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China's new launch rocket

Firstly, Russia can built to pak-fa on it's own but a joint project is obviously cheaper, as for the JF-17 it was a joint project with both China and Pakistan funding the project, thus it does not matter if China uses it or not, and you still conveniently ignored the Typhoon and Tornado as being funded by multiple countries.

No one said it didn't, but the program is very expensive, thus the need to have a joint venture makes sense.

What is this? Did you smoke something? The above nonsense is as random and ridiculous as well you know..., and why do you ignore the subject, why do you not tolerate Christians in China but you freely practice Buddhism in a Christian country?

And stop using those gay and annoying colors in large and bolds and fonts, also plese refrain from using the word 'LOL' it makes you sound like a 13 year old girl.


I sound like a 13 year old girl? Ha, that's fine!! To me you sound like an 80 year old man, very wise. :partay::partay:
Your consistently petty behavior reflects poorly on Indian nationals. I'm not sure why you have such a defensive attitude, but if somebody has hurt your feelings you don't have to lash out at everybody.

You know hitler had that high opinion of himself, like you chinese. That arrogrance- Saw that same trait in you and your brethen. China may become the largest economy in the world some day. But you will still not be a super power( US will always be that and surrounds you on all sides) and you guys will still be looked upon as a pariah amongst developed countries. I hope that was not to hurtful of me...;)

The only influence you will exert on the world stage- is with cheap plastic products
Who cares if China ever becomes the biggest baddest whatever you're talking about? These chest beating ramblings you think are so important are irrelevant to Chinese and every exploited country who need China to succeed so they can escape the unjust system they've been forced into by the Anglo-Saxon world order, aka "Western" alliance. There's a reason why the WTO, IMF and World Bank are so hated by poor countries.

No matter how much abuse you heap on China, China will not abandon India. This Indian hostility is a historical anomaly in China - Hindi/Bengali/Tamil/Negrito/Punjabi/Dravidian/etc. relations and it is 100% the result of how the British Empire purposely mishandled the border issue, as they have sown the seeds of conflict in practically every part of the world they once colonized.
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