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Limited War Possible: Indian Army Chief Kapoor

In India, the military does not decide when the war should be fought, with whom, how much it should escalated and what are its objectives. That is striking difference between India and its neighbors.

Actually, the Cold Start doctrine is entirely an Indian Army creation (not even the IAF or IN were involved in its initial formulation) and the civilians have close to nothing to do with it. There is this tendency to brag about India being a democracy as if Pakistan is some perpetually totalitarian nation where the voice of the populace is entirely irrelevant. But the fact is that the Indian Army (in particular) has just as much a critical role in the formulation of defense policy as does the Pakistan Army. Cold Start would be a good example, as the whole concept was partly conceived as a strategy that would negate the powers of the executive politicians to interfere in the particulars of a military confrontation with Pakistan. Once the plan would be pushed into action, as the tanks will be placed right NEXT to our border, there will be no turning back. The war will have begun and the politicians won't be able to go cold feet like they've done before, or so is the implicit understanding in Indian policy circles. There has hardly been any resistance to this plan from the civilians (and considerable from the Air Force and Navy) which doesn't mean that the civilians are all hand-dandy with it, or that they've voted on it or even understand it, but that in India as well the domain of military strategy - factors like objectives, escalation as you mentioned - is firmly with the army.

Even the other fellow Muslim countries are distancing it from them. But Pakistan finds it causes with non-Muslim countries, rather finding issues that go with its country's self-interest.

As RAW is Indian agency - a country of 80% Hindus, so they are incompetent and incapable. If these Hindus would have converted to Muslims, then their intellectual strength would have increased and they would have carried out the plans well.

Anyways, as you are aware that Indian army has only 3% Muslim population serving and the rest are 15% Sikh and remaining belonging to all other religions, what is there is to worry about? How much of this 3% Muslim army will be able to take 99.99% Muslim army (not Pakistan army - because Pakistanis identify themselves as Muslims). Rest of the incompetent should be considered incompetent as mere fact some one would changed his religion would have made to close to human status.

Also, Pakistan should host flags that say Muslim intellectual growth during 10-17th centuries and discount every other civilizational intellect. That in itself would refute backwardness in laws and procedures in large majority of countries in today's world. If God forbid that they did not have even oil to sell, what would they have done!

Everything that is done now is only a major plot by RAW/Mossad/CIA/ Every one in the world against only prosperous and advanced Muslim country that is on its verge of collapse or forming a Caliphate. Italy catches 2 Pakistanis involved in terrorist activities, in US, even Mr. Hasan linked to Pakistani madrassa, London bombings, riots in Europe for drawing Mohammed - the Prophet, etc. These all are conspiracies by the western media and Indian media.

Actually, Pakistanis are most peaceful country and fought wars almost every decade. Pakistani cool general has powers than Pakistani democratically elected government. God forbid he raises his voice, Mr. 10% will lose his 10% forever, but General that will replace him will start earning it. All of this is also done by Western media and Indian media.

India has never accepted Pakistan as a nation, but has maintained consulates in its country since inception. The next time when Indian PM visited Pakistan and said that we always accepted Pakistan as a nation, Pakistan launched Kargil war. That is again a ploy by India.

Pakistan is as peaceful that when US which provides "free money" to Pakistan claimed that Pakistani democratic govt should have more powers than military, the military releases its own press release - clearly indicating who has powers.

Need I say more! What is the point by the way!

The rest of your post here was one big rant. We don't appreciate that sort of nonsense because if everyone starts emptying their frustrations in this way then all discourse loses its coherence. We don't appreciate sarcasm either, its a cheap way to score a point without accepting a debate. Consider this a friendly warning, that goes for everyone else as well.
I have no idea where all this crap comes from in indian minds.

Why the hell they are worried about Pakistan so much , why dont you go and worry about people dying out of hunger every minute in your country.

Apart from few members in PDF many are War mongers , every time they try to tell us that they have a Huge army , Big sokui's and ACC's!

But you do not have what Arie has said the 00's ....

Dudes get in your skull , Pakistan is not a piece of Jalebi that you will eat.:agree:

That kapoora does'nt realise that we will give them bloody noses:guns:

Poor kapoora:haha:

I believe that with all of that military and Zionist weapons , you cannot attack us !!!

i already have told you the Reason why!
India may strike back, warns Gen.

New Delhi, Nov. 23: In a significant remark ahead of the first anniversary of the 26/11 Mumbai attack, Army chief Gen. Deepak Kapoor said that “nations may be forced to undertake interventions” if “foreign soil (is) being used constantly for attack by state and non-state actors”.

“It raises the question whether nations should just protect their own shores or should they go to any extent to protect their vital national interests,” the Army chief said at an international seminar in here on Monday.

He also said nations may be forced to undertake interventions in case of “sovereignty of a nation being questioned such as attacks on missions abroad”, and “purely on humanitarian grounds if the diaspora is under threat”.

He also said “the possibility of limited war under a nuclear overhang is still very much a reality at least in the Indian sub-continent”.

The defence minister, Mr A.K. Antony, in his address, said, “The threat of nuclear weapons falling in the hands of terrorists is of serious concern. Terrorism must be eradicated from the face of the earth.”

here comes an indian statement by officers to threaten its immediate neighbours, proof is shown already ......
Well what India is saying is that India wants peace but is to upto Pakistan to replicate that need. If Pakistan is busy sending terrorists into Indian soil and then to expect that India to not react, does not make much sense.

Come out of the box, Pakistan have no relations with terrorist nither they suported. Mumbai attacke were the reaction of wt was Indian terrorist troops were doing in Kashmir. India is crying like a duck "Cuack , Cuak"!!!!

There is no truth abt Pakistan involvement in any activities going in India.

Even after Mumbai attacks, India did not attack Pakistan and so what are you basically saying? None of the criminals behind the attack got implicated in Pakistan, so do you see the point!

Yes, Only Indian media made a propoganda. International community is also not accepting that.......and thy know and understand every thing thats y they r with Pakistan. There is no pressure on Pak Gov from International community...coz they havee been informed abt the truth.

If Pakistan will continue its act just like always, and now since Pakistani democratic government is in power, PA would be hard pressed to take over the reins, what would be a better motivator than to blame on India and take over the power.

childish comment :hitwall:

The thing I am wondering is whether we will have another Kargil when "Mujaheddin" were "fighting for freedom" or another Mr. Amar Singh will be attacking Calcutta!

Even though I dont hope for a war between India and Pakistan, I think it is eventually will happen. Otherwise, how will Pakistani military justify spending 4% of its GDP on defense and keep huge force on Indian border while maintaining terrorist camps across the border and launching half-hearted campaigns against Taliban.

I wounder how easy for Indian media and Gov to make indian people and nation foool. There is no terrorsit camp in Pakistan region.
We have 4% of GDP for defence only to protect the country against India.

Yes we have Nukes and every thing to use against India and surely one day they will be used. :cheers:
These are good comments by the Indians, let them mass the tanks @ the border and we go for preemptive strikes to destroy them on the ground. In 1965 we captured many portions of Rajistan and gave it back, but this time we just take the whole thing. Since Pakistan Army tank ratio is 1:2 as compared to Indian tanks, then we use the huge cache of anti-tank missile that we have stock piled, thanks to late General Zia-ul-Haq who setup the tank manufacturing facilities. War is welcome.:pakistan::sniper::sniper:
Latest weapons :lol::lol::lol:

US had also latest weapons but now they are in the hand of Talaban.

Man behind the gun is more important , Indian can only make good romantic movies , to fight a war need brave heart :smitten:

India always ruled by Rajputs,Jatts,Pushtoons,Moguls

:rofl: Yes and they have a mouse heart
I am sorry but I cannot what are you laughing about! Indian intelligence had the information and specifically Taj Mahal hotel was informed about this. The hotel laxed their security restrictions after several days.

Yes, it is Indian intelligence agency's and Coastal guard's fault, but how does that invalidate the obvious thing I stated that Pakistanis were responsible?

And regarding your comment that military took two days to kill them. Unlike military forces, these suicide bombers whose sole purpose in life to kill themself and every one around, what did to expect? Shoot a missile to Taj Mahal and Oberoi hotel?

I am unable to understand what is joke in here. Do you expect Indian military should have killed Indians and foreigners living there because the problem was to find out who has done it and what is their objective. Is it like demanding release of some prisoners or is it like they wanted money, how can you know their objective?

Yes, indian miltary could that !!!!!
Atleast the might neede to show something to world :rofl:
here comes an indian statement by officers to threaten its immediate neighbours, proof is shown already ......

Why you have so much hate against Indians. Every post of yours contains an anti India theme. Are you one of the Malaysians who lost lost their job because of the Indians there.
I guess , all the world know about this limited war except the some of the member in this forum. But i am guessing which is the right time to attack on Pakistan. Is this right now after 1 yr or after 2-3 yrs. Lots of factor for consideration. I guess all decision will be taken at high level politics in between US, India and Israel and i am guessing that weekly meeting and visit between US and India are a part of this big attack plans. But for sure i am not a war monger i strongly protest it. I have some reason in support of general statements.

1. Many cold war practices by Indian army, navy and IAF .
2. Number of meeting and visit between US and India.
3. pressure form Isarel on US lobby.
4. Immediate advanced weapons bought by India specific to pakistan target.
4. Day to day speaks by Indian PM and generals to the world media to get the international community response and this response is very positive as no country is opposing any of these statements.
5. Obama is pushing large troops to Afgan just to decrease the probability of full scale war.
6. I guess the US will assure that PAk wont use N weapons and India and Israel will do rest of work.

Do u think, Pakistan will let that do. We know we have only stronger thing then India thats missel and Nukes technology. Even Israeel is under the shadow of Pak Nukes. Yes this is the desire of Israel and India to desolve Pak Nukes......but these are just desires.

Its out of ur imaginations that how much PA and intelligence forces are concious abt Pak nukes protection and uasgae. And I assure u if war brokes Pak will never hesitate to use Nuke power.

Remember my statement, Pak hav quite different structure of administration then other countries including India.

In India Nukes command might only be in hands of the Gov, whereas in Pak there are 10 - 15 people( Cheifs, Core Commandars) hav Nukes command and control.

Besides that Pakistan and Pakistani people ever think India with the back of Israeel their biggest & worst enemy. With all these threats its impossible that any one can attempt to neutralized it. Even no one knows where are these nukes....Even US is failed to know that.

May be u know or may be not that no one can even take a step within 10Km near the nuke labs. Not even President is allowed to visit there. So u can imagine that President also hav no authority to move in, so how can Isreel, India or US can make a move to neautralize it.

Pak is not keeping these Nukes for decoration, they will surely be used, when time comes.

7. Recently heavy movement of US navy to pak sea lines.

Reference required abt this news. I think there is no reality abt it.

All these statements are getting from different news source so i am afraid some kind of preparation is going on the back of envelope.

There migh be some preparation, it wouldnt be only from India or may be Israeel not from US that I can assure u. :cheers:
here comes an indian statement by officers to threaten its immediate neighbours, proof is shown already ......

Plzz don't :blah::blah:

“nations may be forced to undertake interventions” if “foreign soil (is) being used constantly for attack by state and non-state actors”

I wouldn't be surprised to see a India-Pak conflict in case of another terrorist attack in India, especially if Pakistani officials continue to play ostrich as they did on Mumbai attacks.

I am with Gen. Deepak Kapoor on that -"Surgical strikes are definitely feasible"
I would support india invading pakistan to take it nucleaer weapons. Pakistan is such an unstable country at the moment, the taliban could take the nukes and use them.
I would support india invading pakistan to take it nucleaer weapons. Pakistan is such an unstable country at the moment, the taliban could take the nukes and use them.

Pathetic and sick & unexpectedly poor view:tdown:

Just Count the zeros....

90,000,0000 People will die and the India you are supporting would a part of history you Idiotic face :hitwall:

Pakistani nukes would not be taken away they would be used on the Ground :agree:

Something like this.....


Just multiply it with 200 ...

BTW if India and Pakistan would go so would you .... 200 bombs will destroy the Ozone layer and you already have very little of it:cheers:

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