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How Bollywood is Failing The Women of India-Forbes

mister I am a man and in this world even gay will look women and jerk Sorry to offend you but this fact ! being religious is making you do this all ! open up man !
too vulgar, you are, my religion has nothing to do with this, it is my morality which was tought to me by my religion, and i am proud of it
As a foreigner, I saw hundreds of Indian movie,

I also found that in recent years, bollywood movies more and more westernized, more and more large scale, vulgar.

Blindly to learn western, will lose the original characteristics of the Indian films.

South Indian movies do good, no vulgar things so much sex.

Chinese movies because learning western, lost its own characteristics, wants India to take.

Don't take off your clothes in the movie,.. This is the dross of western culture.
Thats the reason why I prefer Indian serials which have a good story and which teach about
moral values like these ones.

How Bollywood Is Failing The Women Of India
If you’ve watched a Bollywood movie in the last five years, chances are you noticed perfectly-sculpted actresses, donning scanty outfits not unlike ones you would find on Beyonce. Many popular movies feature women dancing suggestively to item songs.

It’s also common to watch on-screen kisses (strictly taboo before about a decade ago) and even sex scenes. One of the top 10 highest grossing films for 2014 so far is “Ragini MMS 2,” a horror film replete with sex scenes featuring **** star Sunny Leone.

I used to ponder the irony: Bollywood celebrities would gyrate to songs about “never getting their body,” yet every time I visited family in Mumbai, I’d take extra care to dress modestly.

That curiosity turned to horror as report after report of sexual violence kept surfacing from India. Crimes against women are up 7.1% since 2010, according to National Crime Record Bureau statistics.

There is a fundamental mismatch in attitudes towards sex within Indian society and what the majority of the entertainment industry portrays. The video below depicts some of the realities of two Indias – one where Bollywood celebrities are overly sexualized, contrasted with the increasing brutality towards women.

Why Should We Care About Bollywood?

Bollywood has a powerful role in shaping mindsets and behaviors in India. I would argue it’s much more than just an entertainment industry. Movies have reflected the aspirations of many Indians for decades. Often, celebrities are revered in a manner akin to religious fervor.

As India continues to modernize and in many ways, Westernize, Bollywood keeps up by showcasing “modern” relationships. Some mainstream movies now portray realities of the urban Indian youth: pre-marital sex, live-in relationships, and women and men who are relatively independent from familial obligations.

However, with only 30% of India’s population being urban, these movies are largely unrelatable to the average moviegoer. For most Indian men, social interactions with the opposite sex are severely limited. What they see on screen guides much of their perceptions of women. Portraying women as sex objects has far-reaching ramifications from normalizing eve-teasing and stalking, to glorifying rape and murder. Women feeling a sense of safety in India is unquestionably in danger.

On one hand, Bollywood projects that women are empowered to wear what they want. But more disturbingly, they continue to be highlighted as objects of desire, with only their bodies to offer. The most popular item songs depict a naughty village girl – playing up the “Munni” and “Chameli” fantasy. In a country where the majority of the population is rural, showing sexy village girls is inherently problematic. Rather than inspiring social change for women to be truly sexually empowered, these songs perpetuate the culture of misogyny that has shackled Indian women for years.

The Conflicting Messages of Bollywood

Confusingly, the core message of many mainstream movies is that women should aspire to marriage. It’s hard to reconcile ideals of sexuality with the vast majority of Indian society where many women live with their parents until the day they are married, with no open conversations about dating or sex.

For young men too, seeing the unrealistic portrayal of sex in mainstream Bollywood is incongruous with what they see at home. At home, mothers and sisters are protected to the point of being stifled. Certainly, sexuality is never discussed. While in the movies, women are highlighted as wanton. Sexual tension and frustration continues to bubble under the surface.

This also creates a culture of hypocrisy divided along class lines, where upper-middle class women are free to dress and behave in a certain way, but others are punished for it. Women are almost exclusively blamed for – and failed – by lawmakers and enforcers when they are brutally attacked.

What Needs to Change

To effect any real change, we must bridge the chasm between the India that Bollywood portrays and the reality of the ordinary Indian woman in a slowly-modernizing, largely conservative society.

I’m not at all suggesting that we should revert to the Bollywood of yesteryears, where chaste romances were portrayed as the norm. In fact, I find it encouraging when movies want to discuss truths that were shunned previously: from pre-marital sex to divorce. However, by simultaneously over-sexualizing women on screen, we sabotage any progress women are making towards equal opportunities, both in their personal and professional lives. It’s time the powerful entertainment industry shouldered some responsibility for the India they’re helping to shape.

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How Bollywood Is Failing The Women Of India - Forbes
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Now this author will be blamed as backward living in stone age and blah blah blah but tomorrow Indians will pick up news paper and would find enormous cases of rape but still when a person like these will point out the problem they would go crazy after them because they are least interested in solving the issue now for past few decades in most Bollywood movies biggest villeins are father and brothers and hero is your boyfriend who you basically have physical relation with I mean se... one and when ladies copy that in real life most end up having their se. videos online and many end up committing suicide every second add shows buy this deodorant within five minutes Dia Mirza or some other heroine will be in your bed buy this car two women will come free buy this thing 5 women will take off their clothes in short you portray women as nothing but objects to be used you tell women get naked and make every one go crazy after you but than you expect women will be given respect like mother Teresa was respected @Aeronaut @Oscar @HRK @PWFI @Arsalan @ajpirzada @Akheilos @Kaan @Yzd Khalifa @Arabian Legend @al-Hasani @JUBA @JonAsad @Jf Thunder
Wow! More rapes happen in US than in India and suddenly it has become an India specific thing.
Yes because you are following path of USA when it comes to Bollywood and getting same results
Yes because you are following path of USA when it comes to Bollywood and getting same results

Sadly you're right. But more than movies, it is a law and order problem. For example, UP has no law. You could practically be in favour of the local state government politicians and murder your neighbour. No one could touch you.

Same shit with Delhi. No government, no accountability and obviously no implementation of law.
Sadly you're right. But more than movies, it is a law and order problem. For example, UP has no law. You could practically be in favour of the local state government politicians and murder your neighbour. No one could touch you.

Same shit with Delhi. No government, no accountability and obviously no implementation of law.
USA is far better in arresting and punishing the rapists still rape are increasing not law and order if you bomb people will one thing and accept them to behave like humans you are wrong
Sadly you're right. But more than movies, it is a law and order problem. For example, UP has no law. You could practically be in favour of the local state government politicians and murder your neighbour. No one could touch you.

Same shit with Delhi. No government, no accountability and obviously no implementation of law.
I would agree with you on this..UP in particular, we need sort that out. The father-son duo government has clearly failed. Next election, BJP will sweep them off their feet.
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