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Modi attacks Congress for appeasement of muslims

I get your point, but dishing it out is more fun !!

Its fun I agree....When Bangladeshis whose country men desperately try to get out of their shithole of a country an are ready to face bullets trying to do so, act as a uber rich hyperpowah..it is definitely fun.

Ohh sorry I forgot... to look at the link closely... anyway who wrote that HRW report.. a bharti???? The writer taken some stuff from a phd students presentation paper but unfortunately this bharati dalal is a bangladeshi national... However taking this presentation report seriously create some doubt about the validity of the claims.. see continuously made the report and assumption from different bharti media and org like saag.org and quoted from some other Bhartis...

Lol these boys first claim that it was a Bharti source without even looking into it (seems like the sheep are conditioned to bleet "Bharti source" at the first instance of a link and when rear whooped cry "oh it was written by a Bharti guy" even if the Authors name is not given).

And more funny is when they claim there is no migration and them immediately two posts after they bleet "Oh we are going to take away Assam by sending out migrants there". :lol:
Because the name of Bangladesh has been brought in by your radical extremist hindu politicians... N it is a clear oppression and hate filled ranting on the minorities... In this regard of human right violation every country man has the right to speak about...

Just look what is happening with gaddafi for his human right violation... If this continues the east pakistan making on NE India will not be far away.

So when shall we talk about Razakars whose record on human rights violations is still unmacthed in the Sub-continent an that too especially against their own people. :pop:

And India is not Libya or Bangladesh to be threatened by anyone. We get our way from anyone.
Reposting this for the deluded Bangladeshi online Razakars whose only significant thing in life is wet-dreaming about getting Assam :lol:

It's the bl@@dy Congress govt. that's feeding these Bangladeshis, once I saw a slogan in the Bangladesh border region of Assam " congresser haath, Bangladeshir bhaath" which means Congress' hand is Bangladeshis rice and regarding the claim of Bangladeshis that Assamese people will support the Bangladeshis to liberate Assam from India be rest assured the Assamese people hate the Bangladeshis more than anything else in the world. In this case Meghalaya and the Garo hills seems to be doing fine as the Garos kick the hell out of Bangladeshis whenever they find one.

Its high time the West Bengalis shed their "Athithi Devo Bhava" attitude towards the illegal Bangla migrants. You people don't need to share your generosity with these bigots with nothing but hate for India.They dont deserve it.
If congress is doing politics using bangladeshis so is BJP.
They are not sincere about the infiltration issue, they would like this to go on so that BJP will polarize votes.
It is the assamese people who should do something about it.
Its fun I agree....When Bangladeshis whose country men desperately try to get out of their shithole of a country an are ready to face bullets trying to do so, act as a uber rich hyperpowah..it is definitely fun.

Lol these boys first claim that it was a Bharti source without even looking into it (seems like the sheep are conditioned to bleet "Bharti source" at the first instance of a link and when rear whooped cry "oh it was written by a Bharti guy" even if the Authors name is not given).

And more funny is when they claim there is no migration and them immediately two posts after they bleet "Oh we are going to take away Assam by sending out migrants there". :lol:

Is it the effect of psychotropic substance being smuggled by Bangladeshis into their country.

Haven't got this.

First it is an Indian and then when the bloke turns out be a Bangladeshi, he becomes an Indian dalal!

As they say in Punjabi - Ai bhi wah wah, tan bhi wah wah!

Confusion now hath made his masterpiece!
If congress is doing politics using bangladeshis so is BJP.
They are not sincere about the infiltration issue, they would like this to go on so that BJP will polarize votes.
It is the assamese people who should do something about it.

I agree no party is saint.

If the CONgress panders to these illegal Bangla migrants, the BJP panders to the Assam nationalists.

But one major difference is that the section BJP panders to are Indians and the section which the CONgress panders to are illegal migrants and hence are the greater of the two evils.

If congress is doing politics using bangladeshis so is BJP.
They are not sincere about the infiltration issue, they would like this to go on so that BJP will polarize votes.
It is the assamese people who should do something about it.

Assamese people should do what? Kill some poor innocent Bangladeshis just because they had no food and crossed over? Thats not a very good idea! The only solution is a developed Bangladesh..but it will take many years..The Assamese people went for the Assam Agitation and Nellie happened. We don't need riots..we need a diplomatic solution. It's actually a very complex issue.
bangladeshis are the most inferority struck and frustated people on the planet if you go by PDF..my KABADIWALLAH(rag collector from bangladesh) is a far more refined person than the members on PDF claiming to be Bangladeshi.

I seen most of your post in PDF and tell you the truth, My darwan(gate keeper) has much more civility than you. He wont comment about people's apearance.
You are acting like the son of Ratan Tata as if 100's of maids are on service for you all the time. How much you get paid working as cyber coolie dude???
Its fun I agree....When Bangladeshis whose country men desperately try to get out of their shithole of a country an are ready to face bullets trying to do so, act as a uber rich hyperpowah..it is definitely fun.

Are you guys mentally retarded or programmed nerds by your GOV? Who would
in their slightest of dreams would ever want to live in India? Where their own poor
citizens aren't even considered as citizens rather animals. Such a dirty
place full of racist rich wannabe beggers each biting the flesh of others like zombies.
Are you guys mentally retarded or programmed nerds by your GOV? Who would
in their slightest of dreams would ever want to live in India? Where their own poor
citizens aren't even considered as citizens rather animals. Such a dirty
place full of racist rich wannabe beggers each biting the flesh of others like zombies.

From am article posted by your fellow Bangladeshi on the last page,

Most of these Bangladeshis are involved in painstaking Zari embroidery work and their women folk work as house maids, at atrociously low wages. Their living conditions are cramped, near gutters and in outskirts of suburbs. Most of their time is spent in making the two ends meet with great amount of difficulty.

Number of Bangladeshi in India is debatable, but to outright deny presence of any Bangladeshi in India is a joke.
From am article posted by your fellow Bangladeshi on the last prove,

Number of Bangladeshi in India is debatable, but to outright deny presence of any Bangladeshi in India is a joke.

Bullsh*t, its almost an impossible task to find
maids even in chittagong this days. Majority of poor has
jobs in garments and other industries. Wake up
from your bogus reality.

About the last part, how many times do we
have to tell don't take in minorities and label
them as vagabonds? And the numbers 50 millions, my foot. Why not make it a billion next time.
Bullsh*t, its almost an impossible task to find
maids even in chittagong this days. Majority of poor has
jobs in garments and other industries. Wake up
from your bogus reality.

Maybe you cant find a maid in Chittagong because you Banglas cant afford to pay these maids as much as Indians....hence your "bai's" choose to flock to your western neighbor...
Maybe its time your country raises the definition of minimum wage...which I cant imagine would be very high...
Ohh sorry I forgot... to look at the link closely... anyway who wrote that HRW report.. a bharti???? The writer taken some stuff from a phd students presentation paper but unfortunately this bharati dalal is a bangladeshi national... However taking this presentation report seriously create some doubt about the validity of the claims.. see continuously made the report and assumption from different bharti media and org like saag.org and quoted from some other Bhartis...

But interestingly the points see tried to make either you tried to ignore or the HRW writer ignore selectively...

See pointed out as you posted some cross to meet the relatives... who has relatives in India??? The hindus... as they are going to India to meet relative it can be assumed that they went their after getting visa...

N regarding illegal migration see said this in her report...

"Different sources put the figure of Bangladeshi migrants between 12 and 20
Existing estimates suggest that Bangladeshi migration to India occurs mainly
from eastern side of India with three states namely -- West Bengal, Assam and
Tripura serving as major conduits of the flow, which also spread further to Bihar,
Delhi and Rajasthan and even to Maharastra (Table 1.2)."

N she just took those claim for granted... n wrote some bs and a HRW writer take it as a reference...

But she made some more outrageous claim .... "Moreover despite its denial, the 1991 census report of Bangladesh
mentioned about an unique phenomenon of missing population, estimated initially at
10 million and subsequently at 8 million, of whom 1.73 million are Hindus, and 6.27
million are Muslims (Ray, 2002)." which was dis proven long ago ... n hardly any one will use this as reference unless he/ she is a bharti or bharti agent...

Well well I know now you will claim I am just denying it... so this is for you from a reliable source...USAID


In the final national results from the
1991 census, the BBS reported an unadjusted
enumerated population as of
March 1991 of 106.3 million. This figure
was corrected for a net undercount
of 4.6 percent, obtained from the 1991
postenumeration survey, giving a final adjusted total of III A million. An
undercount of 4.6 percent is not an exceptionally
high level of omission, although
reported coverage errors were
somewhat greater in the 1991 census
than in the census of 1981.

According to the two censuses, the
total population of Bangladesh grew
from 89.9 million in 1981 to lIlA million
in 1991. This implies that the annual
rate of population growth fell from
2.32 percent during 1974-81 to 2.15
percent during 1981-91. Nevertheless,
the population growth rate produced by
the 1991 census is still high:
an annual
population growth rate of 2.15 percent,
if held constant, generates a doubling
of population in just 32.3 years.

So, USAID says that still bangladesh's growth rate was high on 1991... it does not fit with the claim of millions of migration..

So just quoting some baseless claim in her report just prove that she is just a bharti agent.... n BANGLADESH INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES (BIDS) even its name is bangladesh but it is created not by an bangladeshi but by an american.

As this whole report used baseless bharti claims it does not have any validity as it did not use any reliable source...

This bharti dalal also claimed that this bangladeshis go to India to be a cheap labor typical n placed the figure 14 to 20 million typical claim by radical hindu group... but said an interesting thing... they go there as a migrant worker as many Indian companies recruit them...and some of them did not return.

For such claim... provide official figure how many bangladeshis are recruited as such and indian embassy gave visa... n how much they are earning... do not come with shameful figure like 20 or 30 rupee... as daily labor earn much more then that...

Bottom line to be a cheap labor the amount that the can earn more in bangladesh ... no one will go for illegal migration in india leaving behind their family unless they are hindu...

As the whole of your source taken from some bharti claim it does not have any validity n goes to the initial position what fallstuff said...

" A claim by an Indian or Indians ( no surprise here) typically on the Internet without any substantive or corroborative evidence, where the mere virtue of uttering such claim acts as "Scientific evidence." These claims are complete, not tainted with prejudice, and admissible in a court of Law as such claims are frequently used by Ministers and other high officials( ex: 30% Nasa scientists are of Indian origin)."

You've been provided sufficient evidence from neutral reliable sources to prove your "reverse migrations", "India is a sh!thole", "No BDeshi would go to India for cheap labor" and "All migrants are Hindu BDeshis" theories wrong....

I cannot help you since your head is so far up your a$$ that you cant see the light...

From what I gather, you have no solid evidence, you treat correlations as causations and you are using one link with a report where a professor claims "Migration is decreasing" repeatedly.
Other than this, you have just been incessantly using the words Indian dalaal and Bharti as a basis to deviate from the proof presented even though the authors arent Indian nor the sources..

You obviously arent suited for these discussions and as I write this, I realize that I have wasted 2 more minutes of my life....unfortunately it was on someone completely worthless....
Best of luck with the delusions...
Maybe you cant find a maid in Chittagong because you Banglas cant afford to pay these maids as much as Indians....hence your "bai's" choose to flock to your western neighbor...
Maybe its time your country raises the definition of minimum wage...which I cant imagine would be very high...

An Indian saying stuffs like this? Don't make me laugh, your post
tells much about what sort of employment you brag about. Bloody hypocrits.
Are they slaves or something ? I still call my chauffeur as Uncle, first learn
how to respect than dream about employing caretakers.

We know what kind of miser you people are
wake up up cos in the real world you guys stink big time.
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