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Army chief threat to Afghan Govt

In Swat, army was involved in smuggling of timber from the famous Kalam forest which is a protected one and even the locals protect it but one time they were cutting the trees in nightime and locals surrounded them and beat the hell out of them and burnt their vehicles and now army just lingers around their quarters there and does not even dare to involve in anything local.

recently in tirah the locals got fed up and came out and blocked the trucks carrying timber. they all go to generals houses or sold. This is the reality of these ugly leeches, they are sucking dry this country and building their hosues and overseas assets.
the latest news is they are digging up mining sites and taking away the materials and selling them, recently ppl made videos too in waziristan. Similar situation in GB as well. I just hope the people get fed up soon and rise up against these colonial dogs.
When will refugees be repatriated?
Afghan Taliban have more venom, aggression, and ferocity than the men in suits smoking cigars at GHQ.
Tea biscuit Generals cannot do anything to any neighbour. India, iran and Afghanistan know the Pakistani establishment is a weak nonsense entity that only make pathetic, pointless songs to suit their blind audience.
Not really
India still controls whole region they claim and didn't loose any Territory that they had before 1959. It was more a misadventure by India when it saw an opportunity (Soviet China split)

One would say recent Himalayan adventures are much more relevant

India needs to thank Pakistan since that era China had breaking up with soviets and couldn't afford a three front war with USA(recent friends but none the less) Russia and India

Ok Indian
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