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MBS requests Iraqi mediation between Iran and KSA

US oil companies are going bankrupt. Trump was pumping his chest constantly bragging about how the US had become "energy independent".. its going down the toilet, and they are panicking.

first order of business is to sacrifice a dumb vassal. They have essentially removed their protection and given the houthi's and Iran a green light to attack Saudi energy infastracture at will..

Even MBS is starting to smell the coffee and take in words of wisdom from his Iranian elders who constantly warned him that security cannot be bought.

I actually think the Saudis are scared, and are genuinely seeking détente. Their oil revenues are gone, Their pilgrim revenues are gone, They just scrapped living allowance for government empoyees and increased VAT to 15%. They are bleeding money and are in serious trouble.

that's asking for a palace coup... there are tens of thousands of hungry "princes" lined up to suck off their CIA handlers to take MBS' thrown....

Saudi weapons purchases are de facto bribes to american weapons industry... they serve little purpose beyond that since they contribute almost nothing to Saudi security.
Pretty accurate assessment
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