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latest pictures,J11B,navy J11BS,J15 equip with TH engine

China's J-15 Flying Shark powered by WS-10A engines (or a variant):





China's J-11BS powered by WS-10A engines (or a variant):



[Note: Thank you to Aimarraul for the J-15 Flying Shark and J-11BS pictures.]


Close-up view of J-15 Flying Shark WS-10A engines (or a variant):



Nice comparison made by "QuantumFX" (Key-Forum)

Shorter engine nozzle and silver petals mean WS-10.

[Note: Thank you to Deino for the J-15 WS-10A engine pictures. Thank you to Lion for the analysis.]
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^^^ He's actually referring to fellow Chinese who think China would continue to rely on russian engine and gave up on indigenous designs.
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New Build Chinese J-11B/BS Fighter Jets At SAC,
you can see J11BS's wing with a lot of green composite materials.





Newly produced J-11B/BS fighter jets undergoing flight testing at the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) facilities before delivery to the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). China is using WS-10A turbo Fan engines on its loclaly produced J-11B/BS Flanker+ instead of Russian Saturn AL-31FN turbofan engines.

New Build Chinese J-11B/BS Fighter Jets At SAC ~ Chinese Military Review
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^^^Looks strikingly similar to the SU-30 :blink:

Yes, because we simply Ctrl C and Ctrl V.
Everything from outside to the inside are supposedly the same if not worse than the Russian original according to our trusty western and Indian counterparts ;)
^^^Looks strikingly similar to the SU-30 :blink:

J-11B uses same airframe design as the Flanker (even though with more RAM and composites). However, everything else is different and the J-11B utilizes wholly new technology.
Guys, its looks very similar to the Russian SU 30, are these photos authentic from Chinese Defence Department.
Guys please I am just asking a question? no trolling and please sane Chinese members kindly clarify .

Kindly find the images of SU 30 bellow

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