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No scope of Pakistan winning war in my lifetime, says Prime Minister

in other words he was saying Pakistan will win a war soon, how old is he now?
Of course Paksitan can beat India. The same way it is beating USA, NATO and beat India in the past with the most remarkable of those wins being 1971. Way to go

killing hindu is not haram :cheesy:

Very revealing of the Muslim mindset. But then who is surprised
Let me make it easy for you to understand - India doesnt live in its metros, 70% of India lives in its villages and towns, equally 70% of its economy does not come from its cities but from its rural populace - equally the whole administrative structure is saturated upto village panchayats to zillas to districts to state governments - I am sure in your desperation you will lobe at best a salvo of 10 missiles (not 1000's as some of your fanboys say, simply because you do not have more than 50 long range missiles to carry them) and this salvo will surely cripple India but it does jack to our first, second and third strike capability that will launch even before your nukes are take off from your land based missile sites.
This is a fan boyish statements; much of your Nuclear delivery platforms are Air based ; do you know that BMs are much more effective and less vunerable than AIR based delivery platforms?
Of course Paksitan can beat India. The same way it is beating USA, NATO and beat India in the past with the most remarkable of those wins being 1971. Way to go

Very revealing of the Muslim mindset. But then who is surprised

you should read the posts leading to it, not just one line from the last post and reveal your wisdom.

this is like someone reading you reply to my post and saying this guy is so racist towards muslim
This is a fan boyish statements; much of your Nuclear delivery platforms are Air based ; do you know that BMs are much more effective and less vunerable than AIR based delivery platforms?

lol, who told you that? you think we need more than the range of prithvi and agni 1 & 2 or K15 to take out entire Pakistan?
lol, who told you that? you think we need more than the range of prithvi and agni 1 & 2 or K15 to take out entire Pakistan?
ahh..... whats that even supposed to mean?
What i mean was that much of your delivery platforms are air based.... in layman terms (airplanes are more vunreable than BMs)
wow...two totally opposite conversations goin on together.........wat a paradox

you should read the posts leading to it, not just one line from the last post and reveal your wisdom.

this is like someone reading you reply to my post and saying this guy is so racist towards muslim

tat dosn mean u shld fall to tat level too......n the way u said killing "killing hindu is not haram" ...boy no wonder why world is so against islam ...did he say killing muslims gives moksha.....yeah lets kill hindus and hindu children and women as it is not haram..........shame on u
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ahh..... whats that even supposed to mean?
What i mean was that much of your delivery platforms are air based.... in layman terms (airplanes are more vunreable than BMs)

lol and which little birdie told you that? have you heard of the strateggic force command - its something like the chinese who have a whole brigade command (forgot the name of it) purely for launching of missiles - check on the dates of when prithvi, agni 1, agni 2 and agni 3 were deployed with the respective services and the SFC...when we say that any nuclear threat will be responded with a no holds barred, unprecendated retaliatory nuke strike we arent joking.....the point of the matter is even in a nuclear exchange ( the wet dream of most Pakistanis here, including their imaginary 1000's of missiles and flattening India) India will come out the winner (though probably crippled).
Pakistan Proud on MM alam so heres the Indian reply
----- MM alam , he had
destroyed only 5 canberra bombers
instead of surrounded by formation of
8 wingmen by f-86 sabres , the state
of art sub sonic fighter of that era ,
whr every body knows that bomber
maneuverability is always sustains 0
infront of fighters , now see the
Nirmal jit Sekhon , he alone chopped
4 sabres with his aged folland gnats ,
in just a minute , yes ur mm alam got
air success but sekhon had achieved
the air valor
we have possible sea based delivery platform too; Babur can be launched from the torpedo tube of Agosta 90b
as for 100 warheads;
realy no need; 50 Warheads will cause damage to an extent that Indian Government and society as a whole collapses
wait a min are u trying to say that india will sit silent and see its landmass being nuked ??? bro , for your info u dont need a pakistani missile to strike indian landmass for india to start retaliating .. relatiation starts immediately after the pakistani missiles takes off...
wait a min are u trying to say that india will sit silent and see its landmass being nuked ??? bro , for your info u dont need a pakistani missile to strike indian landmass for india to start retaliating .. relatiation starts immediately after the pakistani missiles takes off...
agreed..... it is mutual destruction
It takes 20/25/30 years to raise a single person, the parents shower their love and affection into the life, enrich his/her life with education, personal development and provide for him/her the best they can.

They dream to see the day their son will grow tall, stand on his own feet, get married and have children. They dream to see the day they as grand parents will play with their grand children and see them grow tall and start lives of their own.

But all this can be snatched away by the reckless actions of wretched old men who despite their years have not the wisdom of a tempestuous, tantrum throwing two year old.

In short; war is young men dying and old men talking. There is nothing glorious about war!
Haha this thread is hilarious. pakistanis come from Central Asian invaders?! Pick up a book all muslims are low caste converts. Through your veins runs pure dalit blood. Nothing to be ashamed.

agreed..... it is mutual destruction
It won't be though. India can absorb a nuclear attack by pakistan
I am surprised that a pakistani accepted that they actually went nuclear by stealing and its not an conspiracy theory.

Thank you its really feel good when you present fact and someone accept it instead of giving silly excuses :-):toast_sign:

:cheesy: one chor is happy to meet another chor dahhhhhhhhh
wow...two totally opposite conversations goin on together.........wat a paradox

tat dosn mean u shld fall to tat level too......n the way u said killing "killing hindu is not haram" ...boy no wonder why world is so against islam ...did he say killing muslims gives moksha.....yeah lets kill hindus and hindu children and women as it is not haram..........shame on u

so you agree with him that Pakistanis are harami, you didnt say anything about that but your gauge is stuck on what i said...it mean you also think Pakistani (muslims) are harami, you are one racist hindu
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