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Limited War Possible: Indian Army Chief Kapoor

he just try to act smart but he is a duffer lyk his priminster sms and they actually want to be a regional power but there dreams never come true he saying it for the reason of failed test of there agni and they cann't hide there tears else wise and try to say that pakistani nukes can go into wrong hands n wot about your nukes they can fell in hand kashmiri sepratists and united libreation front of AASAM n Tamil rebels tske care of ur own nukes, and when it is about nuke war then it cann't be limited at all

Tamil rebels taking control of nukes ?? :what:

I didnt know we had Tamil rebels in India. :woot:
In other words Indian Govt is gearing up for war or just trying to use pressure tactics but for what? these tactics can not bring anything good for India.

Its November ! Kapoor just wanna stress Chidambaram's statement !

"Any more attacks from Pakistan or elements inside Pakistan will be retaliated "

- Chidambaram
The more india threatens Pakistan, the more Pakistan gets united. Lets not forget after mumbai drama, india was threatening a war against Pakistan, even the taliban wanted to fight alongside Pakistani army against india.

India is all talk and no action, so let them talk and make their threats, it'll just unite Pakistan and at the end of the day india does not dare to attack Pakistan.
The more india threatens Pakistan, the more Pakistan gets united.
That is India's hope too! You guys stay united and not fall apart and Taliban take over your nuclear assets.

If anti-India is only identity Pakistan has, it could be counterproductive over the long run!

Lets not forget after mumbai drama,

So, you are one from Zaid Hamid camps??

india was threatening a war against Pakistan, even the taliban wanted to fight alongside Pakistani army against india.

So, you mean to say LeT which attacked Mumbai through use of infiltration will support Pakistan in the event of the war with India.

We know that! Indians are aware that LeT and PA are just two sides of the same coin

India is all talk and no action, so let them talk and make their threats, it'll just unite Pakistan and india will not dare to attack Pakistan.

Yes, India is not a loose cannon like Pakistan. So, India does not invade countries without considering all the economic and human costs. Unlike India, Pakistan finds it cause taking on a country which is 9 times its economy and 3 times its military strength. Makes no logical sense to me! but how can I expect logic to be embedded in some Pakistanis whose only objective of living is to become suicide bombers.
That is India's hope too! You guys stay united and not fall apart and Taliban take over your nuclear assets.

If anti-India is only identity Pakistan has, it could be counterproductive over the long run!

So, you are one from Zaid Hamid camps??

So, you mean to say LeT which attacked Mumbai through use of infiltration will support Pakistan in the event of the war with India.

We know that! Indians are aware that LeT and PA are just two sides of the same coin

Yes, India is not a loose cannon like Pakistan. So, India does not invade countries without considering all the economic and human costs. Unlike India, Pakistan finds it cause taking on a country which is 9 times its economy and 3 times its military strength. Makes no logical sense to me! but how can I expect logic to be embedded in some Pakistanis whose only objective of living is to become suicide bombers.
Arent you going too much over the line. What is your purpose of living??. I don't wanna say that because if i do the mod will ban me. All i will say for now is STFU. Because if you dont. i will wont care about my account and will say something which will not be good. so you better appologise on the satement of

but how can I expect logic to be embedded in some Pakistanis whose only objective of living is to become suicide bombers.
There will be a war between India Pakistan.

There will be a war between India Pakistan, may be within 5 years......let me tell u how.

Relation between two countries going worse and worse after Mumbai attcks. There were chances of war between Indian Pakistan in late 2008 right after mubai attacks, but due to international (US n other countries) pressure things remain in control, reason US wanted Pak strong efforts in Waziristan, Swat and Fata areas.

Now almost after an year (At the time when Pakistan is almost going to eliminate terrorist from Northern and Fata areas) still there is cold war going between india and Pakistan and its growing strongly.......... International community is getting silent now. Their objectives that Pakistan would eliminate terrorist from its tribal areas about to complete.

US is getting frustrated in the Afghanistan region, they are facing strong resistance from Taliban....they didnt achieved their objectives......UN and other nation armies wants to leave from Afghanistan. On their alternative US wants some one to fight in front line. Last month Obama wrote a letter to Pakistan president Zardari to bring his army in Afghanistan and fight in front lines, which i guess Pakistan Army and he refused.

There are news that india offered their services for Afghanistan region. And they showed their intrest to send their Army. Which ofcourse would not tolerateable for Pakistan. Incase India send their troops in Afghan Pak border the war between Indo Pak brake up, coz both Armies (indo, Pak) cant tolerate each other.

Kashmir issue is once again getting hot. Indian and Pakistani leaders started strong comments these days, Indian Army Chief deepak Kapoor doubted a nuclear war in the region. India quickly buying latest weapons and preparing for war.

Indian attitude shows that there are no chances that ice could melt. India blame Hafiz saeed for Mumbai attacks whereas pakistan have no evidence against him.

USA also have their concerns against Iran Nukes, China Economy, less trust on Pakistan and Taliban problem in Pak Afghan border. If their frustration goes longer that might create more tension between both countries (Ind, Pak).

May be not openly, but yes Pakistan wants US to leave from Afghanistan.

US showed intrust to resolve Kahmir issue, but occuainly they move backword.......and if they keep touching this sensitive issue (Kashmir issue) and then move back that will create horrible frustration between India and Pak.

On the other hand dont forget China, they also had some tense sitituations with India near Tibet region in late months. and it seems they have serious strategical ties with Pakistan. India knows sitituation is not like that as it was in early wars and it might be possible that she would face 2 enemies from 2 front lines. USA and India close ties could be another threat for both china and Pak.

There are number of terrorist organizations working in India, even their serious action can lead a war between 2 nations.

There r number of other things indicates their might be a little or serious war between 2 nations in coming years.

Any ways lets see.................wt happens!!!
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India will never attack on Pakistan , their army chief know we have nukes to make takatak of their kapooras,dil and gurdas.
Arent you going too much over the line. What is your purpose of living??. I don't wanna say that because if i do the mod will ban me. All i will say for now is STFU. Because if you dont. i will wont care about my account and will say something which will not be good. so you better appologise on the satement of

but how can I expect logic to be embedded in some Pakistanis whose only objective of living is to become suicide bombers.

So can you tell me, what is goal of this sucide bombers almost all of them have some Pakistani connection - be it in India- mumbai, agra, jaipur, parliament, kashmir, or in UK - London bombings, in US - Mr. Hasan, raids in Chicago or in Pakistan or in Italy .....

Every human being who is born fights for living and enjoying the rewards of the life. But these suicide bombers infiltrate to a country or live in that country and blow themselves up for a political/military objective the benefits of which he will not realize. It is not like these people come to market to shoot people to return to their hide out and enjoy fruits of their labor, they plan to shoot every one until they die!
Constantly I am hearing news “India wants peace” and “Limited War” from India……….do they really think it is possible, means both at the same time?......if India really wants peace than my friends be sure no “Limited war” will bring on peace in the region……..Only a full-fledged war (which will end both countries) or no war is a guarantee of peace in South Asia……..My suggestion to India is to rethink about their “limited” concept.
India will never attack on Pakistan , their army chief know we have nukes to make takatak of their kapooras,dil and gurdas.

Never underestimate ur enemy!!!!!
Their r powers that might create sitituation that lead a war between India and Pak......and ofcourse with the frequency, India is purchasing new and latest weapons we shouldnt be careless and ignored.
So can you tell me, what is goal of this sucide bombers almost all of them have some Pakistani connection - be it in India- mumbai, agra, jaipur, parliament, kashmir, or in UK - London bombings, in US - Mr. Hasan, raids in Chicago or in Pakistan or in Italy .....

Every human being who is born fights for living and enjoying the rewards of the life. But these suicide bombers infiltrate to a country or live in that country and blow themselves up for a political/military objective the benefits of which he will not realize. It is not like these people come to market to shoot people to return to their hide out and enjoy fruits of their labor, they plan to shoot every one until they die!
Kashmir suicide bombings. never heard of that. Parliament attack yeah right. get your facts right then come back. And don't come back with those manipulated reports. Which first says the truth then later on changed by political needs.
The more india threatens Pakistan, the more Pakistan gets united. Lets not forget after mumbai drama, india was threatening a war against Pakistan, even the taliban wanted to fight alongside Pakistani army against india.

India is all talk and no action, so let them talk and make their threats, it'll just unite Pakistan and at the end of the day india does not dare to attack Pakistan.

I accept with your statement that taliban wants to fight India, Then why your govt is pointing fingers towards RAW for the bombings?
Yeah India talks always and pakistan will do actions like Mumbai,kargil, just like cowards :frown:
Only a coward can threaten a total destruction of both countries :taz:
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