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Malaysia demographic engineering against non-Muslims

Jun 22, 2013
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The recent testimonies at the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in Sabah have certainly been revealing – to some of us, shocking.

To be sure, prior to the RCI, we had heard rumours and allegations of identity cards being given to illegal immigrants, under what has been called Project IC or Project M (after ex-prime minister Mahathir Mohamad), so that they could vote for the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) and keep it in power, but hearing it now from the mouths of people involved in the project confirms our fear that our country’s citizenships have indeed been given away cheaply and illegally.

One of the witnesses, former Sandakan chief district officer Hassnar Ebrahim who first gave out forms in 1981 to Filipino and Indonesian illegal immigrants to allow them to apply for ICs, gave damning indication that Mahathir must have given his approval to the project because an enterprise of such a magnitude would have required it.

Besides, Hassnar said he attended a “secret meeting” in the 1980s that involved officers from the Prime Minister’s Department, the Immigration Department and the police, and at this meeting, then home affairs minister Megat Junid Megat Ayub said Mahathir had approved the project.

It was proposed that 130,000 to 150,000 names be added to the Sabah electoral roll to boost the Muslim vote. Although there were protests from one of the officers present, the proposal was passed. Hassnar himself was given 30,000 HNR3 forms to take back to Sabah. These forms were for the immigrants to apply for blue ICs.

Another witness, former banker Mat Swadi Awi, gave startling testimony when he revealed that he was the “grand designer” of the exercise conducted from 1987 to 1990 to distribute voters throughout Sabah who would vote for United Sabah National Organisation (Usno), a BN component party, with the aim of toppling the Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) government.

He did this in response to a personal request from then Usno president Datu Mustapha Datu Harun – with the consent of Megat Junid. They both told him that Mahathir knew about the plan and had given his approval.

The plan was to increase the number of Malay and Muslim voters in strategic constituencies by deploying to these places immigrants who already had either fake or genuine Malaysian documents, as well as Malaysian citizens from Peninsular Malaysia and those serving in Sabah.

Mat Swadi said he selected a total of 20,000 names. Of these, one-third comprised Malaysian citizens and the rest were immigrants.


It is treason. And it is a disaster. Malaysian-born Sabahans are now swamped by the foreigners who were given citizenships.

Hassnar observed that “these foreigners are even taking over native land that belonged to the original Bumiputera Sabahans”. He also spoke of a Bugis immigrant who came to assume the name of Sabahan Halim Ahmad who had died without his death having been reported to the authorities. The Bugis used Halim’s birth certificate to apply for a blue IC in 2009. It was approved by the NRD. Today, this man allegedly controls illegal gambling dens in Sandakan.

It would seem that unlike Singapore, which has been opening its doors to foreigners in order to attract the best talents, we have been attracting the dregs of society.

Actually one needs to feel sorry for the Bhumiputras. Due to govt's positive discrimination, they have not developed any abilities and skills nor do they have the gumption to compete. I see very few Malays in private industry, it is full of very capable Chinese and Indians. Malays fill up the goverment bureaucracy. Malaysian GDP growth is falling and in a couple of decades it will rejoin the ranks of Low Income Countries.
While malaysia is promoted as a enlightened muslim state, some of the stuff they do to their 40 percent non muslims is shocking.

On the other hand the malays are terribly incompetent compared to indians and partucularly the chinese, so they support these controvercial policies. Add to that mahathir welcomed wahhbi influence with open arms.
singapore is always out to destabilize malaysia and serves as a tool for foreign powers.......
singapore is always out to destabilize malaysia and serves as a tool for foreign powers.......

Actually Singapore is a tiny state that values stability over ANYTHING else and owe their prosperity to that. You seem to have the ''western powers creating instability in muslims lands using kaffirs'' thinking.
Sabah formerly a non Muslim majority state.

“In 1963, there was only 4-5% Malay population in Sabah. It used to be a non-Muslim majority state,” he said, suggesting that issuing identity cards to illegal immigrants was part of the grand plan to increase the state’s Muslim population and Umno’s vote bank.

This is a government power game in Sabah, Jeffrey tells RCI - The Malaysian Insider

Sabah has the richest energy reserve in Malaysia.

Sabah is just a fourth of the Philippines’ landmass, yet it is richly blessed with oil and gas, contributing 14% of Malaysia’s natural gas and 30% of its crude oil reserves.


Sabah is the poorest state in Malaysia. The central government dominated by Malay Muslims take all the wealth.

The World Bank (WB) in Washington has confirmed through a new study that Sabah is not only the poorest state in Malaysia but it's likely to stay that way for a considerable length of time given current efforts in poverty eradication.

World Bank confirms Sabah as M'sia's poorest state - Malaysiakini
Blame your rigorist wahabit-inspired friends: Qatar, Saudi, Malaysia, Kuwait...

You destroy the secular muslims like Syria and call them dictatorship
No wonder Malaysia doesn't give a damn about the Moros anymore and sold them out to the Philippines.

There are two victims here - the Moro Muslims and the Sabahans, while Malaysia and the Philippine fix their own demographics at their expense. Malaysia doesn't care what happens to Moro land in Mindanao anymore.

Malaysia is happy for the Philippines to force Moro Muslims out of Sulu and Mindanao and make them go to Sabah in Malaysia, and Malaysia gives them citizenship and indoctrinates them with Malay identity and suppress their former Moro Tausug identities so they will never go back to their homelands.

The Philippines has swamped the Moro Muslim Tausugs and Maguindanaons in Sulu and Mindanao, and Malaysia recognizes the Philippines occupation and swamping of the Moros, as a result, poor Muslim Moro Tausugs get drawn to Sabah where Malaysia hands out free citizenship in order to change Sabah's demographics, not giving a damn that the Philippines itself swamped Moro land with Filipino Catholics

The unspoken deal is that the Philippines gets to swamp the Moros with Catholic Visayans and force the Moro Muslims to go to Sabah in Malaysia where Malaysia gets its demographic problem fixed, by automatically labeling the new migrants as ethnic Malays. Since the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao has been severely plagued by corruption, porverty, and disease under Philippines rule, poor and desperate Moros would be drawn to migrate to Sabah for a better life.

Nur Misuari's MNLF has spoken out against Malaysia for its current collaboration with the Philippines, and seeks the return of Sabah to the Bangsamoro (it used to be part of the Moro Sulu Sultanate)



Bangsamoro Republik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Misuari declares independence of Mindanao, southern Philippines | GulfNews.com

Misuari declared himself president of the Bangsamoro Republik, a federated state that includes the whole of Mindanao, Palawan in the southwestern Philippines, said Ebrahim.
The Bangsamoro Republik also includes Sabah and Sarawak (in Malaysia’s Borneo), confirmed Emmanuel Fontanila, Misuari’s counsel.

See my post on Malaysia and the MNLF here for more background on the situation. Malaysia has helped the Philippines against Nur Misuari and the MNLF. They arrested Misuari once and extradited him back to the Philippines.

No wonder Malaysia doesn't give a damn about the Moros anymore and sold them out to the Philippines.

There are two victims here - the Moro Muslims and the Sabahans, while Malaysia and the Philippine fix their own demographics at their expense. Malaysia doesn't care what happens to Moro land in Mindanao anymore.

Malaysia is happy for the Philippines to force Moro Muslims out of Sulu and Mindanao and make them go to Sabah in Malaysia, and Malaysia gives them citizenship and indoctrinates them with Malay identity and suppress their former Moro Tausug identities so they will never go back to their homelands.

The Philippines has swamped the Moro Muslim Tausugs and Maguindanaons in Sulu and Mindanao, and Malaysia recognizes the Philippines occupation and swamping of the Moros, as a result, poor Muslim Moro Tausugs get drawn to Sabah where Malaysia hands out free citizenship in order to change Sabah's demographics, not giving a damn that the Philippines itself swamped Moro land with Filipino Catholics

The unspoken deal is that the Philippines gets to swamp the Moros with Catholic Visayans and force the Moro Muslims to go to Sabah in Malaysia where Malaysia gets its demographic problem fixed, by automatically labeling the new migrants as ethnic Malays. Since the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao has been severely plagued by corruption, porverty, and disease under Philippines rule, poor and desperate Moros would be drawn to migrate to Sabah for a better life.

Nur Misuari's MNLF has spoken out against Malaysia for its current collaboration with the Philippines, and seeks the return of Sabah to the Bangsamoro (it used to be part of the Moro Sulu Sultanate)



Bangsamoro Republik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Misuari declares independence of Mindanao, southern Philippines | GulfNews.com

See my post on Malaysia and the MNLF here for more background on the situation. Malaysia has helped the Philippines against Nur Misuari and the MNLF. They arrested Misuari once and extradited him back to the Philippines.

In my opinion,the west Malaysia and Singapore should united as Greater Malaya,the east Malaysia has nothing to do with west Malaysia
In my opinion,the west Malaysia and Singapore should united as Greater Malaya,the east Malaysia has nothing to do with west Malaysia

Eastern Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak) used to belong to the Sultanate of Brunei. The Malay Malacca Sultanate only ruled western peninsular Malaysia and part of Sumatra.

Brunei ceded Sabah to the Moro Sulu Sultanate after Sulu helped them in a war. The British then took Sarawak from Brunei, and leased Sabah from Sulu. The British then gave Sabah and Sarawak to Malaysia at independence. Malaysia is still paying cession money to the Sulu Sultanate for the lease on Sabah, but keeps on denying that Sabah is leased.
In my opinion,the west Malaysia and Singapore should united as Greater Malaya,the east Malaysia has nothing to do with west Malaysia

So you wish to see Majority Chinese of Singapore to be treated as second class under Bumiputera laws. :wacko:
So you wish to see Majority Chinese of Singapore to be treated as second class under Bumiputera laws. :wacko:
All citizens of Malaya should be treated equal:Malays,Chinese and Indians.However Malays are natives in this land,it's understandable they have some special rights
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