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Malaysia Tilts Towards China

This is a map of China in 1910, it has no Paracels and the Spratlys, and surely it has no the bizarre "nine dotted line":


You have a point that Malaysia is one of a claimant in the disputes, however most of the islands she claims are occupied by Vietnam. And incidentally Vietnam occupied 40 islands and that's more than the other 5 combined.

Have you ever wondered why a small country Vietnam is currently occupied 40 islands in the Spratly Islands, while a large country like China is only occupied on some coral reefs? [Necessary to recall that all the coral reefs that are occupied by China which China has used force to rob them from Vietnam in 1988]
I bet that you dont know why.
Have you ever wondered why a small country Vietnam is currently occupied 40 islands in the Spratly Islands, while a large country like China is only occupied on some coral reefs? [Necessary to recall that all the coral reefs that are occupied by China which China has used force to rob them from Vietnam in 1988]
I bet that you dont know why.

You guys keep repeating China robbed your islands and the reason you give was "Vietnam owned them for long long time" is so ridiculous and no one recognized them otherwise there wouldn't that many claimants for those islands. And also when Philippines sent troops to take over Northeast Cay 北子島 in 1968 and occupied them till now you guys here never complain PH rob your islands. How convenient Vietnam crying to the world that China robbed you islands. Poor Vietnam, that what your country want the world feel for her: a pitiful victim of a crime.

In 1974 Vietnam began sending troops, without the knowledge of the others, and possessed the islands one by one and the final result was illegally occupies 40 islands. No one country in the neighborhood recognizes Vietnam's occupations are legal hence the ones who think those particular island(s) belong to her(them) come out to protest. That's why we have disputes here.

If Vietnam's possessions are legal and internationally recognized, we wouldn't have disputes here, do we?
There are hundreds of Chinese islands in the South China Sea. You need a map with higher resolution.

Those nine-dashed lines follow the extent of Chinese-discovered and claimed South China Sea islands during the last 2,000 years of Chinese history.

Chinese history doesnt mean **** in the present. Keep up with the times. We can go back to the stone age if you want to make some frivolous points. The rest of the world just smirks when China pulls out a 1000 yr old map..what a bunch of BS
It is unlikely that Malays will completely tilt towards China. For example, there might be geopolitical realities that would make them feel on the same page as Chinese. We for example, strongly supported China in WTO about our concerns about Asian poor farmers in our countries who would not benefit from what some western countries proposed.

That doesn't mean that every single geo-political interest is aligned.

But posting a blog isn't authoritative enough.
There are hundreds of Chinese islands in the South China Sea. You need a map with higher resolution.

Those nine-dashed lines follow the extent of Chinese-discovered and claimed South China Sea islands during the last 2,000 years of Chinese history.

lol that 9 dotted line..if you let go China in this occassion,next thing you'll know is they are claiming beaches of Hawaii..because its not continuous..tell me,How on earth anybody with sane mind can recognize a border line which is not continuous???hint--use your brain,copy paste will not work.

and please let Chinese history rest in history book..if China wants to go back to the 3000 years ago in the past,they will become a country of a size of peanut...go and see the map of Zhou Dynasty...got my point???


if you go back in Zhou Dynasty,you didn't have much of sea border..right??? :lol: :lol: so just let Chinese history rest in the history book...
Most of Malaysia's rich people are ethnic Chinese. They have a racial bondage with China. They have invested a lot in China too. I am not surprised that the Malaysian government is tilted towards China having such an immense and growing trade relationship with us. The bilateral trade between us is the 3rd largest in Asia after Japan and S Korea.

i am totally agree with as i am staying here, in Malaysia Chinese are much more economically strong as compare to malaya, and lowest one are Indians Tamil, and as a Chinese they have bondage with china.
It seems that way thanks to the self victimized internationalization efforts by VN and PH. China has no choices but to stand up because if if she doesn't Vietnam will take all the properties in SCS. Both Brunei and Malaysia are militarily weak, they are unlikely to go against VN in which their claims are occupied by her. Taiwan was quiet until recently when VN tried to harass her Taiping Island and now she's going to fortify her properties to the teeth against VN. Philippines' involvement has more to with Aqiuno's judgements and problems at home than anything else.

On the surface, and for the ones not in the knows, China is the aggressor. But in reality, at least for the players involved, they all know who the aggressor really is. American's vocal meddling makes it an international event.

Good points!

China should work with Malaysia and other friendly countries in dispute to get most islands from aggressor Vietnam and Phil. and share among the allies.
Might is right?

No. If your wrong in trying to claim 2,000-year-old Chinese islands then might is extremely important.

Might is not right. I have never advocated conquering other people's traditional homelands.

My argument is for the reclamation of Chinese historical territory. I do not advocated expanding beyond China's historical maps.

1. Those damn Indian imperialists are ruling over our Chinese South Tibetans. This must be fixed at some point.

2. Imperialist Japanese are still occupying China's Daiyou/Senkaku Islands after stealing it at gunpoint in 1895. This must be rectified too.

3. China must protect its sovereignty in the South China Sea.

However, the principle stands that you don't annex other people's traditional homelands. We just want to reclaim what is ours.
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