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No scope of Pakistan winning war in my lifetime, says Prime Minister

Size is a silly excuse Great Britain once ruled the whole world at one point of time so don't give all these silly excuses And you never occupied half kashmir rather a small part of it that too by deception by attacking on our back coz your army did'nt had guts to confront indian army.

Your country can't even afford its own nuclear weapon and that's why have to beg. AQ khan stole the technology to make nuclear bombs which is a fact now and still failed to make bombs after few years and that why you went to china to beg once again.. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Pakistan is a born begger accept it. And about urdu don't forget Urdu is derived from hindi and was developed in India BY ur hindu ancestors , i don't knw what students are taught in school..

???????????? In modern warfare considering we are nations who share a massive border it is shamefull that india has not been able to defeat Pakistan a nation who is far smaller then it and over whom india has a massive advantage in size and man power.

The fact that Pakistan has not only survived by been able to fight back against such a large foe has been a miracle

Pakistan has over 100 nuclear war heads more then enough to end your country and dont you forget it

Urdu is a muslim language developed by and for muslims, it is a bridge between the various muslims from the subcontinent and muslims who came into the subcontinent from persia, arabia, turkic countries etc so they could speak, it eventually developed into the language of the mughal court

India was ruled for many centuries by Muslims, the local population would have learned the language of its masters not the other way around
Haha ; this debate will be fun
Incase of a full scale war (with India's Objectives as ambitious as you mentioned) there is a great probability of Full scale Nuclear exchange ; are you aware of that?
When an Indian is on a flight of fantasy anything is possible :enjoy: Their PM winning WAR against Pakistan, their Army chief winning a two front war with china and Pakistan. :blah::blah::blah:
Haha ; this debate will be fun
Incase of a full scale war (with India's Objectives as ambitious as you mentioned) there is a great probability of Full scale Nuclear exchange ; are you aware of that?

Even if its a nuclear war (its funny that every Pakistani only talks of nukes) who do you think will win? are you aware of the depth of the Indian land mass or the length and breadth of India? - there are approximately 8000 towns and cities in India and hundreds of thousands of villages.

Ok, lets assume for a second that after the battering from conventional forces and the IN, you succeed in launching 10 missiles from your missile sites in the first salvo (and your last) - the repurcussion will take out 80-90% of Pakistan.
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Even if its a nuclear war (its funny that every Pakistani only talks of nukes) who do you think will win? are you aware of the depth of the Indian land mass or the length and breadth of India? - there are approximately 8000 towns and cities in India and hundreds of thousands of villages.
If there is a nuclear war no one will be the winner mate and my home state of punjab will be ruined.
No possibility of Pakistan winning any war against India in my lifetime: PM

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday said there was no possibility of Pakistan winning any war against India in his "lifetime".

"There is no scope of Pakistan winning any such war in my lifetime," he told reporters.

He was reacting to a reported statement of Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a daily newspaper that Kashmir is a flash point which "can trigger a fourth war" with India.

The reported statement was published in an influential daily of Pakistan, which has since been denied. Sharif's office said he had never "uttered these words" in his address to the Pak-occupied Kashmir Council and described the report as "baseless, incorrect and based on malafide intentions".

No possibility of Pakistan winning any war against India in my lifetime: PM - The Times of India
Long Live MMS....:partay:

by the way,this comment made Pakistanis hopeful.. :rofl:
Even if its a nuclear war (its funny that every Pakistani only talks of nukes) who do you think will win? are you aware of the depth of the Indian land mass or the length and breadth of India? - there are approximately 8000 towns and cities in India and hundreds of thousands of villages.
I am fully aware; I have run thousands of simulations
And we don't need to take down each and every city; only the more strategic ones or the most populated ones; hundred warheads on 100 most populated cities an that will cause 40 million instant deaths ; ignoring fallout effects ofcource
all i want to say is that incase of a full scale nuclear exchange nobody is a winner
???????????? In modern warfare considering we are nations who share a massive border it is shamefull that india has not been able to defeat Pakistan a nation who is far smaller then it and over whom india has a massive advantage in size and man power.

The fact that Pakistan has not only survived by been able to fight back against such a large foe has been a miracle

Pakistan has over 100 nuclear war heads more then enough to end your country and dont you forget it

Urdu is a muslim language developed by and for muslims, it is a bridge between the various muslims from the subcontinent and muslims who came into the subcontinent from persia, arabia, turkic countries etc so they could speak, it eventually developed into the language of the mughal court

India was ruled for many centuries by Muslims, the local population would have learned the language of its masters not the other way around

Yeah india could have finished pakistna's chapter but we never intended so and remember India never invaded any nation in its 10,000 year old history. :-)

You have nuclear weapons no one knows wheater the will work or not. You beg to china for nuclear weapons when you failed to produces your own with stolen technology shame.. :rofl::rofl:

And we too have nuclear weapons and also work on defence shield is over now and DRDO is testing them which will detect and destroy misscles from a distance of 2500 KM :taz::taz:

Urdu is dervied from Hindi and sankrit Shame on you and also your ancestors were hindu shame again now spit and drown in that.. :yahoo::yahoo:
I find it really funny that you people, a country the size of Pakistan in every aspect, even considered that Pakistan will win a war, so much so that your prime minister has to calm the entire nation. its very flattering indeed, thank you so much for uplifting Pakistan's morale. a good neighbor indeed.

As they say foolishness and stupidly has no limits
Your PM has been blabbering some shit too.

one moment he says visa free travel and then talks about war between India and Pakistan. Sarphira kahika.....

He thinks Indians are like his dumb electoral he can talk any contradictions, hypocrisies, double talk lies and not be picked up by em.
I am fully aware; I have run thousands of simulations
And we don't need to take down each and every city; only the more strategic ones or the most populated ones; hundred warheads on 100 most populated cities an that will cause 40 million instant deaths ; ignoring fallout effects ofcource
all i want to say is that incase of a full scale nuclear exchange nobody is a winner
We have nukes. We will nuke you Pakistan. And thereafter once we have nuked your entire country we will nuke Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal just for the heck of it. Then we will grow oranges on your land since the nukes would have nuked all the people. Thereafter we will become the biggest orange exporter in the world and we will use that money to build more nukes and to acquire more orange farm territory :D

No scope of Pakistan winning war in my lifetime
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