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Limited War Possible: Indian Army Chief Kapoor

:rofl: yes attacking pakistan cause your intelligence failed to intercept them, then your military took two days to kill them?

I am sorry but I cannot what are you laughing about! Indian intelligence had the information and specifically Taj Mahal hotel was informed about this. The hotel laxed their security restrictions after several days.

Yes, it is Indian intelligence agency's and Coastal guard's fault, but how does that invalidate the obvious thing I stated that Pakistanis were responsible?

And regarding your comment that military took two days to kill them. Unlike military forces, these suicide bombers whose sole purpose in life to kill themself and every one around, what did to expect? Shoot a missile to Taj Mahal and Oberoi hotel?

I am unable to understand what is joke in here. Do you expect Indian military should have killed Indians and foreigners living there because the problem was to find out who has done it and what is their objective. Is it like demanding release of some prisoners or is it like they wanted money, how can you know their objective?
Remember people, once an open conflict breaks out, there is no limit to where it spreads to.
Both sides are nuclear armed and both have long range missiles.
If one gets pushed to the wall then all the rules of no first use or second strike ability may just go out of the window.
Remember people, once an open conflict breaks out, there is no limit to where it spreads to.
Both sides are nuclear armed and both have long range missiles.
If one gets pushed to the wall then all the rules of no first use or second strike ability may just go out of the window.

I agree with you, but what is the solution? If one country that is way smaller than you is hell-bent on sending terrorists, does not even implicate open-shut cases, whose military rulers/powers claim that they support "freedom movement" - not for 2 years but have been supporting from 1980's , what would your country do?

How much deaths in a daily basis/monthly basis will be required to say "enough is enough", you are crossing the line! There are so many Pakistanis here who are warning that this might escalate into nuclear war but why is these people not saying Pakistan should stop supporting terrorists.

Then there is ofcourse, a provable claim that Pakistan has - which Pakistan cannot share but every one should take its word on it that India is supporting Balochistan!

In a land where most extreme Islamic fascists like TTP who is calling a country like Pakistan that is 97% Muslim that it is Kafir, is said to be supported by India. What is more ironical than that?

And there is flood of Zaid Hamid types who plan to meet in Panipat. They seem to have missed the flight because the Islamabad airport had everything in English nor Arabic.

It is often far easy to blame some one else for one mistake, but only introspection helps.
I think the man has gone bezerk. Instead of worrying about ‘who controls the Pakistan Army’, Mr. Singh needs to worry about his own bone head generals and it's about time to put them under leash.
India always ruled by Rajputs,Jatts,Pushtoons,Moguls

I think that Rajput, Jatt, and Moghul kings who ruled over various parts of India always considered themselves as Indians.

As I understand, Pushtoons never ruled over India. Their influence was very much limited to some parts of the present day Afghanistan.

British, Portughese and some Midlle-eastern (Persian, Arabic and Turkish) rulers were some exceptions, I think.
I agree with you, but what is the solution? If one country that is way smaller than you is hell-bent on sending terrorists, does not even implicate open-shut cases, whose military rulers/powers claim that they support "freedom movement" - not for 2 years but have been supporting from 1980's , what would your country do?

How much deaths in a daily basis/monthly basis will be required to say "enough is enough", you are crossing the line! There are so many Pakistanis here who are warning that this might escalate into nuclear war but why is these people not saying Pakistan should stop supporting terrorists.

Then there is ofcourse, a provable claim that Pakistan has - which Pakistan cannot share but every one should take its word on it that India is supporting Balochistan!

In a land where most extreme Islamic fascists like TTP who is calling a country like Pakistan that is 97% Muslim that it is Kafir, is said to be supported by India. What is more ironical than that?

And there is flood of Zaid Hamid types who plan to meet in Panipat. They seem to have missed the flight because the Islamabad airport had everything in English nor Arabic.

It is often far easy to blame some one else for one mistake, but only introspection helps.
No India bashing, let's be realistic, US, Russia, China etc. are super powers, and then there is India which fancies it'self as a mini super power. Agreed India is most populous and area enveloping country in the sub-continent, yet instead of it adopting the role of say big brother, you judge for your self what kind of relationship it has with it's immediate smaller neighbours, be it Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal or
Sri Lanka, not forgetting the out come for Bhutan and Sikam. If Pakistan has a grudge against India then it's worth remembering that it has been the victim of Indian aggression twice, once resulting in it's Eastern wing being dissected. India has been repeatedly by passing un resolutions on Kashmir not to mention the Indus water treaty.
In this day and age, when even Bangladesh has been standing up to Indian aggression, for Pakistan, the mind set is, there are old scores to settle. Regards.
Instead of hoping for the best prepare for the worst . However i consider these actions merely to analyze the reactin it produces nevertheless at the same time these should be taken seriously also .....
No India bashing, let's be realistic, US, Russia, China etc. are super powers, and then there is India which fancies it'self as a mini super power. Agreed India is most populous and area enveloping country in the sub-continent, yet instead of it adopting the role of say big brother, you judge for your self what kind of relationship it has with it's immediate smaller neighbours, be it Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal or
Sri Lanka, not forgetting the out come for Bhutan and Sikam. If Pakistan has a grudge against India then it's worth remembering that it has been the victim of Indian aggression twice, once resulting in it's Eastern wing being dissected. India has been repeatedly by passing un resolutions on Kashmir not to mention the Indus water treaty.
In this day and age, when even Bangladesh has been standing up to Indian aggression, for Pakistan, the mind set is, there are old scores to settle. Regards.

Everyone knows that India is not a superpower. US is the sole superpower. China is its way-up to "become" a superpower. Russia is on its way down, the only reason is because it has ICBMs.

India has the capacity to influence eventhough we are smaller than China. By nominal calculation, Chinese economy is three times India's and India's economy is nine times Pakistan's. In PPP terms, India's economy is slightly more than half of Chinese economy. That is where we stand today.

Not regarding your understanding of India's relations with its neighbors.

The most friendliest state. India gives them free access to Indian markets. There is no visa required for Nepalese to visit India. They use Indian rupees in addition to Nepal rupees in Nepal for regular day-to-day transactions.

Their government is very supportive of India. India provided them free corridor to connect to Nepal and from there to China. Indian RAW provided intelligence to Bangladeshi govt to help from support attack on their PM.

Sri Lanka:
When Sri Lanka had fear of coup, they thought of India. India provided them arms and military weapons now and then. The friction was basically because of Tamils in India wanted to support LLTE. But unlike Pakistani "moral support", India did not provide any money or arms to LTTE.

India provides huge economic assitance to Bhutan. The hydel power project that was almost by large percentage funded by India grew Bhutan's economy by 24%.

Their government was saved by India from an attack from LTTE. They are now under Indian security umbrella.

Pakistan sends terrorists to India and then turns around to blame India for supporting TTP and Balochis. They have more than adequate proof but that cannot be supplied as they are careful not to harm India's image like Pakistan's image is hurt in world scene.

So rather than going on by what members say here, see the value by their actions. And also friendly to China does not mean unfriendly to India. There is India-China friction but that is no way comparable to what we have in case of Pakistan.

Pakistan's old score may turn out be night mare for it because Pakistan hardly has any chance against conventionally. The only issue is nuclear assets and even that is controlled by American forces. And your wellwisher i.e. me hope that it is best interest of Pakistan to keep those nuclear assets and stoke them up rather than use them as you won't need any advise from me to know the response.
India has no intention of war with Pak, we are more then happy. War can only break out if there is something very provoking emitting out of Pakistan. So basically ball is in your court. What message is trying to be sent is, do not bank on nukes and hope that everything you do will not be retaliated just because of that.

Yeap ball is in our courts but the million dollar question is..whose holding Mr. Kapoor's kapoorey I mean balls.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Yeap ball is in our courts but the million dollar question is..whose holding Mr. Kapoor's kapoorey I mean balls.:rofl::rofl::rofl:


I dont think that India even think of attack on Pakistan their Kapoorey will be short circuited, we should be thankfull to ZA Bhutto and Qadir Khan.
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I would urge all PDF members to show some decency when we address names of the top political leaders/military officers/religious leaders of other countries.

One has to give respect to get respect!

India wants peace with Pakistan. How can India stop the terror attacks originating from pak. Don't make statements of peace on one side and plotting terror attacks on the other side :disagree:.
India tried for peace before Kargil and we got a surprise gift from Pakistan. A nation whose armed forces control the weak democracy and threaten to topple it, which do not want peace with India and belive in terrorism to cut india to bleed.
With whom india should make peace ?

Don't go off topic ! your country is always talkig of war talking all big its nothing new terriost are the ones that need to be brought to justice not a whole nation get your knowledge right and your statments india needs to make peace with Pakistan who else shoreloc not hard to figure out tell your gov to come to the table and stop crying and talking all big put that big mouth :blah: to good use rather then talking about war ! we are no cowards and your gov knows that yet talks like we are some weak nation or people . We need to fight these terriost , we need to work towards peace & friendship you gov needs to learn a new line perhaps even the indian public rather then all hate.. :devil:
Don't go off topic ! your country is always talkig of war talking all big its nothing new terriost are the ones that need to be brought to justice not a whole nation get your knowledge right and your statments india needs to make peace with Pakistan who else shoreloc not hard to figure out tell your gov to come to the table and stop crying and talking all big put that big mouth :blah: to good use rather then talking about war ! we are no cowards and your gov knows that yet talks like we are some weak nation or people . We need to fight these terriost , we need to work towards peace & friendship you gov needs to learn a new line perhaps even the indian public rather then all hate.. :devil:

I dont thnk Kapoor was talking in vacuum. He was saying limited war is possible as per Cold-Start doctrine if Pakistan does no damage to terrorist infrastructure on Pakistani soil and provides "moral support" aka training, weapons and money to them to fight India.

I hope there is peace between India and Pakistan but how can you trust the sincerity when nothing is done about the Mumbai perpetrators. Even American officials are saying that Pakistan is not sincere in its attempt to root-out the terrorists. It is supporting some and destroying selectivily. This after paying 11b$ so far and planning to pay 7.5b$.

People would claim that America was responsible for creating Taliban and similar militant groups but that was in 1980. The organization was kept alive and sent as cannon fodder to India. Now US is paying money to Pakistan for its half-hearted attempts in cleaning mess.

Under Musharaff, it was said there some back-channel talks on resolution of Kashmir dispute but now he is gone. India will have to wait until Kayani takes over reins to have a successful closure to that issue.
Not regarding your understanding of India's relations with its neighbors.

The most friendliest state. India gives them free access to Indian markets. There is no visa required for Nepalese to visit India. They use Indian rupees in addition to Nepal rupees in Nepal for regular day-to-day transactions.

Their government is very supportive of India. India provided them free corridor to connect to Nepal and from there to China. Indian RAW provided intelligence to Bangladeshi govt to help from support attack on their PM.

Sri Lanka:
When Sri Lanka had fear of coup, they thought of India. India provided them arms and military weapons now and then. The friction was basically because of Tamils in India wanted to support LLTE. But unlike Pakistani "moral support", India did not provide any money or arms to LTTE.

India provides huge economic assitance to Bhutan. The hydel power project that was almost by large percentage funded by India grew Bhutan's economy by 24%.

Their government was saved by India from an attack from LTTE. They are now under Indian security umbrella.

Pakistan sends terrorists to India and then turns around to blame India for supporting TTP and Balochis. They have more than adequate proof but that cannot be supplied as they are careful not to harm India's image like Pakistan's image is hurt in world scene.

So rather than going on by what members say here, see the value by their actions. And also friendly to China does not mean unfriendly to India. There is India-China friction but that is no way comparable to what we have in case of Pakistan.

Pakistan's old score may turn out be night mare for it because Pakistan hardly has any chance against conventionally. The only issue is nuclear assets and even that is controlled by American forces. And your wellwisher i.e. me hope that it is best interest of Pakistan to keep those nuclear assets and stoke them up rather than use them as you won't need any advise from me to know the response.
India never looses an opportunity to remind Nepal that it's land locked and needs India as a corridor, the last straw was fuel rationing resulting in China building a pipeline and following up with a railway track.
Border disputes and exchange of fire between BSF and BR is an on going occurrence. A while back several BSF personal were abducted and their mutilated bodies returned after several days, India could merely resort to chest thumping. Also accuses Bangladesh of allowing ISI to operate on it's territory.
Seeing at Lanka and Pakistan forging a close relationship, India went berserk and organised a terrorist attack on that countrie's cricket team, a fact albeit indirectly acknowledged by Lankan FM. This single incident proved a milestone for gelling a strategic relationship between Pak/Lanka, a factor which proved decisive in routing out the Tamil Tigers.
Bhutan, Sikam; Do they still hold an identity.?
Obviously the real thorn in India's side. I am surprised after the latest missile test failure, no quarters in India has blamed the ISI. Simply by closing it's eyes and pointing the finger of blame at others, India's problems are not going to go away, Naxalite Maoist are active in over half of Indian states, in modern day world, which country claiming to be secular had such genocides as Golden Temple blood shed and Gujrat massacre, and still thrives on a caste system.
A dozen attackers hold your city hostage for two days and your warlords assume that they can rattle Pakistan's nerves. An old saying is worth repeating, barking dog seldom bites.
As for the nuclear equation, suffice to study history on the conversation between the late Rajiv Gandhi and Zia-ul-haq during the famous cricket diplomacy.

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