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Kashmir a flashpoint for another India-Pak war, Nawaz Sharif says

Had Pakistan really wanted Kashmir in 1947 - 48 they would have used a faster, more efficient method to work on the Maharaja who was the key, like assassination, blackmail, kidnap, befriend, entice, or otherwise influence. There was no use killing, raping, and terorising the poorest Kashmiris mostly Muslims. They would have taken utmost precaution to prevent India entering the picture. Purpose probably was to create a permanent device for capturing attention of Pakistanis, not to capture Kashmir outright.

They wisely did not intend to kill the goose that would lay golden eggs. And what a big clutch of golden eggs it has laid regularly ever since. Those golden eggs have kept the social experiment called Pakistan going strong with no signs of ending soon. Mian Nawaz Sharif is sincerely following the tradition. Whether or not war is imminent is not relevant, it is certain that neither side will push for decision. This goose is special, it lays one kind of golden eggs for one master, another kind for the other, and both are wise enough not to want the production to end soon.

Fools were partitioned between India and Pakistan, the wise ones had a good laugh and remain united in purpose.
:rofl: arnab defies laws of physics my friend.

Indeed! The most prominent being Newtons II law. heres how

Any reaction (from Arnab) shall not have even infinitesimally small reaction from others on debate
Any slight reaction from speakers shall have a massively large unequal reaction from Arnab

Had Pakistan really wanted Kashmir in 1947 - 48 they would have used a faster, more efficient method to work on the Maharaja who was the key, like assassination, blackmail, kidnap, befriend, entice, or otherwise influence. There was no use killing, raping, and terorising the poorest Kashmiris mostly Muslims. They would have taken utmost precaution to prevent India entering the picture. Purpose probably was to create a permanent device for capturing attention of Pakistanis, not to capture Kashmir outright.

They wisely did not intend to kill the goose that would lay golden eggs. And what a big clutch of golden eggs it has laid regularly ever since. Those golden eggs have kept the social experiment called Pakistan going strong with no signs of ending soon. Mian Nawaz Sharif is sincerely following the tradition. Whether or not war is imminent is not relevant, it is certain that neither side will push for decision. This goose is special, it lays one kind of golden eggs for one master, another kind for the other, and both are wise enough not to want the production to end soon.

Fools were partitioned between India and Pakistan, the wise ones had a good laugh and remain united in purpose.

mewooooo seems the new upgrade have dragged multiple Id owners out from holes.
i know these are available in Pakistan too.

The main point is that these darkies in both the countries are ashamed of their own skin color and want to get fair. :P

and you are right why to ban fairness creams when the mentality of desis is darker itself so no matter what is the fact they will find dark as ugly.

one wonders when these fuglies find fault with other dark colored people, have they ever took pain to look in mirror.
we indians are darkies because we are indians........pakistanis are whites because you are true ARABS.....E N D O F T H E M A T T E R
It will be great if Pakistan can wage a war. It will give good practice to indian forces. To get ready and keep precaution against china.
Also the signing of new projects might speed up.
here a timeless song from a legend (Mehmood Sahab) from movie Gumnaam

I saw this film when I was a kid through DD national, unfortunately, I was not able to watch the climax and it was bugging me for many years.. After a stretch of 9 years, I was able to view the climax of this film and I was very much disappointed :(
If you don't STFU we will claim the whole of Pakistan....

Now why did I even bother to reply to this kid? I must be going outta my mind on PDF seeing the trash that's being spewed out here.


Why are you letting a junior guy get under your skin.

Even if all the Indian posters on PDF say in unison, Kashmir belongs to Pakistan,

Will that change the map.

Heck no.

So just be friendly.

No need to get riled up whenever the word Kashmir comes up.

Sometimes I feel (Im probably wrong) that some clever Pakistani has figured out that by using one word, one forking keyword or shall I say K-word, he can push Indian button that 100s of them will start hollering and shouting and barking.

And that's really pathetic. But majority of Indians, and 100% of them on PDF are highly educated and thus able to control themselves on just one forking issue.

It will be great if Pakistan can wage a war. It will give good practice to indian forces. To get ready and keep precaution against china.
Also the signing of new projects might speed up.

I wish you were right.

But it isn't so

India and Pakistan will destroy their own people if they use nuclear bombs and missiles
we indians are darkies because we are indians........pakistanis are whites because you are true ARABS.....E N D O F T H E M A T T E R

It is not about darkies and whities.

It is about having European features (brown skin white features) vs. Indian features (brown or dark brown skin, bigger flatter nose, big lips etc).

The day I see main actress who looks like village woman (similar to Australian aborigine) in the bollywood movies, I'll accept that Indians accept their own features.

p.s. BTW the same goes for Pakistani movie industry as well.
Faujhistorion re your post
It is about having European features (brown skin white features) vs. Indian features (brown or dark brown skin, bigger flatter nose, big lips etc).

Its also about being inbred and having lots of retarded children as you people marry blood relatives.

Finally you people look nothing like whites or Arabs so STOP FLATTERING yourself.

Pakistanis in pakistani look like this hardly european or arab LOL LOL LOL LOL


please tell who is more arab than the other

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India will avoid war at all cost. Because war will stagnate our economy and will give China more leap ahead of us than they already have.

IMO, Only Manmohan singh govt will avoid war. Modi wont put up with this non-sense for too long.

A short war is actually good for economy. :guns:

Im not in favor of war, infact I would like India to bail out Pakistan from their financial melt-down in exchange for Kashmir. jus my 2 cents.
IMO, Only Manmohan singh govt will avoid war. Modi wont put up with this non-sense for too long.
A short war is actually good for economy. :guns:
Im not in favor of war, infact I would like India to bail out Pakistan from their financial melt-down in exchange for Kashmir. jus my 2 cents.
Once group of industrialist met Indian PM, ABVP, that please stop this nuclear talk, it creates concern among investors and not good for business.

Right now our biggest challenge is our internal conflicts, basic problems etc.

To cure the problem of Maoist insurgency we need high scale investment in raising the education, economic level of the people.

More the discontent among the people grows, more the economy comes down, unemployment and poverty rises which is like fertilizer for these insurgents.

A common man wants food for his family, shelter, security and then education.

They don't give a damn about Kashmir or anything.
No doubt.

These issues will take its time to be resolved. We cannot undo the damage that took years in making.
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