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Morocco's Bollywood dream and obsession

Its not just Iranians,Arabs or freaking "Goras" anyone outside of Pakistan practically have this opinion of India being that image tho I noticed a trend on the far right here that they call them Pajeets but Modi is tarnishing their brand but in the last decades we should have exported our soft power

The crappiest reality is that this "Image" of "Amazing India" is also rampant in Pakistan. My television right now has netflix on standby and Netflix's showing previews of all the top 10 rated content "trending" in Pakistan right now. The #1 trending flick on Pakistan's Netflix is of Indian origin and out of the remaining ten 4 or 5 are also bharti flicks.

The greatest trick India ever pulled wasn't the spread of Indian propaganda amongst westerners, it was to get our jaahil awam hooked to their Bollywood.
That's what I meant. Our relationship with China and Turkey in the main, is of paramount importance.

Pakistan should keep those ties air tight and with upmost importance also expand ties with Russia,and ex Soviet Republics

The crappiest reality is that this "Image" of "Amazing India" is also rampant in Pakistan. My television right now has netflix on standby and Netflix's showing previews of all the top 10 rated "Content" trending in Pakistan right now. The #1 trending flick is of Indian origin and out of the remaining ten 4 or 5 are also bharti flicks.

The greatest trick India ever pulled wasn't the spread of Indian propaganda amongst westerners, it was to get our jaahil awam hooked to their Bollywood.

Its kinda our fault the "diaspora" prefer being tied to South Asian and "Brown" identity nonsense when we have Iranic,Turkic groups in the western part of the country with no ties with pajeetland
Iron biraadar Chinese watch Bollywood movies too. Funny to see so many salty comments and Modi did this and that. lol

Yep, the salt is the best part haha.

Having a laugh with some Turkish friends right now about this thread...and chatting about the psyche behind it.

Turkey itself is known to import 7 billion USD a year from India....and like 300 million a year from Pakistan. :o: ...much due to disparity in basic soft power and basic economic competence....and probably other basics.

You have no idea how much this lot here are ridiculed badly outside of here....even by (even especially by) "iron brothers"....that too from their hilarious attempt to claim that on both Turkey AND China at same time (many Turks now see true colours of this lot given their brazen cheerleading for Turkic uighur "camps"). Then what Chinese think of this lot too (again behind the curtains from this clown show here)....that's another fun story. Standing on car is just one small small part of it.
Much iron brothering!:victory:

But they'd rather focus on being salty about some Morocco-waaaaaah-bollywood haha.

Now they need to emotionally believe Modi has "changed" it all :rofl:. The cope is real.
The crappiest reality is that this "Image" of "Amazing India" is also rampant in Pakistan. My television right now has netflix on standby and Netflix's showing previews of all the top 10 rated content "trending" in Pakistan right now. The #1 trending flick on Pakistan's Netflix is of Indian origin and out of the remaining ten 4 or 5 are also bharti flicks.

The greatest trick India ever pulled wasn't the spread of Indian propaganda amongst westerners, it was to get our jaahil awam hooked to their Bollywood.

Authorities were complacent in it; when leaders, political, military and religious start referencing their indian favorite flicks, songs... then it's too much to ask from jahil awam. There never was a state policy of instilling Pakistaniant in Pakistanis since it's inception and this trend continues till today.

Yep, the salt is the best part haha.

Having a laugh with some Turkish friends right now about this thread...and chatting about the psyche behind it.

Turkey itself is known to import 7 billion USD a year from India....and like 300 million a year from Pakistan. :o: ...much due to disparity in basic soft power and basic economic competence....and probably other basics.

You have no idea how much this lot here are ridiculed badly outside of here....even by (even especially by) "iron brothers"....that too from their hilarious attempt to claim that on both Turkey AND China at same time (many Turks now see true colours of this lot given their brazen cheerleading for Turkic uighur "camps"). Then what Chinese think of this lot too (again behind the curtains from this clown show here)....that's another fun story. Standing on car is just one small small part of it.
Much iron brothering!:victory:

But they'd rather focus on being salty about some Morocco-waaaaaah-bollywood haha.

Now they need to emotionally believe Modi has "changed" it all :rofl:. The cope is real.

Apple and oranges... why is it that you keeps lingering on the fine thread to become a complete troll and a member who can present his opinion with honesty.

State policy; people's perception. In former Pakistan succeeded, in later India. But that is eroded over last two terms of modi. Anyhow, good for you guys. As far as Pakistan's economic activity is concerned. It's not your achievement but rather Pakistan's own failure but that's another debate.
In former Pakistan succeeded,

Sure it did!


That's just one small result of your "success" here (no need to even extrapolate how it goes in real world). Read it thoroughly as much you want. This is what happens when you try juggle and you don't know the first basic competency of it.

Lot of Turks in that very thread tell me about the reality of what they actually think (in places outside of here)...its actually quite revealing...I doubt they would tell any Pakistani about it anymore....not after they got treated that way by people they once thought were bros. True nationalists of Turkey know this especially well.

But you can wish it all away as "everything fine, situation great and peachy and brotherly" while not taking heed of the reality and counter-current developing. That attitude worked out great with your Eastern wing compatriots....so it will work out just fine similarly with iron-bros obviously. Just have to believe strong enough and tighten grip selectively according to that, whatever squeezes out can be denied or ignored....its fine, those things are merely irrelevant and of no consequence.

Recently, it was funny especially listening to one Chinese poster I know here (in real life circle) tell me what he thought about the huge insta-threads here about mere rumours about US military goodies (given all the other threads same posters go hoo hoo haa haaa bout china-bro-stronk). I just told him it was a "former" iron-bro legacy, he got it :D . It wouldn't be so funny to lot of the salty-type lot in here though.

When you aren't rooted to something actually deep, it shows. The artificial emotion-swinging cringey stuff comes out with little effort and in large scale prevalence.
Sure it did!


That's just one small result of your "success" here (no need to even extrapolate how it goes in real world). Read it thoroughly as much you want. This is what happens when you try juggle and you don't know the first basic competency of it.

Lot of Turks in that very thread tell me about the reality of what they actually think (in places outside of here)...its actually quite revealing...I doubt they would tell any Pakistani about it anymore....not after they got treated that way by people they once thought were bros. True nationalists of Turkey know this especially well.

But you can wish it all away as "everything fine, situation great and peachy and brotherly" while not taking heed of the reality and counter-current developing. That attitude worked out great with your Eastern wing compatriots....so it will work out just fine similarly with iron-bros obviously. Just have to believe strong enough and tighten grip selectively according to that, whatever squeezes out can be denied or ignored....its fine, those things are merely irrelevant and of no consequence.

Recently, it was funny especially listening to one Chinese poster I know here (in real life circle) tell me what he thought about the huge insta-threads here about mere rumours about US military goodies (given all the other threads same posters go hoo hoo haa haaa bout china-bro-stronk). I just told him it was a "former" iron-bro legacy, he got it :D . It wouldn't be so funny to lot of the salty-type lot in here though.

When you aren't rooted to something actually deep, it shows. The artificial emotion-swinging cringey stuff comes out with little effort and in large scale prevalence.

Either you are one of the most confused person; or are victim of exact dilemma what you are accusing others of suffering from; half cooked knowledge and coupling it with your emotional response; confusing it as logic.

The thread you have posted is nothing to do with state relations. As i said at people to people contact and creating soft image of Pakistan in "so called brotherly" nations, Pakistan has failed miserably. And before you start honking a trumpet lemme reiterate, it's more of Pakistan's fault rather than the success on India's part. Turkish people are quite nationalistic. Their ideology of state revolves around Turkish identity and that reflects in their foreign policy. I buy your claim of having some turks revealing you their opinion. But lemme assure you, i know turks "personally" as much as i know Pakistanis. Ask those turk friends of yours when state banned hijab in turkey to be not worn in universities, public offices. Ask or may be read a bit about trukish-Pakistan relations before erdogan and their foreign and internal policies. And then may be read a bit about Erdogan and his parties rise and why people rejected previous status co. Your bubble would burst. That has nothing to do with Pakistan; but would give you an insight about mindset of turkish state and people.

Pakistan on the other hand is an Islamic ideological state, and at people's level this is at the subconscious level. Ummah, pan islamic concept of brotherhood. Hence you will see Pakistanis more inclined towards this concept of Ummah than other ethnicity based islamic nations around the world. Regarding china; state policy is reflective in state craft; and if you even have rhetoric based idea about chinese statecraft you won't be having this discussion. If you ask any chinese person in some small town, he probably has no opinion about Pakistan, probably haven't heard of the name even and i believe that's for majority of them. No historic people to people contact, no cultural assimilation. However at the state level, strategically you've lost the game when it comes to china. Of course, india has a larger footprint because of sheer numbers and rhetoric that they sold under the banner of soft image, went really good. And again good for you. But veils are lifting, already half naked. So don't celebrate too early.
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Turkey itself is known to import 7 billion USD a year from India
And how much does India import from China? 70-80 billion USD a year?
China is literally flooding Indian markets with cheap goods and milking the cash cow. Is China India's iron brother for India to incur such a huge deficit?

The undeniable reality is that the common Turk has always respected the common Pakistani; they respected Pakistanis even when we were going through the darkest phase in our history and were treated like terrorists by the rest of the world. Ask any Pakistani who has visited Turkey and told Turks that he's from Pakistan and how they treat him after hearing that. That is an innate bond, they are taught about Pakistan's support to Turkey in their textbooks and that has its effect. Doesn't matter how hard you try to shy away from this reality by telling us about some "personal experience", the reality is that Turkey and Pakistan have supported each other. Pakistanis have a ton more personal experience with Turks than you have had.

And coming to Bollywood "argument". Bollywood is a lot more popular in Pakistan than it is in Turkey, Iran or Morrocco
--- going by your logic, considering bollywood's popularity in Pakistan, Pakistan must be India's soul mate.
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What has Pakistan ever done to him or his country? Any reason for his hate?
the thing is Indian lobbying and propaganda in Arab countries are really very strong. Arabs are basically idiots and even the highly educated ones don't know what is happening in the world. the don't follow mainstream media and the certainly don't follow what is happening to Muslims outside their countries. I met a bunch of Arabs from Oman and saudiArabia and most of them had the view that Pakistan should never have been made and we should have remained with india. Their main sources of news are WhatsApp groups where Indians spread all kinds of anti-Pakistan propaganda. Just yesterday I was talking to a friend from Oman and he was said that Corona is spreading so fast in Pakistan and Indians have controlled it really well. And on top of all that the Pakistanis which go to these countries are mostly uneducated laborers and they go from their villages direct to these countries like Oman, Saudia, UAE etc. they show a very bad image of Pakistan. Most Arabs I met think that there is not a single big city in Pakistan and all of it is either desert or small undeveloped villages. Instead of Arab bashing and India bashing, we should up our own game and at least train people a little bit before they go to these countries. Because all these Arabs see are illiterate Pakistanis who start fighting on every other thing. Whereas a lot of Indians work on very important positions in those countries. The thing is they do care about Pakistan more than India but when you look at the practicality of things, Indians are strong in science and technology, they have much stronger economy and other things whereas Pakistanis always expect money from Arabs and if we look at history in difficult times all these Arabs countries Helped Pakistan despite the fact Indians don't want them to. In every difficult time the help Pakistan just because we are Muslim and they don't really care about Indians getting pissed because of that.
SO instead of blindly criticizing Arabs we should improve ourselves first.
And how much does India import from China? 70-80 billion USD?
China is literally flooding Indian markets with cheap goods and milking the cash cow. Is China India's iron brother for India to incur such a huge deficit?

The undeniable reality is that the common Turk has always respected the common Pakistani; they respected Pakistanis even when we were going through the darkest phase in our history and were treated like terrorists by the rest of the world. Ask any Pakistani who has visited Turkey and told Turks that he's from Pakistan and how they treat him after hearing that. That is an innate bond, they are taught about Pakistan's support to Turkey in their textbooks and that has its effect. Doesn't matter how you hard you try to shy away from this reality by telling us about some "personal experience", the reality is that Turkey and Pakistan have supported each other. Pakistanis have a ton more personal experience with Turks than you have had.

And coming to Bollywood "argument". Bollywood is a lot more popular in Pakistan than it is in Turkey, Iran or Morrocco --- going by your logic, Pakistan must be the best friend of India.

I keep telling this to my fellow Pakistani members that you should not expect much and in depth discussion with any of wannabe shashi tharoors; who himself is a hack. The key difference between sanghis and this type is that sanghis are at least honest in their opinion. However, this lot, till last decade was successful in selling rhetoric, "the churan" of shinning, secular india, bollywood, yoga, taj mahal and keeping the world behind truck ki batti. But too bad, modi took off the veils. Now you can understand the frustration. Of course now iron brother's relationship with Pakistan is hard to digest; and not to forget this was the same lot who were jumping up and down like monkeys by singing the "terrorisht and isolating pakistan" mantra all day long.
I keep telling this to my fellow Pakistani members that you should not expect much and in depth discussion with any of wannabe shashi tharoors; who himself is a hack. The key difference between sanghis and this type is that sanghis are at least honest in their opinion. However, this lot, till last decade was successful in selling rhetoric, "the churan" of shinning, secular india, bollywood, yoga, taj mahal and keeping the world behind truck ki batti. But too bad, modi took off the veils. Now you can understand the frustration. Of course now iron brother's relationship with Pakistan is hard to digest; and not to forget this was the same lot who were jumping up and down like monkeys by singing the "terrorisht and isolating pakistan" mantra all day long.
The bad press which India received in the past few years is unprecedented --- thanks to Modi (May he live and rule long) ; for showing India's true colors to the world.

It was all a game of optics. India was and is still a large country with immense strategic and economic significance for the Western World and this allowed India to have a home run in the image building game. We, on the other hand remained uninvolved in not only projecting Pakistan's soft image and exploiting trade potential with friendly countries but in more or less every other field which could have improved our international standing. That further deteriorated our power.
Of course now iron brother's relationship with Pakistan is hard to digest
China's contribution to Pakistan's conventional defence against India is immense and undeniable. Likewise, Turkey's diplomatic support to Pakistan on Kashmir, FATF and throughout our history. Let them soothe their bruised ego by talking about some gup shup they've had with a Chinese living in the West who has no bearing upon Sino-Pak strategic ties. Or some chit chat with a Turk guy...denying the fact that Turks always respect Pakistanis and vice versa. To the extent that it is in their textbooks...
The bad press which India received in the past few years is unprecedented --- thanks to Modi (May he live and rule long) ; for showing India's true colors to the world.

It was all a game of optics. India was and is still a large country with immense strategic and economic significance for the Western World and this allowed India to have a home run in the image building game. We, on the other hand remained uninvolved in not only projecting Pakistan's soft image and exploiting trade potential with friendly countries but in more or less every other field which could have improved our international standing. That further deteriorated our power.

Yes; on point. And now it's up to Pakistan to mend her ways and project Pakistan's image and secure her interests. But we mortals can only hope and pray... but sigh.. history is full of incompetent people at high positions, dragging Pakistan where it is today. And it's millions who are paying the price, with blood, money and stature. And with regret, it seems no lessons learnt.
the thing is Indian lobbying and propaganda in Arab countries are really very strong. Arabs are basically idiots and even the highly educated ones don't know what is happening in the world. the don't follow mainstream media and the certainly don't follow what is happening to Muslims outside their countries. I met a bunch of Arabs from Oman and saudiArabia and most of them had the view that Pakistan should never have been made and we should have remained with india. Their main sources of news are WhatsApp groups where Indians spread all kinds of anti-Pakistan propaganda. Just yesterday I was talking to a friend from Oman and he was said that Corona is spreading so fast in Pakistan and Indians have controlled it really well. And on top of all that the Pakistanis which go to these countries are mostly uneducated laborers and they go from their villages direct to these countries like Oman, Saudia, UAE etc. they show a very bad image of Pakistan. Most Arabs I met think that there is not a single big city in Pakistan and all of it is either desert or small undeveloped villages. Instead of Arab bashing and India bashing, we should up our own game and at least train people a little bit before they go to these countries. Because all these Arabs see are illiterate Pakistanis who start fighting on every other thing. Whereas a lot of Indians work on very important positions in those countries. The thing is they do care about Pakistan more than India but when you look at the practicality of things, Indians are strong in science and technology, they have much stronger economy and other things whereas Pakistanis always expect money from Arabs and if we look at history in difficult times all these Arabs countries Helped Pakistan despite the fact Indians don't want them to. In every difficult time the help Pakistan just because we are Muslim and they don't really care about Indians getting pissed because of that.
SO instead of blindly criticizing Arabs we should improve ourselves first.
We have friendly relations with the GCC. That is a fact.

Talking in tangible terms, KSA helped us in nuke program; bailed us out in times of economic crisis. Millions of Pakistanis are employed in GCC.

Just because there is a racist nutter some where in an Arab state we cannot multiply their positives with zero.

Other than that, I agree with what you have said that we need to mend our own ways as well before expecting goodness from others.
Their main sources of news are WhatsApp groups where Indians spread all kinds of anti-Pakistan propaganda. Just yesterday I was talking to a friend from Oman and he was said that Corona is spreading so fast in Pakistan and Indians have controlled it really well. And on top of all that the Pakistanis which go to these countries are mostly uneducated laborers and they go from their villages direct to these countries like Oman, Saudia, UAE etc. they show a very bad image of Pakistan. Most Arabs I met think that there is not a single big city in Pakistan and all of it is either desert or small undeveloped villages. Instead of Arab bashing and India bashing, we should up our own game and at least train people a little bit before they go to these countries. Because all these Arabs see are illiterate Pakistanis who start fighting on every other thing. Whereas a lot of Indians work on very important positions in those countries. The thing is they do care about Pakistan more than India but when you look at the practicality of things, Indians are strong in science and technology, they have much stronger economy and other things whereas Pakistanis always expect money from Arabs and if we look at history in difficult times all these Arabs countries Helped Pakistan despite the fact Indians don't want them to. In every difficult time the help Pakistan just because we are Muslim and they don't really care about Indians getting pissed because of that.
Agreed 100 percent bro.
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