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Limited War Possible: Indian Army Chief Kapoor

I am afraid it does not seem possible in the near future. You can not satisfy everybody but if majority of people and administration on both sides are satisfied that THIS IS IT. This is the best we can do and we have to live this way from now on... Then and only then, we can co-exist in peace and then time is a great healer and relationships can develop between countries with movement of people and goods augmenting the process.

I have lot of Pakistani friends here and i would love to visit there .. but this environment of hostility is discouraging me to entertain those thoughts. Damn.

I agree & i have some indian friends as well infact one of my greatest and best of friends is indian. discouraging yes for ones saftey offcourse i feel the same for india in the sense of visting until peace has fully taken place so you see it works both ways.
"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and prove thier doubt."

When you dont have any supportive argument now
thats all you can say i guess

One more thing. Well by keeping my mouth shut wont change the real fact which is
" That Indians keep their mouth close or open " still that wont their status of being called fools :!!!!!!
I think your reconstruction projects are now bothering American generals too

US General admits rising Indian influence in Afghanistan
Updated at: 1254 PST, Wednesday, September 23, 2009
WASHINGTON: U. S. General Stanley A. McChrystal has warned that the rising Indian influence in Afghanistan could exacerbate regional tensions in the region and harm the U.S. interest.

In the clearest statement to date of Washington’s reservations about the rising Indian economic and political profile in Afghanistan, the top American general in charge of the war against the Taliban and other insurgents there has said India’s increasing influence in the insurgency-wracked country “is likely to exacerbate regional tensions”.

“Indian political and economic influence is increasing in Afghanistan, including significant development efforts and financial investment. In addition, the current Afghan government is perceived by Islamabad to be pro-Indian”, the McChrystal report notes.

General Stanley said that the Indian ongoing activities would exacerbate the tensions in the region and this could heighten the anxieties of Pakistan. U.S. General said that the tense situation in the region could result harming the U.S. interest.

U.S. General admits rising Indian influence in Afghanistan - GEO.tv
You people still don't get it do you specially the indian gov ! so many will die there is no such thing as limited war my friends you think Pakistan will let India or anyother country attack its soil a hello dum dums a bug NOOOO! same goes for india or anyother nation that can stand for its self and its people. I say again let pray and hope these is no war we need peace people we need friendship , we need to end this bs blood shed. I sure hope that India will not make this mistake and Pakistan will also keep up to its words in hunting those cowardly bastards down that were the cause of this outbreak again i sure hope to GOD that we both live in peace one day soon Inshallah.
When you dont have any supportive argument now
thats all you can say i guess

One more thing. Well by keeping my mouth shut wont change the real fact which is
" That Indians keep their mouth close or open " still that wont their status of being called fools :!!!!!!
I think your reconstruction projects are now bothering American generals too

US General admits rising Indian influence in Afghanistan
Updated at: 1254 PST, Wednesday, September 23, 2009
WASHINGTON: U. S. General Stanley A. McChrystal has warned that the rising Indian influence in Afghanistan could exacerbate regional tensions in the region and harm the U.S. interest.

In the clearest statement to date of Washington’s reservations about the rising Indian economic and political profile in Afghanistan, the top American general in charge of the war against the Taliban and other insurgents there has said India’s increasing influence in the insurgency-wracked country “is likely to exacerbate regional tensions”.

“Indian political and economic influence is increasing in Afghanistan, including significant development efforts and financial investment. In addition, the current Afghan government is perceived by Islamabad to be pro-Indian”, the McChrystal report notes.

General Stanley said that the Indian ongoing activities would exacerbate the tensions in the region and this could heighten the anxieties of Pakistan. U.S. General said that the tense situation in the region could result harming the U.S. interest.

U.S. General admits rising Indian influence in Afghanistan - GEO.tv

:lol: American generals are bothered about rising Indian influence, because an American ally in the region is pissed off, as they aren't capable of doing so !



^^India sponsoring vocational training of Afghan nationals,
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Thats all part of a bigger picture ! You gave me a reminder of past, i was just returning favor. :)

I see Indians start hasving pain when Chinese remind them of the past :)

better check your waters before boasting about the past.
"The possibility of a limited war under a nuclear overhang is still very much a reality at least in the Indian sub-continent," he said at a seminar on "Changing Nature of Conflict: Trends and Responses".At the same event, the defence minister said the threat of nuclear weapons falling into wrong hands was an "area of serious concern" and its consequences would be "unimaginable".

Mr. Deepak Kapoora is having a foot and mouth disease, guys don't take him seriously. He is trying to get some publicity so that world could know his name --- KAPOORA

There is no such thing " limited war". If war starts then soon it will turn out to be Nuclear.


There is no such thing " limited war". If war starts then soon it will turn out to be Nuclear.

Exactly there is no such thing as " Limited war", Specially when the two countries possess nuclear arsenal.
There is growing impression ( right or wrong, but thats a different issue ) here in pakistan that indian wants to distroy pakistan even at the cost of nuclear conflict
which is sure to kill millions of peoples on both sides.

I have read many people in BR forum, strongly advocating to distroy pakistan , what ever may be the cost.
(even if it cost destruction of major indian cities and lives of 20 to 30 million indian people in a nuclear conflict).
Extremist in india argue that india is a bigger nation with billion+ population, so just finish pakistan once and for all, and we
will recover the damage of a nuclear conflict.
on the other hand, peoiple in pakistan response is: Hum to dobay haein sanam tum ko bhee lae dobain gay
I am a little surprised.

For the first time on this board I have smelled true FEAR.

False bravado and testicular delicacy jokes aside ..... the smell is strong ..... and it lingers over 9 whole pages.

Indians would also no doubt notice the marked absence of participation and enthusiasm of the more mature and knowledgeable Pakistani posters.

Do you realise something your more juvenile aggro vocal compatriots do not?

Has Gen. Kapoor scythed through the martial race bravado and struck a raw nerve?

I do believe he has.

26/11 has set in motion a series of events on the world stage.

The Indian public wanted blood in the aftermath.

We will have to make do with land and lasting peace.


Cheers, Doc
I am a little surprised.

For the first time on this board I have smelled true FEAR.

False bravado and testicular delicacy jokes aside ..... the smell is strong ..... and it lingers over 9 whole pages.

Indians would also no doubt notice the marked absence of participation and enthusiasm of the more mature and knowledgeable Pakistani posters.

Do you realise something your more juvenile aggro vocal compatriots do not?

Has Gen. Kapoor scythed through the martial race bravado and struck a raw nerve?

I do believe he has.

26/11 has set in motion a series of events on the world stage.

The Indian public wanted blood in the aftermath.

We will have to make do with land and lasting peace.


Cheers, Doc

The reason for the highlighted portion above I feel is juvenile nature of posts here.

When the fairer sex starts twisting names implying male genitals there is little a mature poster can add.. except to stay away.
Speaking of kapooras ..... and their respective size thereof ..... with or without the added flavour of a radioactive roast ..... be it a special delicacy in Lahore or Amritsar ......

I am taken back to my school days here ..... and I request the indulgence of the Mods here ..... the story has a moral.

I was a reasonably good footballer and we used to stay back after school for soccer practice. We were pretty good at the All-India Inter-Jesuit level too.

I studied in an all-boy's school till the tenth standard ..... and our first interaction with girls at close quarters was in +2.

So here we guys were with girls in our class for the first time in the 11th standard, and all the extra-curricular natak that goes with it.

Suddenly overnight there was this class mate of ours who developed overnight, for want of a more subtle description, in the manly department, giving us all somewhat of an inferiority complex with the size of the bulge in his school pants.

Till that fateful day post an inter-school match in the locker room when we "discovered" that the bulge was a marketing gimick courtesy bunched up pairs of socks strategically stuffed into his undies.

Now the moral of the story ..... cause there really is one!

Gen. Kapoor has I feel knocked the M.A.D. stuffing out of the collective underpants of the Pakistani nation.

And what lies exposed are significantly small and shrivelled kapooray therein.

Cheers, Doc
Speaking of kapooras ..... and their respective size thereof ..... with or without the added flavour of a radioactive roast ..... be it a special delicacy in Lahore or Amritsar ......

Cheers, Doc

Doc, I am afraid you are right with your analysis. Afraid, because of the possibility of things spinning out of hand.Whatever.

In my assessment this was a calculated hint of repositioning of Indian stand regarding Pak and this comment is specifically for foreign(Pak) consumption. I also believe this was the real reason behind the President Patil on SU freakyness, basically making Indians inert of this news and direct it's effect only on Pakistani establishment.

And I also thanked you for the humor, I really LOLed hard.
I am a little surprised.

For the first time on this board I have smelled true FEAR.

:woot: oh yeh we are scared :P

False bravado and testicular delicacy jokes aside ..... the smell is strong ..... and it lingers over 9 whole pages.

it went up to 9 pages rather may be exceed that because your countrymen are giving justification for kapoora's mental disorder.
I don't know if yanking off the cozy M.A.D. blanket to expose the trembling child within can be classified as mental disorder Jana ..... unless you are referring to that of pathological denial over-compensated for with delusions of grandeur commonly found in various forms of manias and dementias and exhibited so liberally on this thread by your compatriots.

And Jana, please do a count of number of Pakistani posts on this thread (kapooray oriented and otherwise) and the number of Indian posts, and you will get your answer as to WHO is scared and WHO it was who contributed max to these 9 pages. :)

You see, with kapooray, like all good things in life, it is not the number that matters ..... but the weight.

Cheers, Doc
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I don't know if yanking off the cozy M.A.D. blanket to expose the trembling child within can be classified as mental disorder Jana ..... unless you are referring to that of pathological denial over-compensated for with delusions of grandeur commonly found in various forms of manias and dementias and exhibited so liberally on this thread by your compatriots.

Cheers, Doc

i think the ratio of various forms of manias and dementias is far greater at the other side of the border. And Kapoora has been strucked more hardly by one of these manias
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