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Mursi shocks the mullah - Tehran slapdown

Syrian Lion has mentioned many times that he is Christian, and I don't think it offensive when address somebody with his religioun.
No,it's not offensive to call somebody by his religion,by questioning his legitimacy because of his religion is inhuman and offensive.

In the red part,I haven't insulted anyone's religion.I just say those who hate to see 2 Muslim countries have relations are not Muslims.
I fully support uprising in Syria but not the FSA terrorists. Free and fair elections should be held in Syria.
Loss of lives could have been prevented if Turkey, KSA and Iran acted responsibly. Iran can convince Assad to hold elections.
The supply of weapons resulted in more deaths of ordinary Syrians.
Morsi did a right thing. He wants to mend relation with Tehran but I don't think he needs to support Assad for that.

The only option is: Dialogue between Iran, Turkey, Syria and KSA. And Morsi is the right man to broker a deal between the them.
Election in the middle of a war? ASSAD SAID THAT IF FSA talks to stop their terrors , assad will talk with them to go away from syria presidency , but FSA didn't accept .............. so ?
Not now.
Ceasefire to be brokered and elections can be held after few months under supervision of OIC joint peacekeeping force.
My point is that Morsi can play a vital role for peace in Syria. And I think he is interested too.
President of Egypt ‘did not discuss boosting ties with Iran’: spokesman

Egyptian President Mohammed Mursi made no mention of resuming ties with Iran during a recent visit to Tehran, his spokesman Yassir Ali said on Sunday, denying statements by Iranian officials.:rofl:

“The meeting between President Mohamed Morsi and his Iranian counterpart (Mahmoud) Ahmadinejad did not broach the subject of boosting the level of representation or of opening an embassy,” said Ali, quoted by the state-owned daily Al-Ahram.

Mursi’s attendance of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in Tehran was the first time an Egyptian head of state had set foot in Iran since the two countries broke off diplomatic ties in the wake of the 1979 Islamic revolution there.

The two countries have since maintained interests sections in their respective capitals.

According to Ali, the two leaders agreed to hold “more dialogue to examine common affairs, including regional issues.”

On Thursday, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian told Iran’s Arabic-language broadcaster Al-Alam that during their meeting, Mursi and Ahmadinejad discussed the Syrian conflict and their severed diplomatic ties.

The Islamic republic had several times sought to normalize relations with Egypt since the overthrow of president Hosni Mubarak in 2011.

Mursi hails from Egypt’s powerful Muslim Brotherhood and says he is seeking broader relationships in the Middle East, including with Tehran. But he has so far reacted with caution to Iran's overtures.

Bahrain wants apology from Iran
Meanwhile, Bahrain has demanded an apology from Iran after an official interpreter reportedly replaced the word “Syria” with “Bahrain” in a speech by Mursi at the opening of the Non-Aligned Movement in Tehran.

The foreign ministry in Manama on Saturday filed an “official protest memorandum” with Tehran’s charge d’affaires over the “misrepresentation made by Iranian State Television” during Mursi’s speech on Thursday.

Bahrain “requested the Iranian government apologize for this act, and take the necessary action to correct the breach and ensure that actions like this one don’t happen again,” the ministry’s demarche said, according to a statement.

Mursi’s speech is considered to be critical to that of the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a key regional ally of Tehran.

“The revolution in Egypt is the cornerstone for the Arab Spring, which started days after Tunisia and then it was followed by Libya and Yemen and now the revolution in Syria against its oppressive regime,” Mursi told delegates at the summit, prompting a walk-out by the Syrian delegation.

Manama said that the interpreter on Iran’s state television replaced the word Syria with Bahrain several times, although Mursi, who spoke in Arabic, did not mention Bahrain at all.

The Bahraini statement did not name the television channel that it said changed the words, as several state channels transmitted Mursi’s speech live, including two in Farsi: IRINN and Channel One.

IRINN broadcast the speech using the official interpretation of the summit, which clearly mentioned Syria, as verified by AFP.

President of Egypt
I think egypt will deal the final blow to the shia militias governing syria by arming FSA with high tech weapons. The iranians cannot threaten egypt, they are too weak to do anything about egypt...
I will laugh my a...
BlackEagle: Did you know how much you humiliate yourself by posting news from Al Arabiya (Al-Junk)?
Iran never said they have discussed opening an embassy.
Al-Arabiya is the biggest junk writer in the world and only thing it has is high budget,aiming at spreading Saudi regime propaganda.
As I said before,those who hate to see Iran and Egypt be each other's friends are not Muslims.

I think egypt will deal the final blow to the shia militias governing syria by arming FSA with high tech weapons. The iranians cannot threaten egypt, they are too weak to do anything about egypt...
I will laugh my a...
Seems FSA propaganda are working on you.How many of them killed today?400?:P
It seems Egypt also wants to take a part in Turkish-Persian rivalry after the spring.
People should know that you are an American Christian expat who blindly supports Assad. Plus, we expect members to have correct flags. You can't claim to have legitimacy over first hand info about Syria when you are not psychically there but in the US.
Why would an American back up Syria? Americans want to destroy Syria like you people. anyways if you have problem with my beliefs then thats your problem. and Yes I'm Christian, now tell me whats your problem? and I have family who lives in Syria, anyways this no of your business. I need to have a talk with the webmaster.

You should be the one who is staying away from religion topics since you are a mod.
oh yeah i forgot,Aeronaut you gave me an infraction the other day for typing arabic in the forums, so how am I American???
BlackEagle: Did you know how much you humiliate yourself by posting news from Al Arabiya (Al-Junk)?
Iran never said they have discussed opening an embassy.
Al-Arabiya is the biggest junk writer in the world and only thing it has is high budget,aiming at spreading Saudi regime propaganda.
:lol:, you can't just make Alarabyah looks like Press TV, it's a respected source of info. If you don't believe in it then take those Egyptian sources:

Egypt denies discussing normalization with Iran | Al Akhbar English
Egypt News - Egyptian president ‘did not discuss boosting ties with Iran’
THE DAILY STAR :: News :: Middle East :: Egypt's Morsi 'did not discuss boosting ties with Iran'

As I said before,those who hate to see Iran and Egypt be each other's friends are not Muslims.

Seems FSA propaganda are working on you.How many of them killed today?400?:P

Oh really...:lol:

Do you know how news agencies work? most of them report from the same source :disagree:
People should know that you are an American Christian expat who blindly supports Assad. Plus, we expect members to have correct flags. You can't claim to have legitimacy over first hand info about Syria when you are not psychically there but in the US.

So what if Syrian Lion is a Christian? Does that make him any less of a Syrian? Unbelievable... :disagree:
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