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Limited War Possible: Indian Army Chief Kapoor

India never looses an opportunity to remind Nepal that it's land locked and needs India as a corridor, the last straw was fuel rationing resulting in China building a pipeline and following up with a railway track.
Border disputes and exchange of fire between BSF and BR is an on going occurrence. A while back several BSF personal were abducted and their mutilated bodies returned after several days, India could merely resort to chest thumping. Also accuses Bangladesh of allowing ISI to operate on it's territory.
Seeing at Lanka and Pakistan forging a close relationship, India went berserk and organised a terrorist attack on that countrie's cricket team, a fact albeit indirectly acknowledged by Lankan FM. This single incident proved a milestone for gelling a strategic relationship between Pak/Lanka, a factor which proved decisive in routing out the Tamil Tigers.
Bhutan, Sikam; Do they still hold an identity.?
Obviously the real thorn in India's side. I am surprised after the latest missile test failure, no quarters in India has blamed the ISI. Simply by closing it's eyes and pointing the finger of blame at others, India's problems are not going to go away, Naxalite Maoist are active in over half of Indian states, in modern day world, which country claiming to be secular had such genocides as Golden Temple blood shed and Gujrat massacre, and still thrives on a caste system.
A dozen attackers hold your city hostage for two days and your warlords assume that they can rattle Pakistan's nerves. An old saying is worth repeating, barking dog seldom bites.
As for the nuclear equation, suffice to study history on the conversation between the late Rajiv Gandhi and Zia-ul-haq during the famous cricket diplomacy.

I was naive to contest an educated conversation with Zaid Hamid types.
please dont abuse anyones name. he is the head of indian army. lets be more mature.
second i dont think if he has said anything wrong but yes i do think that there was no need for this. im sure army chiefs must have more important things to do than updatin media about the possibilities.
I guess , all the world know about this limited war except the some of the member in this forum. But i am guessing which is the right time to attack on Pakistan. Is this right now after 1 yr or after 2-3 yrs. Lots of factor for consideration. I guess all decision will be taken at high level politics in between US, India and Israel and i am guessing that weekly meeting and visit between US and India are a part of this big attack plans. But for sure i am not a war monger i strongly protest it. I have some reason in support of general statements.

1. Many cold war practices by Indian army, navy and IAF .
2. Number of meeting and visit between US and India.
3. pressure form Isarel on US lobby.
4. Immediate advanced weapons bought by India specific to pakistan target.
4. Day to day speaks by Indian PM and generals to the world media to get the international community response and this response is very positive as no country is opposing any of these statements.
5. Obama is pushing large troops to Afgan just to decrease the probability of full scale war.
6. I guess the US will assure that PAk wont use N weapons and India and Israel will do rest of work.
7. Recently heavy movement of US navy to pak sea lines.

All these statements are getting from different news source so i am afraid some kind of preparation is going on the back of envelope.
Guys come on .... its been repetedly said the name is KAPOOR... as in anil KAPOOR , raj KAPOOR , shashi KAPOOR , ranbir KAPOOR , etc etc etc....
Mr. Kapoor says what he deems fit to say , period.... not like Pak General Biryani who has to consult Musshaffar before issuing a statement. :smokin:
Well if that's the case let em come we will be wating we aren't going anywhere!
it takes to hands to clap one hand washes the other ! all iam saying is war could be changed in to peace if we work together rather then attacking a whole nation .
I guess , all the world know about this limited war except the some of the member in this forum. But i am guessing which is the right time to attack on Pakistan. Is this right now after 1 yr or after 2-3 yrs. Lots of factor for consideration. I guess all decision will be taken at high level politics in between US, India and Israel and i am guessing that weekly meeting and visit between US and India are a part of this big attack plans. But for sure i am not a war monger i strongly protest it. I have some reason in support of general statements.

1. Many cold war practices by Indian army, navy and IAF .
2. Number of meeting and visit between US and India.
3. pressure form Isarel on US lobby.
4. Immediate advanced weapons bought by India specific to pakistan target.
4. Day to day speaks by Indian PM and generals to the world media to get the international community response and this response is very positive as no country is opposing any of these statements.
5. Obama is pushing large troops to Afgan just to decrease the probability of full scale war.
6. I guess the US will assure that PAk wont use N weapons and India and Israel will do rest of work.
7. Recently heavy movement of US navy to pak sea lines.

All these statements are getting from different news source so i am afraid some kind of preparation is going on the back of envelope.

well if we go by all wat u are sayin, then we are not left with much of an option. 1 to 7 combined is lik a do or die scenario for us.
will be gud to deal with everyone for once. either u destroy us or vice versa. in both cases, we get equilibrium results.
I am just wondering will attacking Pakistan solve the problems which are cited to justify an attack ? If no, then why bother attacking...

Now before anyone jumps " Attack", in the sense as the Political leadership would put it as response to terrorist attacks and other blah.. but its still attack.

Too much resources in media, forums and everywhere else being used for just talk ? But i guess at the end of the day war seems to be an industry in its own right with huge economies of scale and employment for millions in different forms, hence the need for the rhetoric.

Contrary to many here who would want to avoid any war.. I am for it, if it can achieve desired goals in long term ( may not be permanent) and ultimately lead to a peaceful region. But any war that can't lead to peace and just leaves hurt feelings, hurt regions, hurt countries, destruction of life and property and still unable to reach a solution is not justified. Period.

BTW by solution Here, I mean its a state of collective consciousness of people and administration of both parties involved in a conflict that nothing more can be achieved out of more hatred, more armed conflict and more bloodshed. This can be achieved by resolution of all basic issues ( for which the war started) or completely crushing the very elements of revolt.

I seriously doubt much can be achieved by means of a surgical strikes other than a feeling of self satisfaction that he hurt me so i hurt him back ( Even though i hurt my a$$ in the process). You attack and destroy some terrorist camps, the terrorists come back with more anger and build it again. surgical, wot surgery are u performing ? Really.
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I wonder about the Indian Administration, if you think a surgery is needed for a problem, what are u waiting for. You know the guy standing across the line is throwing the stones and are sure about it and your pissed .. then just do what is needed to be done. Warnings warnings and more warnings... We will perform surgery. huh.. As if the terrorists care ..

Just want to know how many people here think doing surgery can eliminate the plague that is terrorism.
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I guess , all the world know about this limited war except the some of the member in this forum. But i am guessing which is the right time to attack on Pakistan. Is this right now after 1 yr or after 2-3 yrs. Lots of factor for consideration. I guess all decision will be taken at high level politics in between US, India and Israel and i am guessing that weekly meeting and visit between US and India are a part of this big attack plans. But for sure i am not a war monger i strongly protest it. I have some reason in support of general statements.

1. Many cold war practices by Indian army, navy and IAF .
2. Number of meeting and visit between US and India.
3. pressure form Isarel on US lobby.
4. Immediate advanced weapons bought by India specific to pakistan target.
4. Day to day speaks by Indian PM and generals to the world media to get the international community response and this response is very positive as no country is opposing any of these statements.
5. Obama is pushing large troops to Afgan just to decrease the probability of full scale war.
6. I guess the US will assure that PAk wont use N weapons and India and Israel will do rest of work.
7. Recently heavy movement of US navy to pak sea lines.

All these statements are getting from different news source so i am afraid some kind of preparation is going on the back of envelope.

though i dont believe in it but assumin that u might do, ill give u another point.
8. Gandhi's prediction of 4 wars bw india and pakistan
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
I am just wondering will attacking Pakistan solve the problems which are cited to justify an attack ? If no, then why bother attacking...

Now before anyone jumps " Attack", in the sense as the Political leadership would put it as response to terrorist attacks and other blah.. but its still attack.

Too much resources in media, forums and everywhere else being used for just talk ? But i guess at the end of the day war seems to be an industry in its own right with huge economies of scale and employment for millions in different forms, hence the need for the rhetoric.

Contrary to many here who would want to avoid any war.. I am for it, if it can achieve desired goals in long term ( may not be permanent) and ultimately lead to a peaceful region. But any war that can't lead to peace and just leaves hurt feelings, hurt regions, hurt countries, destruction of life and property and still unable to reach a solution is not justified. Period.

BTW by solution Here, I mean its a state of collective consciousness of people and administration of both parties involved in a conflict that nothing more can be achieved out of more hatred, more armed conflict and more bloodshed. This can be achieved by resolution of all basic issues ( for which the war started) or completely crushing the very elements of revolt.

I seriously doubt much can be achieved by means of a surgical strikes other than a feeling of self satisfaction that he hurt me so i hurt him back ( Even though i hurt my a$$ in the process). You attack and destroy some terrorist camps, the terrorists come back with more anger and build it again. surgical, wot surgery are u performing ? Really.

u r very right. some gud sense should prevail bw the leaders of two countries. this is needed for a peaceful coexistence in this region.
all the pendin issues should be resolved while allowing people to people relation to grow in the mean time.
u r very right. some gud sense should prevail bw the leaders of two countries. this is needed for a peaceful coexistence in this region.
all the pendin issues should be resolved while allowing people to people relation to grow in the mean time.

I am afraid it does not seem possible in the near future. You can not satisfy everybody but if majority of people and administration on both sides are satisfied that THIS IS IT. This is the best we can do and we have to live this way from now on... Then and only then, we can co-exist in peace and then time is a great healer and relationships can develop between countries with movement of people and goods augmenting the process.

I have lot of Pakistani friends here and i would love to visit there .. but this environment of hostility is discouraging me to entertain those thoughts. Damn.
Sorry, but I have never heard the name Deepak Kapoor in the media whereas I often heard Kayani....

Do you mean to say that Mr. Kayani has done some extra ordinary work to be world known. There are many reason why he is known. I am listing a few.
1) He is leading war on terror on it's own soil. Which indirectly means that PA did not perform it's duties well.
2) A couple of times there was report that he might plan a coup. Again that is because Pakistan has so many coups.

Last I have seen many people have not used respectful language Mods is it allowed.
Do you mean to say that Mr. Kayani has done some extra ordinary work to be world known. There are many reason why he is known. I am listing a few.
1) He is leading war on terror on it's own soil. Which indirectly means that PA did not perform it's duties well.
2) A couple of times there was report that he might plan a coup. Again that is because Pakistan has so many coups.

Last I have seen many people have not used respectful language Mods is it allowed.

its not allowed and u have got every rit to report such posts. mods will deal with the situation.
Everytime i come on this forum i hear the usual rant from the Indians:

- Taliban will take over Pakistan
- Pakistan Nukes will fall in 'wrong hands'
- Pakistan Army Support's Taliban
...and so on. Their bakwaas never seem to end.

Now, can these very same Indians answer these few questions?

- Your 1.5 million 'strong army' army couldnt take over Pakistan in last 60 years, how on earth can you even think Taliban will take over?

- Pakistan nukes are as much safe as your's, if not any better. How the hell can you imagine Talibans, holding Ak-47, will take control of Pakistan Nukes?

Making such childish & pathetic comments only reflects your own retarded imagination, infact it also gives 'good' Indians a bad name. The problem with these Indians is that they just can't digest the fact that their neighbours are armed with nukes.

In 1947, you lost a part of your 'motherland' and now that very same part is armed with nukes. I know it hurts, it's a bitter truth so it's bound to hurt you. To be honest If i was an Indian (thanks God i am not) i would've been pissed but i would'nt really make such pathetic comments.

Pakistan got independence from you in 1947, we got our nukes in 1998 and we are an Independent State. The sooner you get this in your head, the better. Face the reality and move on. We are here to stay and will last until the world ends. But yet your politicans & this Kapoora can't digest this simple fact, i wonder why.

Limited war with Pakistan possible? Wake up dude. You could'nt do no sh!t after Parliament & Mumbai Drama. It doesnt get bigger than this. You didnt have the balls to do it then and i doubt if you have grown a pair since.

One needs balls to attack, not weapons. This is a luxury your Army doesn't have, grow balls first and then think of attacking us. Our army maybe smaller than yours in quantitiy but rest assured, it is enough to handle your aggression. Let's not bring the People of Pakistan in this because we all know what they are capable of ;)

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