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No scope of Pakistan winning war in my lifetime, says Prime Minister

we have possible sea based delivery platform too; Babur can be launched from the torpedo tube of Agosta 90b
as for 100 warheads;
realy no need; 50 Warheads will cause damage to an extent that Indian Government and society as a whole collapses

LOL, your PN Will be on the sea bed by the time IN gets through it, even if one ship ventures out of Karachi port it will be tailed by a dozen IN vessels, your 3 agosta subs will be our primary target for attack at the beginning of the war, so forget about launching any baburs from your ships...the danger(and the only danger) comes from your baburs, shaheen 2 and ghauri which possibily will score kills with their sub kiloton nukes. What I am talking about is a retaliatory strike that will decimate your entire landmass - so even if the war turns nuclear (as per every Pakistani's dream) who do you think comes out the winner.

First of all 50 nukess do its share of damage but will not take out India and prevent it from employing its first, second and third strike capability - you need 10,000 nukes for that....be realistic - even if its nuclear there wont be a Pakistan on this Earth.
we have possible sea based delivery platform too; Babur can be launched from the torpedo tube of Agosta 90b
as for 100 warheads;
realy no need; 50 Warheads will cause damage to an extent that Indian Government and society as a whole collapses

yeah and the 4th strongest army wont retaliate to that....oh come on...u r an analyst..dun talk like a kid....soon we are gonna achieve nuclear traid.....
He said in his lifetime pakistan can't win a war he didn't commented on after his death. Sorry pakistanis if you teachers are not teaching you english properly.

And sorry again for no one can teach common sense to pakistan :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Pathetic illiterate people..
Well English is not our national language and neither we suffer from any complex. Regarding common sense well they say its not so common. Heck just check your PM had to gave a statement for something that should be understandable by common sense :haha: If he wouldn't have said it India was on the mercy of Pakistan :o:
LOL, your PN Will be on the sea bed by the time IN gets through it, even if one ship ventures out of Karachi port it will be tailed by a dozen IN vessels, your 3 agosta subs will be our primary target for attack at the beginning of the war, so forget about launching any baburs from your ships...the danger(and the only danger) comes from your baburs, shaheen 2 and ghauri which possibily will score kills with their sub kiloton nukes. What I am talking about is a retaliatory strike that will decimate your entire landmass - so even if the war turns nuclear (as per every Pakistani's dream) who do you think comes out the winner.
Well it was not a very intelligent technical post posts; so i am gonna reply the same
Well good luck detecting a submarine with AIP
and secondly the warhead on babur is 15-35Kt NOT SUBKILOTON and it is even larger in our BMs

First of all 50 nukess do its share of damage but will not take out India and prevent it from employing its first, second and third strike capability - you need 10,000 nukes for that....be realistic - even if its nuclear there wont be a Pakistan on this Earth.
Agreed ; but my point is there will be no India either
yeah and the 4th strongest army wont retaliate to that....oh come on...u r an analyst..dun talk like a kid....soon we are gonna achieve nuclear traid.....
Of cource it will
You are one confused monkey

First of all the concept of the indian state or nation is a modern one, before that there was no India there were countless wars and brutality and invasions amongst the numerous different states with the thousands of different kings.

If you didnt have the balls or the power to conquer anyone else it was because of lack of ability rather then lack of desire

You havent finished Pakistan because you CANT finish us

Your nuclear shield is useless, Pakistan will have thousands of missiles and other projectiles heading towards india, a missile defence shield is a dodgy concept at the best of times but when the country firing the missiles at you is next door then to rely on a missle defense shield becomes retarded when you think of the amount of time Pakistani missiles will reach indian targets

Dont worry son, Pakistani nuclear warheads work

Yes the ancestores of Pakistani were shamefully hindu's (My people were apparently Rajputs whatever that is), they shamefuly worshipped idols, but alhamdulilla we have left such jahilat behind and became beleivers of the one true God

we dun wanna finish u...why shld we finish u at the first place coz unlike u...majority of pakistanis are good people...and about pakistan finishing india......impossible....seconds after ur missile launch....ur country will be annihilated as our spy satellites are constantly monitering ur airspace
Well it was not a very intelligent technical post posts; so i am gonna reply the same
Well good luck detecting a submarine with AIP
and secondly the warhead on babur is 15-35Kt NOT SUBKILOTON and it is even larger in our BMs

Agreed ; but my point is there will be no India either

Of cource it will

15 to 35 Kt nukes deployed on puny babur launched from imaginary torpedo tubes of puny agosta subs???????? and you are so called researcher and developer on PDF?

your 50 sub kiloton nukes doesnt take out 8000 towns and cities and lakhs of villages in India - 80% of India will survive - the question is will we allow you to lob 50 nukes at us.
Well English is not our national language and neither we suffer from any complex. Regarding common sense well they say its not so common. Heck just check your PM had to gave a statement for something that should be understandable by common sense :haha: If he wouldn't have said it India was on the mercy of Pakistan :o:

If english is not ur national language and you are not suffering from any complex they why the heck ur people are making Movies in english like WAAR and movies like waar breaking all the records in pakistan (although majority of pakistan can't even understand english)
it proves you people are hypocrite and posses anti india sentiment. Be honest and accept that pakistan is hypocrite nation

Its ur PM who started all this(poor guy sharif ISI made him say so).
If english is not ur national language and you are not suffering from any complex they why the heck ur people are making Movies in english like WAAR and movies like waar breaking all the records in pakistan (although majority of pakistan can't even understand english)
it proves you people are hypocrite and posses anti india sentiment. Be honest and accept that pakistan is hypocrite nation

Its ur PM who started all this(poor guy sharif ISI made him say so).

Movies in English... versatility dear :D Making a movie in another language is hypocrisy :crazy: I have a feeling I am responding to some kid :omghaha:
15 to 35 Kt nukes deployed on puny babur launched from imaginary torpedo tubes of puny agosta subs???????? and you are so called researcher and developer on PDF?
Actually I am not the RnD anymore i got promoted to Think Tank Analyst ; will get my colours soon please avoid ad hominems
The diameter of babur and torpedo launch tube is same ;)
your 50 sub kiloton nukes doesnt take out 8000 towns and cities and lakhs of villages in India - 80% of India will survive - the question is will we allow you to lob 50 nukes at us.
Incase of of a full scale nuclear war boyh countries will be flattened enough that there cival and social structure will be destroyed. that is my point
Who watch your TV shows ?better get your mind right boy.Even some peoples in pakistan now
talk to people with 'Namaste'.I dont think pakistani urdu channel has a life in India.Maybe some people see but less than 1%.Who are your ancestors?which language are you talking about?Go and check ancestary ,may be you can find your root in India.

well this "boy" doesnt even want to reply to this childish post, but its so irresistible not to
some people in Paksitan celebrate xmas, and wish merry xmas to others too
some people in pakistan celebrate valentines day, fathers day, mothers day.
some Indian who know me as Pakistani say salam to me, yes hindu indians.

yes my ancestors who came and conquered India, they mostly came from Central Asian and turkey and brought Muslim culture in India. What you see in India today is the culture of Sub continent, but I some time wonder why most Poets and musicians in the sub continent are muslim, and you can call them urdu songs more than hindi songs
Movies in English... versatility dear :D Making a movie in another language is hypocrisy :crazy: I have a feeling I am responding to some kid

Man.. Have you lost it :omghaha:

You are making movies in english when majority of your people can't even understand English.
And people are going to watch that movie even though they don't even knw what the actor is saying

See for example i wrote in simple english but still i have to explain my point to you. DOn't worry you'll learn enlish soon.. keep tryin..

well this "boy" doesnt even want to reply to this childish post, but its so irresistible not to
some people in Paksitan celebrate xmas, and wish merry xmas to others too
some people in pakistan celebrate valentines day, fathers day, mothers day.
some Indian who know me as Pakistani say salam to me, yes hindu indians.

yes my ancestors who came and conquered India, they mostly came from Central Asian and turkey and brought Muslim culture in India. What you see in India today is the culture of Sub continent, but I some time wonder why most Poets and musicians in the sub continent are muslim, and you can call them urdu songs more than hindi songs

Your ancestors were muslims....?? Sure its ur choice to live in delusion
by the way ur so called ancestors invaded india so they killed innocent people which is harm in quran. So you are decedents of harms i.e pakistanis are harmis
Actually I am not the RnD anymore i got promoted to Think Tank Analyst ; will get my colours soon please avoid ad hominems
The diameter of babur and torpedo launch tube is same ;)

Incase of of a full scale nuclear war boyh countries will be flattened enough that there cival and social structure will be destroyed. that is my point

lol, yeah sure diameter of babur and diameter of agosta's torpedo tubes are same so you can launch baburs....my chimmneys probably the same width - so I can launch nukes from it as well.

NO you cannot flatten India - you do not have 10000 nukes to flatten India - thats the whole point.
NO you cannot flatten India - you do not have 10000 nukes to flatten India - thats the whole point.
OK l i will make this easy for you to understand
  • We don't need to target each and every population center to destroy economic ; cival structure of india
Man.. Have you lost it :omghaha:

You are making movies in english when majority of your people can't even understand English.
And people are going to watch that movie even though they don't even knw what the actor is saying

See for example i wrote in simple english but still i have to explain my point to you. DOn't worry you'll learn enlish soon.. keep tryin..

Your ancestors were muslims....?? Sure its ur choice to live in delusion
by the way ur so called ancestors invaded india so they killed innocent people which is harm in quran. So you are decedents of harms i.e pakistanis are harmis

killing hindu is not haram :cheesy:
but if you want to go on this path then keep going, but remember no name calling few days down the road.

by the way its the dumbest thing to ask you dont know english here on PDF, that only means you have no logic.
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OK l i will make this easy for you to understand
  • We don't need to target each and every population center to destroy economic ; cival structure of india

Let me make it easy for you to understand - India doesnt live in its metros, 70% of India lives in its villages and towns, equally 70% of its economy does not come from its cities but from its rural populace - equally the whole administrative structure is saturated upto village panchayats to zillas to districts to state governments - I am sure in your desperation you will lobe at best a salvo of 10 missiles (not 1000's as some of your fanboys say, simply because you do not have more than 50 long range missiles to carry them) and this salvo will surely cripple India but it does jack to our first, second and third strike capability that will launch even before your nukes are take off from your land based missile sites.
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