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Mursi shocks the mullah - Tehran slapdown

Do you know how news agencies work? most of them report from the same source :disagree:

Egyptian President Mohammed Mursi made no mention of resuming ties with Iran during a recent visit to Tehran, his spokesman Yassir Ali said on Sunday, denying statements by Iranian officials.

"The meeting between President Mohammed Mursi and his Iranian counterpart (Mahmoud) Ahmadinejad did not broach the subject of boosting the level of representation or of opening an embassy," said Ali, quoted by the state-owned daily Al-Ahram.
So what if Syrian Lion is a Christian? Does that make him any less of a Syrian? Unbelievable... :disagree:

That show their democracy they want in Syria.

Egyptian President Mohammed Mursi made no mention of resuming ties with Iran during a recent visit to Tehran, his spokesman Yassir Ali said on Sunday, denying statements by Iranian officials.

"The meeting between President Mohammed Mursi and his Iranian counterpart (Mahmoud) Ahmadinejad did not broach the subject of boosting the level of representation or of opening an embassy," said Ali, quoted by the state-owned daily Al-Ahram.

Blackeagle i'm talking about in general, i was asking if you know how they work, for example many news report comes from Associated Press thats for the western media. that was just an example.
That show their democracy they want in Syria.

Blackeagle i'm talking about in general, i was asking if you know how they work, for example many news report comes from Associated Press thats for the western media. that was just an example.

Nah..:no: If they were false they would have been denied by Egyptian officials like what happened with Farce news before.
Ask Iranian Mullah who claim to be anti American/Zionism and then get in bed with them when it came to Saddam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
exactly, that is another one.

In syria, it's nothing but shia vs sunni, and also china+russia vs america. but trust me, you guys gain nothing but a COMPLETELY DESTROYED COUNTRY WITH MANY OF YOU DEAD. Look at Afghanistan, you guys are walking on the same path we walked four decades ago. You guys have become another proxy ground for the others. Come to senses before you become another Afghanistan. The destruction of your country and death of your people will become a norm if you keep on like that.
exactly, that is another one.

In syria, it's nothing but shia vs sunni, and also china+russia vs america. but trust me, you guys gain nothing but a COMPLETELY DESTROYED COUNTRY WITH MANY OF YOU DEAD. Look at Afghanistan, you guys are walking on the same path we walked four decades ago. You guys have become another proxy ground for the others. Come to senses before you become another Afghanistan. The destruction of your country and death of your people will become a norm if you keep on like that.

That's blackeaegle objective, to destroy Syria, because that's what the west and Israel want, to destroy Syria, since Israel wants that, him and others will ask for the same, didn't you see his comment in the Topic Jihad in Syria, he is asking NATO to attack Syria. :disagree:
exactly, that is another one.

In syria, it's nothing but shia vs sunni, and also china+russia vs america. but trust me, you guys gain nothing but a COMPLETELY DESTROYED COUNTRY WITH MANY OF YOU DEAD. Look at Afghanistan, you guys are walking on the same path we walked four decades ago. You guys have become another proxy ground for the others. Come to senses before you become another Afghanistan. The destruction of your country and death of your people will become a norm if you keep on like that.

Bashar terrorist gangs will be finished as soon as the regime fall. Syrians are educated and cultured people, they won't allow Syria to turn into another Afghanistan, there are no major rivals like Afghanistan as the overwhelming majority are with the uprising.
Bashar terrorist gangs will be finished as soon as the regime fall. Syrians are educated and cultured people, they won't allow Syria to turn into another Afghanistan, there are no major rivals like Afghanistan as the overwhelming majority are with the uprising.

Trust me if the majority rose up Alasad will not last a minute, why can't you understand this simple fact?? If the people rose up Alasad will not last a minute, because the power and the will of the people CAN NOT be beaten no matter what. Therefor Alasad is still in power because of the Syrian people. can you deny that ?? and about the F'S'A stuff, 90% of them are outsiders, and there are many sources to prove that, and i'm sure you can google it, and you will find western sources the ones you love.
Bashar terrorist gangs will be finished as soon as the regime fall. Syrians are educated and cultured people, they won't allow Syria to turn into another Afghanistan, there are no major rivals like Afghanistan as the overwhelming majority are with the uprising.

Perhaps you havent seen the destruction of your own villages and cities(i shouldnt tell you this). I am not even saying Bashar Al Asad is any good or bad, it is between you guys. You people are divided just like us, be it ethnic or sectarian such as shia and sunni, as long as there is division in a nation(or so called nation), there is always potential for foreign interference from different countries, they wont let you be on your own, they will always find ways to make you fight each other. Mark my word for it, i am not talking, my experience is talking.
Perhaps you havent seen the destruction of your own villages and cities(i shouldnt tell you this). I am not even saying Bashar Al Asad is any good or bad, it is between you guys. You people are divided just like us, be it ethnic or sectarian such as shia and sunni, as long as there is division in a nation or so called nation, there is always potential for foreign interference from different sides, they wont let you on your own, they will always find ways to make you fight each other. Mark my word for it, i am not talking, my experience is talking.

I understand what u are saying, but you are talking like Bashar has offered to step down and Syrians are just killing each other on sectarian basis, and that's not true, the main conflict still between the regime forces and the opposition. Alawites of Syria are 10% of the population and not all of them with the regime, there are many high rank Alawite chiefs joined the FSA and many other spy on the regime for the opposition. Afghanistan is different, as no Arab nor Syrian has called for foreign intervention on the ground but rather they called for a no fly zone just like Lybia.
Trust me if the majority rose up Alasad will not last a minute, why can't you understand this simple fact?? If the people rose up Alasad will not last a minute, because the power and the will of the people CAN NOT be beaten no matter what. Therefor Alasad is still in power because of the Syrian people. can you deny that ?? and about the F'S'A stuff, 90% of them are outsiders, and there are many sources to prove that, and i'm sure you can google it, and you will find western sources the ones you love.
If we replace "majority" with "Alawite" then I'm sure you're correct.

Have you prepared your family's haven along the Mediterranean coast yet or will you migrate straight to France?
I understand what are saying, but you are talking like Bashar has offered to step down and Syrians are just killing each other on sectarian basis, and that's not true, the main conflict still between the regime forces and the opposition. Alawites of Syria are 10% of the population and not all of them with the regime, there are many high rank Alawite chiefs joined the FSA and many other spy on the regime for the opposition. Afghanistan is different, as no Arab nor Syrian has called for foreign intervention on the ground but rather they called for a no fly zone just like Lybia.

Just like Libya :rofl:

If we replace "majority" with "Alawite" then I'm sure you're correct.

Have you prepared your family's haven along the Mediterranean coast yet or will you migrate straight to France?

idk how to deal with you people, the power and the will of the people can not be beaten no matter what. do you understand that statement?
the power and the will of the people can not be beaten no matter what. do you understand that statement?
I understand a campaign slogan when I read one. Usually this is the sort of thing uttered by those who lead-from-behind.
If we replace "majority" with "Alawite" then I'm sure you're correct.

Have you prepared your family's haven along the Mediterranean coast yet or will you migrate straight to France?
i dont expect such a comment from an American...
so do you think that because the obama is a black guy so his supporters are all black?
of course they are so many sunnis in Syria who support the government.because the sunni people of Syria (like the shias or christians) again are devided in several groups with different ways of thinking.also many people in Syria who do not think about this shia-sunni things so much and they wants just peace inside nothing else.
A syrian who love his country wont let himself pick a gun up and fire at his own countrymen.
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