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Limited War Possible: Indian Army Chief Kapoor

Guys plz.

Don't you think it is better to analyze and discuss the possible implications of this comment on the current scenario rather than mudslinging and whose-kapoor-is-better comments.

I maybe mistaken but I do believe the purpose of these forums is not to spread the pakistani POV on affairs only, but rather having a platform for cross-border sharing of opinions and promoting transparency among us.

Back on topic, I do believe such comments are made by both sides to test each others reactions and what kind of public sentiments it generates, if any. Propaganda analysis, Google this niazi.
Guys plz.

Don't you think it is better to analyze and discuss the possible implications of this comment on the current scenario rather than mudslinging and whose-kapoor-is-better comments.

I maybe mistaken but I do believe the purpose of these forums is not to spread the pakistani POV on affairs only, but rather having a platform for cross-border sharing of opinions and promoting transparency among us.

Back on topic, I do believe such comments are made by both sides to test each others reactions and what kind of public sentiments it generates, if any. Propaganda analysis, Google this niazi.

my dear brother actully i need here real comment that you post now in my opnion war is not in favor of both country's but there is chance if it happen then wich type of agrration by india and what is the reaction from pakistan
comment from both side membres plz
Guys plz.

Don't you think it is better to analyze and discuss the possible implications of this comment on the current scenario rather than mudslinging and whose-kapoor-is-better comments.

I maybe mistaken but I do believe the purpose of these forums is not to spread the pakistani POV on affairs only, but rather having a platform for cross-border sharing of opinions and promoting transparency among us.

Back on topic, I do believe such comments are made by both sides to test each others reactions and what kind of public sentiments it generates, if any. Propaganda analysis, Google this niazi.

Skeptic my friend when was the last time, Indian Point of View was not allowed on this forum?

No i dont agree with you that its merely testing reaction, rather i feel the Indians try to howl in harmony with some international wolves from so-called think tanks to carry on the psy-ops against Pakistan.

Mr Kapoora recently had found the tactic to join in not only for psy-ops but also to make some recognition for himself.
Are you using the word Kapoora instead of Kapoor willfully or out of ignorance ?

Kapoora has a meaning.. unless you are trying to be funny.

Kapoora is an out of ordinary dish, normally Kapooras get roasted.

Indian POVs are allowed but are censored sometimes, let's be open about it. I am not complaining, but saying it as I can see it.

Kapoora, as you facetiously put out, is not a person here. He's a post/designation, let's not ignore it. He spoke those words not because he wake up today and felt like doing so, but rather he wants to achieve something from it. What is that "something" is still awaiting analysis. Whatever Gen Kapoor is saying has the approval of the Indian govt. and why the Indian govt. would want this perception to get out is something that should have been discussed, sadly not many people feel that way.

Skeptic my friend when was the last time, Indian Point of View was not allowed on this forum?

No i dont agree with you that its merely testing reaction, rather i feel the Indians try to howl in harmony with some international wolves from so-called think tanks to carry on the psy-ops against Pakistan.

Mr Kapoora recently had found the tactic to join in not only for psy-ops but also to make some recognition for himself.
i think the topic is what happen if war start
kapoor sad limited but when war start it is not limited
is there any wish by indian ppl about war aganist any country or this is the only wish of kapoor or any els army man ?

Indian POVs are allowed but are censored sometimes, let's be open about it. I am not complaining, but saying it as I can see it.

Kapoora, as you facetiously put out, is not a person here. He's a post/designation, let's not ignore it. He spoke those words not because he wake up today and felt like doing so, but rather he wants to achieve something from it. What is that "something" is still awaiting analysis. Whatever Gen Kapoor is saying has the approval of the Indian govt. and why the Indian govt. would want this perception to get out is something that should have been discussed, sadly not many people feel that way.
There seems to be a trend here, firstly the Indian PM triad, the Agni test and General Kapoor's predictions. Correct me if iam wrong but normaly doesn't this saber rattling happen around election time in India.
he just try to act smart but he is a duffer lyk his priminster sms and they actually want to be a regional power but there dreams never come true he saying it for the reason of failed test of there agni and they cann't hide there tears else wise and try to say that pakistani nukes can go into wrong hands n wot about your nukes they can fell in hand kashmiri sepratists and united libreation front of AASAM n Tamil rebels tske care of ur own nukes, and when it is about nuke war then it cann't be limited at all
kapoor sab how can u make a nuke war limited how do u mean limited nuke war wen it destroy both sides of border n nuthing will left in india and pakistan then there will b more terrorists on earth lyk ur PM Mr SMS

I am not sure why all are you surprised at his comment...Has he said anything new??? A limited war is a possibility in South Asia since nukes have ruled out full-fledge war.... Just look at the phrase below...Now can anyone deny this is not happening in South Asia??? If answer is yes don't you think each of these issues can lead to a limited war??? Now may i ask what is the fuss about???

"Territorial disputes, provocation by proxy wars, religious fundamentalism, radical extremism, ethnic tensions and socio-economic disparities are the hallmark of South Asia," he said.

Indian POVs are allowed but are censored sometimes, let's be open about it. I am not complaining, but saying it as I can see it.

Kapoora, as you facetiously put out, is not a person here. He's a post/designation, let's not ignore it. He spoke those words not because he wake up today and felt like doing so, but rather he wants to achieve something from it. What is that "something" is still awaiting analysis. whatever Gen Kapoor is saying has the approval of the Indian govt. and why the Indian govt. would want this perception to get out is something that should have been discussed, sadly not many people feel that way.

In other words Indian Govt is gearing up for war or just trying to use pressure tactics but for what? these tactics can not bring anything good for India.
The only response Mr. Kapoor oops I meant General Kapoor is gonna get is a dish with his Kapooray handed back to him if he wants to start a war be it limited or unlimited one. Already our Army has given a sound spanking to the Kapooray's state sponsored terrorists aka the TTP in Pakistan. Maybe he is pissed off at it. Not to worry we got enough cow urine available for you as Bakra Eid is here. A lot of cows will be slaughtered and their yummy beef roasted for our feast. Yum yum :D
Indian army chief’s remarks show intentions: FO

ISLAMABAD: Terming the Indian army chief’s remarks about nuclear war as a reflection of India’s offensive nuclear doctrine, Pakistan on Tuesday said it was fully capable of safeguarding its national sovereignty and defending its borders.

In response to a question regarding the reported remarks by India’s Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor on Monday warning that ‘a limited war under a nuclear overhang is still very much a reality at least in the Indian sub-continent,’ Foreign Office Spokesman Abdul Basit said that these remarks only reaffirm India’s dangerous and offensive nuclear doctrine.

‘India has long been working on the so-called ‘Cold Start’ strategy and preparing for a limited war against Pakistan. General Kapoor’s statement confirms the hegemonic thrust of India’s nuclear doctrine,’ the spokesman added.

Abdul Basit said the international community should take notice of General Kapoor’s remarks and India’s long-term intentions.

He said that major powers have a particular responsibility in this regard, adding that they should refrain from steps that in any manner negatively affect the strategic balance in South Asia.

The spokesman added: ‘As a responsible country, we will continue promoting peace and stability in South Asia on the basis of equality and mutual respect.’—APP
There seems to be a trend here, firstly the Indian PM triad, the Agni test and General Kapoor's predictions. Correct me if iam wrong but normaly doesn't this saber rattling happen around election time in India.

Dude when I said you to Google 'Propaganda analysis' I really meant it. :cheers:

This comment seems to be for foreign consumption, reactionary voters with limited knowledge of foreign affairs-- what most Indians are-- doesn't understand "limited war under nuclear umbrella". If it was for domestic consumption the words would have been more direct.
And lastly, generally the Indian Army is non-partisan, so I don't think they would use the Army chief for making a politically motivated statement.

I didn't understand the triad part or how it could be related to a failed Agni test and also what elections are you talking about??? Are there any elections? :lazy: Idk
i think the topic is what happen if war start
kapoor sad limited but when war start it is not limited
is there any wish by indian ppl about war aganist any country or this is the only wish of kapoor or any els army man ?

In India, the military does not decide when the war should be fought, with whom, how much it should escalated and what are its objectives. That is striking difference between India and its neighbors.

Cold-start doctrine was published many years back. Gen. Kapoor just said iterated what the doctrine said.

Indians wish to grow and prosper. Some neighbors dont prefer that! It is just frogs in the small pond. The frog which tries to escape to brought back down by other frog pulling it down.

Amar Singh aka Kasab , an abuducted Pakistani was claimed to responsible by the notorious RAW designs. RAW plans all the things but does not have intelligence to carry it out, but of course it is responsible for Baloch movement.

Indians created all the evidence and provided the world to see and seek bans on respective freedom fighter outlets and world is pressuring Pakistan to prosecute even including China which was approved the ban.

Pakistan has the evidence, but no country accepts. Just like the US analyst said "Pakistan lies so much that no one believes even when it says the truth".

Even the other fellow Muslim countries are distancing it from them. But Pakistan finds it causes with non-Muslim countries, rather finding issues that go with its country's self-interest.

As RAW is Indian agency - a country of 80% Hindus, so they are incompetent and incapable. If these Hindus would have converted to Muslims, then their intellectual strength would have increased and they would have carried out the plans well.

Anyways, as you are aware that Indian army has only 3% Muslim population serving and the rest are 15% Sikh and remaining belonging to all other religions, what is there is to worry about? How much of this 3% Muslim army will be able to take 99.99% Muslim army (not Pakistan army - because Pakistanis identify themselves as Muslims). Rest of the incompetent should be considered incompetent as mere fact some one would changed his religion would have made to close to human status.

Also, Pakistan should host flags that say Muslim intellectual growth during 10-17th centuries and discount every other civilizational intellect. That in itself would refute backwardness in laws and procedures in large majority of countries in today's world. If God forbid that they did not have even oil to sell, what would they have done!

Everything that is done now is only a major plot by RAW/Mossad/CIA/ Every one in the world against only prosperous and advanced Muslim country that is on its verge of collapse or forming a Caliphate. Italy catches 2 Pakistanis involved in terrorist activities, in US, even Mr. Hasan linked to Pakistani madrassa, London bombings, riots in Europe for drawing Mohammed - the Prophet, etc. These all are conspiracies by the western media and Indian media.

Actually, Pakistanis are most peaceful country and fought wars almost every decade. Pakistani cool general has powers than Pakistani democratically elected government. God forbid he raises his voice, Mr. 10% will lose his 10% forever, but General that will replace him will start earning it. All of this is also done by Western media and Indian media.

India has never accepted Pakistan as a nation, but has maintained consulates in its country since inception. The next time when Indian PM visited Pakistan and said that we always accepted Pakistan as a nation, Pakistan launched Kargil war. That is again a ploy by India.

Pakistan is as peaceful that when US which provides "free money" to Pakistan claimed that Pakistani democratic govt should have more powers than military, the military releases its own press release - clearly indicating who has powers.

Need I say more! What is the point by the way!
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