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China's new launch rocket

If I was Russian I would also be rightfully proud of the USSR, and even more rightfully ashamed of Russia's relative weakness. PTLDM3 only supports USSR when he can use it to bash China, in all other cases he hates USSR and communism.

However, he failed to realize that without the legacy of USSR, Russia is nothing, but a giant version of Saudi Arabia.

USSR has turned Russia from an agriculture nation into an industrialized one, if most Russian people are like the Chinese people, they would indeed support USSR instead of embracing that pointless Christianity that has brought nothing to Russia, but backward and superstitions.
Russia had way more failed lunch than China, in fact the fail percentage is much higher than China. There are famous failure that killed top ranking Russian generals!!! Go figure!!

What a joke, how many space launches does China have? Lets see, statistics show that China has had 59 space launches from the time of it's space program until 1999, at the same time Russia has had 2,598, since 1999 Russia has launched more than 200 rockets and has launched twice as many rocket as China in 2010, 30 compared to 15, China does not even come any where near that mark. Less launches less accidents. Lets see China launch roughly 2,500 more rockets and lets see what happens. And quess what Russia has assisted in starting up the Chinese space agency, selling China rockets and training Chinese austrnauts, Russia even recently assisted the Chinese space agency, who helped Russia? If it wasn't for Russia do you really think China would be able to sent it's early rockets into orbit without them exploding, even Russia and the US had early expossions, but China piggy-backed off of Russia.

World-Wide Successful Space Launches statistics - USA Census numbers

It is also interesting that Russians have spent over 20,000 day in space while Chinese have spent a whopping 19 days in space.

Keep making a fool of yourself with phrases such as "Russia had way more failed lunch than China" but the fact remains Chinas has not had very many space launches for accidents to happen, and keep ignoring the fact that the early Chinese space program used proven Russian technology, thus they ovoided many accidents.
Russia CAN NOT DO IT!!!

If Russia can, it would have done it long time a go when USSR still exist. In fact the USA moon landing is a major reason why USSR collapsed! The world realized that USSR tech is inferior to USA, also this is proven in the Arab-Isreal war. Warsaw pack members began to fall appart during the early 1980's and eventually the down of Berlin wal and down goes USSR!

First of all the NASA uses Russian technology, and the Arab Isreali wars also proved that the Israelis had a better strategy and better training, the Israelis did not do very well when they went up against Pakistani pilots flying Mig-21's, yet they had no problems shooting down Arab Mig-21's, it just proves that the Arabs had poor tactics and training.

Also, ptldM3 is ultra sensitive when it comes to USSR. He is Russian but still missed the old USSR.

No i do not, there was much greatness that came from the USSR but many Russian were killed, torchered, prosecuted and imprisoned, including much of my family (father) (brothers) (grandmother) and distant relatives.

If you ask the Ukrainans, and other former USSR member states. None missed the USSR. Also, USSR's space is better than China, but current day Russia only has at the most 60% of USSR's space capability. This means it will take even less time for China to catch up with Russia!! [/B][/U]

What nonesense is this? Russia has had the same amount of space launches last ear as China and the US combined, right now we are invested in the international space station, and many new and independant programs are in progress.

ptldM3, let me ask a question. I mean no offense, why is that every time I point out some thing negative about USSR, you jump out and fight me? You are not a Soviet! Also, you only argue negative things about Chinese, which is why I disrespect your attitude!

Stop trolling and i wont jump out.

Our friend ptldM3 would disagree with you, he believes that Russia became technologically much superior after the collapse of Soviet Union.

This guy is so funny, he keeps insisting how great Russian technology (which were all invented during the Soviet Era) is, yet keeps denying the achievement made during the Communist era.

As of now Russian technology is superior to anything that was available during the Soviet times, one example would be engines, for decades Russian engines had very poor TBO but as of now that has changed, and lets stop acting like the Soviet were some forign people, the Soviet Union was built by Russian, and much of today's weapons have nothng to do with the Soviet Union. And i never denied anything from the Soviet era.
Russia has helped us. Their space technology is better than China.
We should respect our teacher.
As of now Russian technology is superior to anything that was available during the Soviet times, one example would be engines, for decades Russian engines had very poor TBO but as of now that has changed, and lets stop acting like the Soviet were some forign people, the Soviet Union was built by Russian, and much of today's weapons have nothng to do with the Soviet Union. And i never denied anything from the Soviet era.

No one claimed that Soviet Union wasn't Russian, but they were built Communist/Atheist in faith.

Yeah, they were many Christians during Soviet era. However, the headfigures were all Atheists, so that's fundamentally different from today's Russian Federation.

---------- Post added at 01:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:47 AM ----------

Russia has helped us. Their space technology is better than China.
We should respect our teacher.

They aren't our teacher in the space technology. Stop acting like a rookie.
No one claimed that Soviet Union wasn't Russian, but they were built Communist/Atheist in faith.

Yeah, they were many Christians during Soviet era. However, the headfigures were all Atheists, so that's fundamentally different from today's Russian Federation.

---------- Post added at 01:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:47 AM ----------

They aren't our teacher in the space technology. Stop acting like a rookie.

I know we rocket technology from Qian xuesen.
I mean that Russia has a lot of experience, it can be our teacher.
I know we rocket technology from Qian xuesen.
I mean that Russia has a lot of experience, it can be our teacher.

Russia was our teacher before. Now it's not. 所有的老师都要学费,就算义务教育都有间接的学费。世界上没有免费的午餐!
I know we rocket technology from Qian xuesen.
I mean that Russia has a lot of experience, it can be our teacher.

More experience doesn't mean it can be our teacher. We aren't toddler in the space program like South Korea, who needs to be taught one by one.

Next time, choosing a more appropriate word in the statement.
According to the source you provided, the earliest record of chinese space program appeared in 1970. Do you knew there was a thing called "sino-soviet split", which happened in 1960 and culminated in 1969? how comes russia helped china's lanuch earliest rocket? did you made it up or happened in another universe?

i am not saying china is ahead of US, Russia, EU,or Japan but i suggest you look foward than live in the past. China's space program is developing by leaps and bounds

China launched 15 satellites in 2010, for the first time surpassed the United States

What a joke, how many space launches does China have? Lets see, statistics show that China has had 59 space launches from the time of it's space program until 1999, at the same time Russia has had 2,598, since 1999 Russia has launched more than 200 rockets and has launched twice as many rocket as China in 2010, 30 compared to 15, China does not even come any where near that mark. Less launches less accidents. Lets see China launch roughly 2,500 more rockets and lets see what happens. And quess what Russia has assisted in starting up the Chinese space agency, selling China rockets and training Chinese austrnauts, Russia even recently assisted the Chinese space agency, who helped Russia? If it wasn't for Russia do you really think China would be able to sent it's early rockets into orbit without them exploding, even Russia and the US had early expossions, but China piggy-backed off of Russia.

World-Wide Successful Space Launches statistics - USA Census numbers

It is also interesting that Russians have spent over 20,000 day in space while Chinese have spent a whopping 19 days in space.

Keep making a fool of yourself with phrases such as "Russia had way more failed lunch than China" but the fact remains Chinas has not had very many space launches for accidents to happen, and keep ignoring the fact that the early Chinese space program used proven Russian technology, thus they ovoided many accidents.
i don't think russia aid china's early space program in 1970 but i still think they are ahead of us.
Russia was our teacher before. Now it's not. 所有的老师都要学费,就算义务教育都有间接的学费。世界上没有免费的午餐!
Russia was our teacher before. Now it's not. 所有的老师都要学费,就算义务教育都有间接的学费。世界上没有免费的午餐!

To have USSR as our teacher, the price to pay was to lose Outer Mongolia and starved million of our peasants.

Some people should stop acting that we owed Russian money.
According to the source you provided, the earliest record of chinese space program appeared in 1970. Do you knew there was a thing called "sino-soviet split", which happened in 1960 and culminated in 1969? how comes russia helped china's lanuch earliest rocket? did you made it up or happened in another universe?

i am not saying china is ahead of US, Russia, EU,or Japan but i suggest you look foward than live in the past. China's space program is developing by leaps and bounds

China launched 15 satellites in 2010, for the first time surpassed the United States

During the cordial Sino-Soviet relations of the 1950s, the USSR engaged in a cooperative technology transfer program with the PRC under which they trained Chinese students and provided the fledgling program with a sample R-2 rocket.

Chinese space program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first Chinese missile was built in October 1958 as a reverse-engineered copy of the Soviet R-2 SRBM, itself an upgraded version of a German V-2 rocket. Its range was 590 km, weighing 20.5 tons and propelled with liquid oxygen and alcohol.

During the cordial Sino-Soviet relations of the 1950s, the USSR engaged in a cooperative technology transfer program with the PRC under which they trained Chinese students and provided the fledgling program with a sample R-2 rocket.

Russia also assisted the Chinese space program within the last 20 years, this included transfer of technology as well as training.
R2 is not a space program but a short-range ballistic missile. R2 is actually a russian copy of V2 rocket in itself. China acquired it in 1958 and produced it under the designation of DF1.
China's first space rocket is CZ-1 launched in 1970. DF is china's ballastic missile family while CZ is china's space rocket family.space rocket and SRBM are way different. it is too exaggerated to say CZ-1 is developed on the basis of german V2.
you also didn't admit the possiblity that russia space program was a result of V2

During the cordial Sino-Soviet relations of the 1950s, the USSR engaged in a cooperative technology transfer program with the PRC under which they trained Chinese students and provided the fledgling program with a sample R-2 rocket.

Chinese space program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Russia also assisted the Chinese space program within the last 20 years, this included transfer of technology as well as training.
Don't be an ingrate in this world. Given credit where credit is due.

The old Imperial Russia gave Manchu "China" nothing and took everything.

But the USSR "gave" the PRC a great deal - from technology to text books. Yes text books! I didn't know the text books I studied off were Russian/USSR in origin until my dad set me straight.

Yes, Stalin engineered Outer Mongolia's breakaway. And Brezhnev even planned to nuke China. But does Mao's one-minded craziness not factor in? Will getting Outer Mongolia "back" solve China's problems?

It's not about what you "lost", it's about what you have. And about who helped you and when in making the most of what you have.

And BTW there is nothing wrong with a Christian Russia, as long as they do not live a hypocrisy as the Tsars have, which is easy to do when organized religions get mixed up with states and "vested interests". A "proper Christian" Russia is better than an atheist/Stalinist USSR by a long shot.

Again, it's hard to be "proper" even for an individual who professes faith, let alone a nation.

BTW, as much as USSR's industrialization was "historically determined" and "necessary", Stalin's was not the only way ... but that's another topic.

It's a tragedy that so many PRC "cyber patriots" actively deny the Grace of the Higher Authority and take pride in (what they think are) atheism. Take note that militant, state-backed atheism was and is not a necessary pre-requisite for industrialization. Secondly, atheism does not automatically engender self-reliance and conversely, believing in a higher authority does not mean sitting there and waiting for "manna" ... in the sense of "modernization" of a nation and bringing science and "enlightenment" to a people!

Granted, I see the problems China would face today if the rulers suddenly renounced "official atheism", and everything from FLG to Christian Zionism to Talibanism to New-age Taosim to most backward superstitions will try to carve out a niche, with visible and unseens hands pulling strings backstage.

To a limited extent, that's already happening ...

But all in all, atheism is but a means to an end. But something else might just be the end unto itself.

Men with organized religion grew haughty, and they were humbled. Men with enforced atheism grow haughty, the humbling will come as surely as night follows day. The fall of USSR after 70 years was but one example.

As Marshal Chen Yi was fond of saying, “善有善报,恶有恶报;不是不报,时候未到” ... Does that sound like an unreformed Social Darwinist / rabid atheist speaking?
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