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Malaysia Tilts Towards China

don't know why so many Indians are so worked up about this news...

I don't know why you Manchu boy worked hard on PDF about such new ... ?:D

You have a point that Malaysia is one of a claimant in the disputes, however most of the islands she claims are occupied by Vietnam. And incidentally Vietnam occupied 40 islands and that's more than the other 5 combined.

Vietnam occoupied it from long time in the past, when others didn't known about such Islands.
You have a point that Malaysia is one of a claimant in the disputes, however most of the islands she claims are occupied by Vietnam. And incidentally Vietnam occupied 40 islands and that's more than the other 5 combined.

China mostly seems like unwanted claimant is SCS dispute according to United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
I read malaysia being adopted by china as lap dog.. a puppet regime of china.
not a big surprise when a country ,which is being pridicted as a future super power, then all of its neighbour starts becoming friends in the hope of gaining something.Even india ,vietnam,south korea, not this asian, even american starts tilting towards china ex SCO.
I don't know why you Manchu boy worked hard on PDF about such new ... ?:D

haha,can you be more childish,and we Chinese can always kick you ****...and in this coming Olympics,many Chinese ethnic minority athletes are going to fight for the gold,we all fight for China and kick you little as..lol..





can you small size Vietnamese midgets stand a chance in this Olympics?don't know why you still send your delegation to go there,you should just stay at home and we big guys play.lol..

too bad for you Vietnamese and Indians,you are going to see many Chinese national flags and hear many time Chinese national anthems very soon in this Olympics,we can anticipate how sad you must be in the near future,to witness China's pride and glory.lol..
haha,can you be more childish,and we Chinese can always kick you ****...and in this coming Olympics,many Chinese ethnic minority athletes are going to fight for the gold,we all fight for China and kick you little as..lol..

can you small size Vietnamese midgets stand a chance in this Olympics?don't know why you still send your delegation to go there,you should just stay at home and we big guys play.lol..

too bad for you Vietnamese and Indians,you are going to see many Chinese national flags and hear many time Chinese national anthems very soon in this Olympics,we can anticipate how sad you must be in the near future,to witness China's pride and glory.lol..

When reported the false news source from a company Based in hong kong instead of defending the stand these chinese are trying to deviate from topic . Nice try Troll but FAIL :rofl:
China mostly seems like unwanted claimant is SCS dispute according to United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

It seems that way thanks to the self victimized internationalization efforts by VN and PH. China has no choices but to stand up because if if she doesn't Vietnam will take all the properties in SCS. Both Brunei and Malaysia are militarily weak, they are unlikely to go against VN in which their claims are occupied by her. Taiwan was quiet until recently when VN tried to harass her Taiping Island and now she's going to fortify her properties to the teeth against VN. Philippines' involvement has more to with Aqiuno's judgements and problems at home than anything else.

On the surface, and for the ones not in the knows, China is the aggressor. But in reality, at least for the players involved, they all know who the aggressor really is. American's vocal meddling makes it an international event.
Indonesia, Malaysia & small small island nation of Brunei will definitely tilt towards China . Burgeoning economic ties China and lack of trust on United States is the prime reason for the shift.
haha,can you be more childish,and we Chinese can always kick you ****...and in this coming Olympics,many Chinese ethnic minority athletes are going to fight for the gold,we all fight for China and kick you little as..lol..





can you small size Vietnamese midgets stand a chance in this Olympics?don't know why you still send your delegation to go there,you should just stay at home and we big guys play.lol..

too bad for you Vietnamese and Indians,you are going to see many Chinese national flags and hear many time Chinese national anthems very soon in this Olympics,we can anticipate how sad you must be in the near future,to witness China's pride and glory.lol..

Yes, Inner Mongolia and Manchu people own their big body, good for sport.
it's very sad when they won the gold medals in all the Olympics but their own Flags and anthem no one in the world can see and hear.

I like Manchuria flag created by Manchu communists, because it's the same Vietnam' Flag only different color.


I belive that Manchu Anthem will play in future olimpic games. Here is Manchkuo Anthem.

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Government prefers to look the other way on Beijing's South China Sea ambitions

The failure of Malaysia to show any solidarity with the Philippines and Vietnam in the face of China’s aggressive moves in the South China Sea will come to haunt it. The ruling self-styled defenders of the Malay race, the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) are clearly far more concerned with short term advantage, political or pecuniary, than the principles at stake in the sea.

This week the four ASEAN nations facing China’s claims to almost the whole South China Sea – Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Brunei – should be teaming up to confront Beijing, and urging fellow ASEAN members, notably Indonesia, to provide support. But in practice, while the ASEAN nations signed a collective agreement this week to spell out rules governing maritime rights and navigation in the South China Sea, it is likely to be toothless. Malaysia is burying its head in the sand and staying silent on the region’s most important long term issues. An UMNO source told Asia Sentinel recently that the government is determined to quietly tilt towards China, despite the fact that it carries on largely covert joint military training exercises with US Marines.

Nothing of course should surprise observers given the revelations of massive UMNO-linked corruption in the case of the French submarines that should be guarding Malaysian waters but in practice are just port-bound monuments to politicians’ greed. But the South China Sea is a far more serious case than the submarines because of the implications for vast areas of Malaysia’s Exclusive Economic Zone in the sea as well as its actual possession of some islets in the Spratly group.

Malaysia controls roughly one fifth of the South China Sea coastline, or one sixth if one excludes the southwest portion nearest to Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore which is not, as of now, subject to Chinese claims. China’s overall claim is imprecise because it has never been precisely delineated. It includes all the islets and shoals within the dotted line that constitutes its general claims area.

This line goes at least as close to the shores of Sabah and Sarawak as it does to the Philippines. Thus some of Malaysia’s current as well as future offshore oil and gas production within its EEZ is at least as vulnerable to China’s recent use of force as the Scarborough shoal, which lies just 130 miles off the coast of Luzon, or the waters due east of central Vietnam where China is offering exploration blocks which are clearly well within Vietnam’s EEZ.

China however is relatively smart. It may have upset some of its neighbors with its aggressive stance – a stance seemingly the result of domestic politics in China at a time of leadership transition and when the PLA is flexing its nationalist muscles. But it is not going to upset Malaysia just yet. It is easier to knock off the smaller but closer claimants one by one meanwhile taking full advantage of the greed and gullibility of Malay politicians.

Malaysia is trying hard to be on all sides at once. It is cosying up to China in the hope of investment and tourism but also in part reflecting the Mahathir-era preference for any country opposing western influence in the region.

Aside from the possibility of China buying influence along the French submarine lines, Malaysian policy seems influenced by two factors. Firstly, concerns that standing up to China on the South China Sea would encourage Beijing to interfere in domestic politics in support of the ethnic Chinese community. So a defense of narrow UMNO political interests is taking precedence over Malaysia’s national patrimony, which should belong to all its races and religions. And secondly, and perhaps not even consciously, the assumption that the waters off Sabah and Sarawak are somehow less part of the nation than those off the peninsula, the centre of political power and of Muslim supremacy. In turn that may reflect the inability of ethnic Malay Muslims to identify with the wider ethnic Malay world of predominantly Christian Philippines and even with predominantly Muslim but proudly multi-religious Indonesia.

The Malaysian Malay assumption that all Malays are Muslims and cannot be otherwise stands in the way of recognition of Malaysia’s pre-Islamic past. This was a past which left numerous now-ignored Hindu and Buddhist monuments as well as cultural symbols. As in neighbors Indonesia and Thailand, Indian script was applied to the local language. It was also a past of navigators who sailed the South China Sea and Indian Ocean before the Chinese.

But do not imagine that Malaysia’s current leaders care a toss about either the Malay past or the Malay future. They are content to focus on staying in office, lining their pockets and imposing Islamic intolerance at home.

Malaysians should wake up before it's too late. Malaysia currently owns very many oil fields in its EEZ. But China claims nearly on their beach. lol on the chinese

The entire south china sea is ours.
The entire east china sea is ours.

We are willing to use full military force to defend that.

We are RAPIDLY building up our military in preparation for all out war.
The entire south china sea is ours.
The entire east china sea is ours.

We are willing to use full military force to defend that.

We are RAPIDLY building up our military in preparation for all out war.
Your claim touches boundaries/beach of other nations, how could it be logical:woot:. They should have a share in SCS, shouldn't it.:undecided:
Your claim touches boundaries/beach of other nations, how could it be logical:woot:. They should have a share in SCS, shouldn't it.:undecided:

No. China's claim is only the midpoint between Chinese islands and other nations' coastline. It is consistent with UNCLOS.

China was magnanimous and offered joint development along the lines of the Sino-Japanese joint gas development. The Vietnamese and Filipinos flatly rejected joint development. That leaves only war to resolve the dispute.
No. China's claim is only the midpoint between Chinese islands and other nations' coastline. It is consistent with UNCLOS.

China was magnanimous and offered joint development along the lines of the Sino-Japanese joint gas development. The Vietnamese and Filipinos flatly rejected joint development. That leaves only war to resolve the dispute.
http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/48951000/gif/_48951920_south_china-sea_1_466.gifChina claim brushing Phillipines, Malaysia and Brunei. How is it a midpoint, if the "mid point" is on the other end?
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