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Mursi shocks the mullah - Tehran slapdown


May 1, 2012
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An interesting article by amir taheri

Tehran slapdown
Mursi shocks the mullahs

Last Updated: 11:44 PM, August 30, 2012

Posted: 10:55 PM, August 30, 2012
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headshotAmir Taheri

With his speech yesterday at the Non-Aligned Movement summit in Tehran, Egypt’s new president, Muhammad Mursi, drew a line in the sand against Iran’s hope of creating an “Islamic Awakening Front” under its leadership.

Iran’s leaders had spent a great deal of energy preparing what “Supreme Guide” Ali Khamenei dubbed “the triumph” of Ayatollah Khomeini’s version of Islam.

That version de-emphasizes the religious content of Islam to instead highlight a political role.To Khomeini and his successors, anti-Americanism provides the ideological backbone of contemporary Islam; shouting “Death to America” was as important as saying “There is no God but Allah.”
Not such a warm embrace: Egypt’s Mohammed Mursi (l.) with Iran’s Ahmadinejad in Tehran yesterday.
AFP/Getty Images
Not such a warm embrace: Egypt’s Mohammed Mursi (l.) with Iran’s Ahmadinejad in Tehran yesterday.

In his opening address at the summit, Khamenei spelled out that ideology with a torrent of hate against the American “Great Satan.” For him, Islam’s ultimate goal is “the destruction of America.”

To the Khomeini-Khamenei school, the only valid version of Islam as a faith is the Shiite one as interpreted by the ayatollah. Sunni Muslims are “deviants,” partly because they venerate the first caliphs of Islam — Abu-Bakr, Omar and Osman. In the Khomeinist version, all three were “usurpers” who betrayed the Prophet by preventing his cousin Ali from succeeding him.

Each year, Khomeinists organize ceremonies to “expose and denounce” the three caliphs, labeling them “The Dirty Trio” (al-Muthallath al-Mulawwatha). Omar is particularly hated because he led the Arab invasion of Persia. Burning his effigies (Omar-Suzan) is a major feast in many parts of Iran.

Khomeinist discourse now stresses three other themes:

* It wants the recent uprisings in the Middle East to be termed not “the Arab Spring” but “the Islamic Awakening” — and somehow, against all logic, linked to Khomeinism in Iran.

* The second theme is Holocaust denial, coupled with calls for the “elimination of Israel” as a “cancerous cell.”

* Finally, Tehran demands “unwavering support” for the Syrian despot Bashar al-Assad.

In his speech in Tehran, delivered during a four-hour stopover, Mursi disappointed the Khomeinist leadership on all accounts.

First, the Egyptian leader took care not to allow any hint of anti-Americanism in his speech, rejecting Khomeini’s equation of Islam with politics and politics with hatred for the United States.

Next, Mursi rejected the label “the Islamic Awakening,” insisting that uprisings in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Yemen be described as “the Arab Spring.” The uprisings, he insisted, had been for democracy and human dignity — not for strictly religious reasons, let alone Khomeini’s weird version of Islam.

He then turned the knife by asserting that the uprising in Syria is “an extension of the Arab Spring” — not “an American-Zionist conspiracy,” as Khamenei claims.

Khamenei has declared the preservation of the Assad regime as one of Tehran’s key strategic objectives. Mursi called the Assad regime “oppressive and illegitimate” and threw Egypt’s support behind the Syrian uprising.

Nor, to the chagrin of the Khomeinist leadership, did Mursi beat the drums of war against Israel.

Tehran media had promised that the Egyptian leader would cancel the Camp David peace accords and join the Iranian-led “Resistance Front” to “wipe off the Jewish stain of shame.” Mursi did none of that. Instead, he said his administration is dedicated to peace and stability in the region.

And Mursi delivered one more slap at the Tehran mullahs. Khamenei had started his address by saluting “the Prophet and his descendants,” an old phrase revived by Khomeini that excludes the early caliphs. But Mursi in his speech saluted “the Prophet and his successors,” naming the “Dirty Trio” one by one.

The sound of those three names would send shockwaves down the spine of any mullah who has one.

Not surprisingly, Tehran television interrupted its live broadcast of Mursi’s address with a gas-company ad.

Mursi made it clear that, post-Mubarak, Egypt intends to reclaim its position as one of Islam’s three key powers (along with Iran and Turkey) by rejecting Khomeini’s equation of Islam with anti-Americanism.

Some have criticized Mursi’s decision to go to Tehran. I think he was right to go — especially with a powerful message that rejects every tenet of the Khomeinists’ schismatic doctrine

Read more: Tehran slapdown - NYPOST.com
Again are you ashamed of your own nationality that you pretend to be Syrian. :rofl:

You better remove those The Syrian flags from your dirty profile, little kid.

till this you have failed to prove you are Syrian. and we all know you are not. say hi to The Legend and CO.
just compare iran supreme leader talks with this little kid called morsi ! you can see the differences easily .........
The false flag Syrian strikes again.We all know you are not Syrian.You are a failed attempt of spreading FSA propaganda here.
Also,you are in Wahabism up to your neck.

Again are you ashamed of your own nationality that you pretend to be Syrian. :rofl:

You better remove those The Syrian flags from your dirty profile, little kid.

till this you have failed to prove you are Syrian. and we all know you are not. say hi to The Legend and CO.

just compare iran supreme leader talks with this little kid called morsi ! you can see the differences easily .........

Personal attacks... for what reason?
To the Khomeini-Khamenei school, the only valid version of Islam as a faith is the Shiite one as interpreted by the ayatollah. Sunni Muslims are “deviants,” partly because they venerate the first caliphs of Islam — Abu-Bakr, Omar and Osman. In the Khomeinist version, all three were “usurpers” who betrayed the Prophet by preventing his cousin Ali from succeeding him.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/irania...cks-mullah-tehran-slapdown.html#ixzz25Fhsj2dm

What ever happened after the death of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is history and we shall not replace Quranic verses with unclear accounts of hsitory.
Nobody is surprised.
Morsi said these words few days after he was elected.All the world knew he supports FSA.So nothing special here,and the rest of article doesn't worth mentioning.
I dont think there will be egyptian arms for FSA, but stating the support for the revolutionnary in heart of tehran and the non aligned is a big boost for the FSA in the political and media field.

Look, the so called FSA just want to gain popularity and attention just like Israel . USA do it For Israel in UN etc ... and Egypt Do it for FSA . lol
I dont think there will be egyptian arms for FSA, but stating the support for the revolutionnary in heart of tehran and the non aligned is a big boost for the FSA in the political and media field.
he also said he is doesnt accept any military interference in syria
just compare iran supreme leader talks with this little kid called morsi ! you can see the differences easily .........
......can you tell me how did he acted like a little kid in iran .calling names is easy even kids can do it
Again are you ashamed of your own nationality that you pretend to be Syrian. :rofl:

You better remove those The Syrian flags from your dirty profile, little kid.

till this you have failed to prove you are Syrian. and we all know you are not. say hi to The Legend and CO.

You should add the US flag too, its the easiest thing to point fingers.

Don't attack each other, Don't speak in Arabic or ready yourself for an infraction.
You should add the US flag too, its the easiest thing to point fingers.

Don't attack each other, Don't speak in Arabic or ready yourself for an infraction.

As long as I dont have your nation flag falsely, then you have no business with me.
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