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Mursi shocks the mullah - Tehran slapdown

"Egypt can not be part of a Sunni Axis against a Shia axis"Egyptian Minster
The Egyptian Minister of Legal Affairs and parliamentary councils Mohamed Mahsoub said "Egypt does not have to be neutral in a Sunni/Shiite sectarian issue, and its role is to be a leader to unite the Ummah, and to bring Muslim Sects closer, while still being a proud Sunni Muslim country and being respectable to Shias.

He added on his twitter account that " Egypt can not be part of a Sunni Axis against a Shia axis because its(Egypt) role is bigger than being part of a sectarian axis. Picking one side against the other will only lead to the fall back of its role in the Islamic world"
«محسوب»: مصر قائدة للتقريب بين المذاهب.. معتزة بإسلامها السني ومحترمة للشيعة

قال الدكتور محمد محسوب، وزير الشؤون القانونية والمجالس النيابية، إن «مصر لا يجب أن تكون محايدة في خلاف طائفي سني شيعي، وإنما دورها قائدة لتوحيد الأمة والتقريب بين المذاهب الإسلامية، معتزة بإسلامها السني ومحترمة للشيعة».

وأضاف «محسوب» في حسابه على موقع «تويتر»: «لا يمكن أن تكون مصر في محور سني ضد محور شيعي، فدورها أكبر من المحاور الطائفية، وانحيازها لمحور ضد آخر يؤدي لتراجع دورها في العالم الإسلامي».

وأشار إلى أن «أول من ترجم للشيعة الإمام الحافظ الذهبي أحد رواة الحديث، في كتب السنة إبان بن إبراهيم، وقال عنه الذهبي: ثقة ثقة وشيعي جلد».

وانتقد «محسوب» ردود بعض الشباب على تدويناته، واتهام الشيعة بالكفر، قائلا «نقاش سريع على تويتر تكتشف معه أن شبابنا قليل الدراية بمذاهب أهل السنة وفرق الشيعة ومع ذلك فحماسهم هائل للدخول في معركة، أي وعي هذا؟!».

كانت قيادات سلفية قد أعلنت رفضها زيارة مرسي إلى إيران بسبب «دعمها لمجازر نظام بشار الأسد ضد الشعب السوري وسياساتها العدائية تجاه الدول الإسلامية السنية».

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/arab-d...shia-axis-egyptian-minster.html#ixzz25I7qFrxB
Ok just add these:
nobody said that President Morsi Started his speech with this Aya :
و اعتصموا بحبل الله جمیعا و لا تفرقوا

Nobody said that Morsi asked iran to solve the problems of syria
Nobody said that Morsi called iran a nice country for the leadership of the NAM
Every said that fars news said this , Cnn said that ......... if you want o talk in this way , answer me why CNN interupted the casting of iran supreme leader speech ?

Morsi is NOT Hassan Nasrollah for iran , He is NOT our best friend but he is the president who want islam and also he is the leader of a great nation called Egypt that can join us to solve many problems (based on shared benefits ) and also he can be a unsolved problem for iran ! And That is what our politics doing , they just see the similarities and ignore the differences ....

And this the effect of western Media that is called "Agenda setting and making " ....... GOOD LUCK
Brother, don't listen to anybody who is trying to divide us. The West media doesn't even know how we think. Morsi is the first Egyptian president to visit Iran in 35 years. Despite Iran support to Syria, he still went to Iran and he called president Najad my dear brother and he asked for Muslims to unite. Also, all officials from the freedom and justice party(The ruling party which president Morsi belongs to) have been saying for the past 4 days on TV how all Muslim nations should work together and how we should work with Iran and how we should make them and Gulf Arabs work together. They also said that Iran and us should be strategic allies and we should not look at each other from a sectarian point of view. I even showed one of our dear Iranian members one video were they were saying that and these were actually officials not forum members.
Brother, don't listen to anybody who is trying to divide us. The West media doesn't even know how we think. Morsi is the first Egyptian president to visit Iran in 35 years. Despite Iran support to Syria, he still went to Iran and he called president Najad my dear brother and he asked for Muslims to unite. Also, all officials from the freedom and justice party(The ruling party which president Morsi belongs to) have been saying for the past 4 days on TV how all Muslim nations should work together and how we should work with Iran and how we should make them and Gulf Arabs work together. They also said that Iran and us should be strategic allies and we should not look at each other from a sectarian point of view. I even showed one of our dear Iranian members one video were they were saying that and these were actually officials not forum members.
Egyptian are good willing toward Iran but the situation will end like the turks, they were too very supportive of iran in the beginning, but in the end they are now in very cold relation...coz they saw how much the iranian regime sectarian is.
With egypt it will be the same, the iraqi issue where the shia have all the power and the sunni and kurd want federal, the issue of the sunni minority in iran who are persecuted even they are majority in their area, the saudi and gulf issue etc etc
TFS , are you burning? how much ? rate from 0 to 10 (10 the highest rate)

What are talking about? You are desperately trying to befriend Egypt, and we are doing you a favor in wakening you up to the reality.
What are talking about? You are desperately trying to befriend Egypt, and we are doing you a favor in wakening you up to the reality.

Desperately trying to befriend Egypt?Really?We have lived 30 years without Egypt and they have lived without us.Why do you think we can't go on now?If Egypt establish relations with Iran,well that's better.

Any way,I should add as a note,all of those who hate to see Iran and Egypt have relations,are non-Muslims.
Desperately trying to befriend Egypt?Really?We have lived 30 years without Egypt and they have lived without us.Why do you think we can't go on now?If Egypt establish relations with Iran,well that's better.

Any way,I should add as a note,all of those who hate to see Iran and Egypt have relations,are non-Muslims.

It's not us who are saying that, it's Egyptians themselves, we just quote what they say here.
Iranian Parliament member: Syrian crisis is the only difference between Iran and Morsi.
The Chairman of the Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy in the Iranian Shura Council Ala Al-Din Boroujerdi said that Iran agrees with 80% of what president Morsi said in his NAM speech.s and only disagree with him on the Syrian issue. He added that out of 5 points he mentioned, Iran agrees with 4 of these point

برلمانى بمجلس الشورى الإيرانى: الأزمة السورية خلافنا الوحيد مع مرسى
الأحد، 2 سبتمبر 2012 - 17:24
أكد رئيس لجنة الأمن القومى والسياسة الخارجية فى مجلس الشورى الإيرانى علاء الدين بروجيردى أن 80% مما طرحه الرئيس محمد مرسى بطهران خلال قمة حركة عدم الانحياز - التى عقدت يوم الخميس الماضى - يتلاءم مع رؤى ومواقف إيران.

وقال بروجيردى فى تصريحات خاصة أدلى بها لوكالة أنباء "مهر" الإيرانية: "إن 4 نقاط من بين النقاط الخمس التى طرحها مرسى فى كلمته أمام قمة عدم الانحياز تتطابق وتتلاءم مع مواقف إيران، وقد اختلفت طهران مع وجهات نظر مرسى فى نقطة واحدة فقط، هى التى ترتبط بالقضية السورية". مضيفًا: "إن كل شخص يحلل القضايا ويفسرها من وجهة نظره".

وأشار البرلمانى الإيرانى إلى تصريحات بان كى مون الأمين العام لمنظمة الأمم المتحدة فى قمة طهران قائلاً: إننا نعارض الهيكلة غير العادلة السائدة على منظمة الأمم المتحدة.
It's not us who are saying that, it's Egyptians themselves, we just quote what they say here.

So when did Egypt say they don't want relations with Iran?What I actually see is you (and your likes)crying 24/7 so that God forbids Iran and Egypt may have some relations in future.But you ain't going nowhere.
Egyptian are good willing toward Iran but the situation will end like the turks, they were too very supportive of iran in the beginning, but in the end they are now in very cold relation...coz they saw how much the iranian regime sectarian is.
With egypt it will be the same, the iraqi issue where the shia have all the power and the sunni and kurd want federal, the issue of the sunni minority in iran who are persecuted even they are majority in their area, the saudi and gulf issue etc etc
maybe if we looked at the situation like this but there is a better way in iraq and syria and anywhere it should be whoever can do good in power no matter what his religion is .this divide is doing so much damage to the region we must end this you act like sunni and shia are new religions for centuries there has been sunni and shia but this all started when the islamic revolution in iran won the west became hostile with iran and then for some reason gulf countries have been even more hostile to iran than the west and if you live in syria you will see what this divide has done i hope you are happy to see blood all over your country when you see fear in the eyes of women and children believe me i did in the egyptian revoultion and i thank allah that it was over in 18 days
So when did Egypt said they don't want relations with Iran?What I actually see is you (and your likes)crying 24/7 so that God forbids Iran and Egypt may have some relations in future.But you ain't going nowhere.

We just quote their news regarding this matter. If you are that illusioned, then keep convincing yourself that the two Egyptian members here are Egypt. Anyway, it's your problem.
As long as I dont have your nation flag falsely, then you have no business with me.

People should know that you are an American Christian expat who blindly supports Assad. Plus, we expect members to have correct flags. You can't claim to have legitimacy over first hand info about Syria when you are not psychically there but in the US.
People should know that you are an American Christian expat who blindly supports Assad. Plus, we expect members to have correct flags. You can't claim to have legitimacy over first hand info about Syria when you are not psychically there but in the US.
How do you know he is Christian?Are you now bashing people for their religion?Even if he is Christian,I've seen he is much better than some Quasi-Muslims in this site,And I don't think you have a right to question people's legitimacy because of their religion.
How do you know he is Christian?Are you know bashing people for their religion?Even if he is Christian,I've seen he is much better than some Quasi-Muslims in this site,And I don't think you have a right to question people's legitimacy because of their religion.

Desperately trying to befriend Egypt?Really?We have lived 30 years without Egypt and they have lived without us.Why do you think we can't go on now?If Egypt establish relations with Iran,well that's better.

Any way,I should add as a note,all of those who hate to see Iran and Egypt have relations,are non-Muslims.

Syrian Lion has mentioned many times that he is Christian, and I don't think it offensive when address somebody with his religioun.
First of all the article is nothing but BS . i dont care about that rubbish, connecting sth from 1400 years ago to whitewash their mistakes in current time .

About syria ,everyone did know his ideas about Syria he had declared them several times before coming Iran in fact his words were not a surprise for Iran but what he said was a surprise for some countries in the region i wanna say although he condemned Assad ,he did support a democratic solution in Syria that is what Iran says as solution and it's completely against by KSA and Turkey solution if we dont consider them themselves as problems toward peace .
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