Funny thing is people knowing this and still trying to make absurd claims.
Yeah, like Mr. Jinnah (a Gujarati) and Mr. Iqbal (from a Kashmiri Pundit convert family) and of course all Pakistanis before 1947!

*yawn* Whatever dude... For all I know the story could have been made up for political purposes.
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