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Malaysia Tilts Towards China

Let me just say this as a third party observer, all six parties have their legitimate claims or not all of you have them. You all have to resolve within your group and not by calling in the former white colonial powers as arbiters in which the existing international laws are made by them. In order to find the right settlements someone has to take the leadership role, be it to be Vietnam or China, you guys decide. China's position is very clear: solve them peacefully is to your benefits or else......

BTW any strong power would do the same, and the US or Russia would do no less.

There are many reasons China refuses to find settlements by international arbitration, the above is one of the reasons, and they will take too long to explain which is not in the perimeter of our discussion.

It sounds like you have psychological fearing the whites, the general psychology of the chinese. In fact, right now 2012, judges of international courts who came from Slovakia, Mexico, France, Japan, New Zealand, Morocco, Russia, Brazil, Somalia, UK, China, America, Italy, Uganda and India. So there is a Chinese person, but there is not any Vietnamese, Filipinos or Malaysian or Brunei.

Historically, the international court has handled the dispute between Germany and Denmark in 1967; Greece and Turkey in 1976; the U.S. and Canada in 1981; Ukraine and Romania in 2010; Indonesia and Malaysia 1998; Malaysia and Singapore in 2003 ....
If the chinese have confidence and responsibly [rather than bragging they have more warships, submarines, missiles, aircraft], they should together with others to the international court to resolve disputes SCS.
Indonesia and Malaysia including the island of Bahrain have significant influential Chinese minority that creates natural bond with mainland china and these three countries. The rapid economic development of China and its burgeoning trade with predominantly Muslim ASEAN countries has already tilted the strategic shift in the region. The massive Chinese investments in these countries have facilitated the process of new beginning and to overlook the old enmity. Here China smacks harder it has huge reserves to invest in these countries and the geographical affinity to deliver faster. So the shift or tilt is natural, stemming from the law of demand & supply, where United States lacks and has very little to offer while compared to Dragon.
No. China's claim is only the midpoint between Chinese islands and other nations' coastline. It is consistent with UNCLOS.

China was magnanimous and offered joint development along the lines of the Sino-Japanese joint gas development. The Vietnamese and Filipinos flatly rejected joint development. That leaves only war to resolve the dispute.

Look at a map "U-Shaped" and the Spratly Islands drawn by the Chinese [I dont know what the hell they wrote on it,] look at it where near Vietnam's coast, what the hell you called "the midpoint between Chinese islands and other nations' coastline"?
Lying is a habit of the chinese?

Moreover, necessary to remind you that the islands off the coast of Vietnam which controlled by Vietnam, not by China.


A map drawn by the Chinese

Vietnam also friendly to china that s why chinese controlled 80% of vietnam economy

Unlike other ASEAN countries, the Hoa (Chinese) in Vietnam who dont have any role in both economic and political of the country.
There are hundreds of Chinese islands in the South China Sea. You need a map with higher resolution.

Those nine-dashed lines follow the extent of Chinese-discovered and claimed South China Sea islands during the last 2,000 years of Chinese history.

LOL, China does not even control any "island" in the Spratly Islands except some coral reefs which robbed from Vietnam in 1988.
The "nine-dashed lines" were painted in 1948, lol... where did you get the number of "2000 years"?
Does it necessary a map "with higher resolution" when we can see it clearly?

The nine-dotted line, U-shape line, or nine-dash map (Chinese: 南海九段线; pinyin: nánhǎi jiǔduàn xiàn; literally "Nine division lines of the South China Sea"; Vietnamese: Đường lưỡi bò; literally: "ox's tongue line") refers to the demarcation line used by the government of the People's Republic of China for its claim in the South China Sea, an area including the Paracel Islands (occupied by China but claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan) and Spratly Islands disputed by the Philippines, China, Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam, who each either claim all or part of the Spratlys, which are believed to sit on vast mineral resources, including oil.[1] According to Chinese sources the line first appeared in February 1948 as an eleven-dotted U-shape line in a map appearing in a private publication in the Republic of China.[2]
Nine-dotted line - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You both have your side of the story as China, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei have their side of the story and if you guys want war so be it. I just hope it won't spread to my country of which we can illy afforded. Good luck y'all trying to intimidate a giant.
Tibetans are our countrymen.

If they were countrymen, then CHina wouldnt have to fight a war to bring Tibet under CHina, now would they? By force, you made them be your unwilling countrymen. Why do you think Tibetans worldwide are still fighting for independence? Wake up fool.
If they were countrymen, then CHina wouldnt have to fight a war to bring Tibet under CHina, now would they? By force, you made them be your unwilling countrymen. Why do you think Tibetans worldwide are still fighting for independence? Wake up fool.

China never fought any war to 'bring Tibet under China'. Tibet become part of China voluntarily in 13th Centrary. There are over 6 million Tibetans in the world and I see nothing strange if there are some thousands are fool and want 'independence'.
China never fought any war to 'bring Tibet under China'. Tibet become part of China voluntarily in 13th Centrary. There are over 6 million Tibetans in the world and I see nothing strange if there are some thousands are fool and want 'independence'.

do you really believe this cr@@p????didn't you find sino-tibetan war to bring them into China???
Of course Malaysia tilts toward China.

You have much more to lose in a fight with China over some little Islands than to gain.

Vietnam and Philippines initially wanted to draw the US in to defend their territorial disputes. However, their plans backfired. China has now drawn the line in the sand. Americans may be fat, but they're not stupid. They won't be used by the Philippines and Vietnam. Americans are just playing along to get more free bases in Asia.

China is now taking a hardline stance.

Now what? I ask.

Better to be like Malaysia and Indonesia, and leave the thorny issue of territorial disputes behind for now. We won't solve anytime soon, so why bring it up?
Unlike other ASEAN countries, the Hoa (Chinese) in Vietnam who dont have any role in both economic and political of the country.

Maybe that is why Vietnam is in such a mess.:sick::P

The End of the Vietnamese Miracle:disagree:
The End of the Vietnamese Miracle - By Geoffrey Cain | Foreign Policy

QUOTE Things started to turn south when Vietnam embarked on a $100 billion expansion in the domestic credit stock from 2007 to 2010, a program accelerated by the 2008 economic crisis. Instead of being directed towards private businesses, the government channeled the funds to politically connected SOEs, who used them to expand fervently into areas outside of their expertise, creating an increased demand for resources that fedinflation. QUOTE

Most Chinese runs private businesses.:cry:

QUOTE In China, the party has generally kept its markets competitive by bringing private businesspeople into the fold, improving governance, privatizing around 90,000 firms worth more than $1.4 trillion between 1998 and 2005, and more recently purging neo-Maoist gangsters like former Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai. Vietnamese leaders still haven't figured out how to fix their economy without relinquishing some form of political control -- a step they're unwilling to take. QUOTE
Malaysian being Muslims Hate China.

They Even carried out Riots Against Chinese Killing them En Masse.

13 May incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The root cause of May 13th 1969 incident is uneven development between the well off Chinese who live in the cities and the poorer Malays that live in the country side that was sparked off by a general election. The problem was settled among ourselves without outside interferrance. It has been over 40 years and no Malay-Chinese racial riots has occurred since.
No. If your wrong in trying to claim 2,000-year-old Chinese islands then might is extremely important.

Good that you understand some bit of this. Stop listening to your government's words and believe me, you will have a much better neighborhood.

1. Those damn Indian imperialists are ruling over our Chinese South Tibetans. This must be fixed at some point.

2. Imperialist Japanese are still occupying China's Daiyou/Senkaku Islands after stealing it at gunpoint in 1895. This must be rectified too.

Great... keep this mindset up and you will start an all-Asia war and let the west win again...

3. China must protect its sovereignty in the South China Sea.

If that includes international waters and the territories of 6 countries then I think you are just going to do what I said above. Most clowns sitting on PC think war is a joke and won by instruments and tech. Wars are grim, son.

We just want to reclaim what is ours.

You already have what is yours and a lot of what is not yours. Don't expect others to keep falling in line with you just because you've got an paranoid government.

Tibet was peacefully unified with China.
17 Point Agreement signed by the Dalai Lama.


Forced to sign more or less. At gunpoint a lot of peaceful things can happen.
Forced to sign more or less. At gunpoint a lot of peaceful things can happen.

No, Dalai Lama signed it in Tibet when Tibet was still under his control.

However if you want to believe in a lie because the truth does not meet your point of view, there is nothing I can do.
Tibet was peacefully unified with China.
17 Point Agreement signed by the Dalai Lama.

yup...a peaceful war... :china:

and after Dalai Lama signed the agreement,he fled from his "Peaceful" country...

all the peace lovers should see this...

After months of failed negotiations,[9] attempts by Tibet to secure foreign support and assistance,[16] and PRC[17] and Tibetan[citation needed] troop buildups, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) crossed the Jinsha River on 6 or 7 October.[18] Two PLA units quickly surrounded the outnumbered Tibetan forces and captured the border town of Qamdo by 19 October, by which time 114 PLA[6] soldiers and 180 Tibetan[6][7][8] soldiers had been killed or wounded (5,000 Tibetan soldiers died in battle according to Thomas Laird[4]). Active hostilities were limited to a border area controlled by the Government of Tibet northeast of the Gyamo Ngul Chu River and east of the 96th meridian.[19] After capturing Qamdo, the PLA broke off hostilities,[7][20] sent a captured commander, Ngabo, to Lhasa to reiterate terms of negotiation, and waited for Tibetan representatives to respond through delegates to Beijing.[21]
Tibetan prisoners of war were generally well treated. After confiscating their weapons, the PLA soldiers gave the prisoners lectures on socialism and a small amount of money, before allowing them to return to their homes. According to Tenzin Gyatso, the current as well as the Dalai Lama of the time, the PLA did not attack civilians

The PLA sent released prisoners (among them Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme, a captured governor) to Lhasa to negotiate with the Dalai Lama on the PLA's behalf. Chinese broadcasts promised that if Tibet was "peacefully liberated" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:, the Tibetan elites could keep their positions and power.[22] The Government of Tibet then sent representatives to Beijing to negotiate

where are those Tibetan Elites now???Even Dalai Lama fled his own country years ago,just like thousands of his own man..so much for "Peaceful annexation"...



distorting history is in your nature..

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